Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Exploring Epigenetics as a Tool for Population Assessment and Conservation in Large Marine Predators, Andria Paige Beal
Intimate Alterities: Shifting Indigenous Masculinities and Sexualities within Amazonian Ecotourism in Napo, Ecuador, Ernesto Javier Benitez
French Muslim Youth’s Perception of their Cultural Identity in a Post-Charlie Hebdo Reality in the 19th Arrondissement., Gaelle Flora Bernard
Actually-Existing Resilience: The Adaptive Actions of Miami’s Redland Farmers and Potential Pathways for Transformation, Melissa Bernardo
Growth of Diatom Fistulifera Alcalina in Bacterial Co-culture and Comparative Mitogenomics of Fistulifera Species, Erwin David Berthold
Transformative Constitutionalism and the Adjudication of Elections in Kenya, Carl Bevelhymer
Structural Dynamics of Membrane Interacting Viral Proteins, Nisha Bhattarai
NRF1 Transcriptomic Signatures Contribute to the Pathogenesis of the Most Aggressive Brain Cancer - Glioblastoma, Kaumudi M. Bhawe
Correlating the Effect of Dynamic Variability in the Sensor Environment on Sensor Design, Pulak Bhushan
The Creation of International Crimes: How Narratives Shape Our Understanding of the "Most Serious Crimes of International Concern", Christine Bianco
Dynamic Flood Management at The Watershed Scale, Linlong S. Bian
Alliance-Outcome Associations in Interventions for Youth Internalizing Disorders: Identifying Mediators and Moderators, Deepika Bose
Understanding Individual Differences within Large-scale Brain Networks across Cognitive Contexts, Katherine L. Bottenhorn
Culture and Context's Influence on Hispanic Undergraduates' Perceptions of Their Persistence toward STEM Degree Attainment, Elsa I. Bravo
Targeting Burdensomeness among Clinic Referred Youth: Development of a CBT Module, Victor Buitron
An Exploration of Factors Related to Suicidality and Trauma in LGBTQ Refugees and Asylees, Aaron Burgess
Sephardi Identity & Legitimacy in the Age of Direct-to-Consumer DNA Tests, Caitlyn Rose Campana
Mediating Effects of Foster Care Experiences on Employment and Educational Outcomes in Aged Out Former Foster Youth, John Campbell
Mindful Brand: Development and Validation of a Mindful Brand Scale (MBS), Ellen Campos Sousa
Perceived Entrepreneur Quality and Company Performance: A Study of Accelerator Impact on Startups., Henry Canfield
Sacred Herbs and Ancient Healers: Decolonizing Traditional Mexican Medicinal Practices, Julio Carmona Rosales
Evaluating Treatment for Trauma Bonding in a Sample of Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Single-Case Design Study, Cherelle D. Carrington
Deployable Tightly Coupled Dipole Arrays For Small Satellites, Maxence Carvalho
Tracing the Amerindian Influence on the Caribbean Diaspora’s Beliefs and Practices: A Study of the African and Indigenous Caribbean Religious Encounter and its Indelible Signs, Alejandro Casas Reyes
Spatializing Student Engagement: A Phenomenological Study on Experiencing Space, Place, and a College Campus, Ivan Ceballos
Atlantic Legacies: Free Women of Color And The Changing Notions Of Womanhood In The Long Nineteenth Century, Marie Stephanie Chancy
The Impact of Family Member CEO Demographics on Entrepreneurial Orientation and Financial Performance in Family Firms, Jaly Vibeth Chea Menéndez
Investigating Individual Difference Among Workplace Incivility and its Organizational Outcomes in the Chinese Context, Yuejia Chen
Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization of Compact, Counterflow Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Based Heat Exchangers, Janhavi Chitale
Development of an Ultra-High Performance Concrete Joint Detail for Short-Span Bridges, Francisco De Jesus Chitty Gozalo
Carbon Storage of Restored Mangrove Forests in Biscayne Bay, Florida, Daniel Chomin-Virden
A Review of Logistic Regression and its Application, Sultana Mubarika Rahman Chowdhury
Characterization of Biological Samples using Multi-modal Mass Spectrometry, Yarixa L. Cintron-Diaz
Aptamer-based Voltammetric Biosensing for the detection of Codeine and Fentanyl in Sweat and Saliva, Rosa LaShantez Cromartie
The Developmental Plasticity of Fruit Fly Vision, John Paul Currea
Penta-Modal Imaging Platform with OCT- Guided Dynamic Focusing for Simultaneous Multimodal Imaging, Arash Dadkhah
Urban Rivers As Social-Ecological Systems: An Examination of History & Ecology In the Miami River, Daniela B. Daniele
Intersectional Stigma and Barriers to Engagement in Care among Haitian Women with HIV, Edwine Daniel
Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: An Ethnographic Study of Transnational Chinese Corporate Culture in Southeast Asia, David A. Dayton
The Relationships between a Benevolent Paternalistic Managerial Behavior, Employee Perceptions of a Caring Ethical Organizational Climate and Affective Organizational Commitment in Mexico, Alejandro Miguel Delaney Dr.
Construction and Corruption in Latin America: The Role of Megaprojects Abating Government Legitimacy, Juan M. De Leon
Understanding the Cultural Factors to Build Innovation in Organizations, Ranjeet Deshmukh FIU
Effect of Flow Phonation Voice Exercises on Vocal and Aerodynamic Measures in Undergraduate Student Singers, Jorge A. Diaz
The (Cuban-)American Dream of Post-Soviet Era Cuban Émigrés: Perceptions vs. Realities, Veronica Diaz
Factors Impacting Supply Chain Performance During Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Response Operations, Walter Ismael Diaz
Uranium Fate and Mineral Transformations upon Remediation with Ammonia (NH3) Gas, Silvina A. Di Pietro
Gen Z and Millennials in the Workplace: How are Leaders Adapting to their Short Attention Span and How Will they Keep them from Leaving a Qualitative Study, Maribel Rachel Diz
Characterizing the Development and Trajectories of Nicotine Dependence Among a Cohort of Adolescent Waterpipe and Cigarette Smokers, Mohammad Ebrahimi Kalan
Infant and Child Multisensory Attention Skills: Methods, Measures, and Language Outcomes, Elizabeth V. Edgar
Condition Monitoring and Fault Tolerant Control Techniques in Electric Vehicle Drives, Hassan H. Eldeeb
Reconstructing Cyclical Browning in a Subtropical Lake from Diatoms, Meredith Emery
Our Representative On This Island: Local Belonging and Transnational Citizenship Among Syrian and Lebanese Cubans, 1880-1980, John T. Ermer Jr
Epoxy Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Dowel Splice for Prestressed Precast Concrete Pile, Saman Farhangdoust
Ligands for Complexation, Extraction, and Sensing of Mercury(II) for Application to High-Level Waste (HLW) at the Savannah River Site (SRS), Adenike O. Fasiku
Credibility and Opportunity: The Limits on U.S. Coercive Strategies After the Cold War, Danijela Felendes
Son for Everybody: Exploring Afro Cuban and African American Relations through Langston Hughes’ Translations of Nicolas Guillén’s Poetry, Hayley R. Fernandez
Develando la Cuba profunda: tradición mágico-religiosa en el teatro cubano contemporáneo, Jeniffer Fernández Hernández
Evaluating the Sustainability of Infrastructure Projects During Front-End Planning Phase, Valentina Ferrer Rivero
Invasion Genetics of the Non-native geckos Phelsuma grandis Gray 1870 and Gekko gecko (Linnaeus 1758) in Southern Florida, USA, Thomas William Fieldsend
Neurobiological Impact of HIV Infection and Chronic Cannabis Use, Jessica Shannon Flannery
The Impact of HIV-Related Stigma on the Racial/Ethnic Disparities Across the HIV Care Continuum among Adults Living with HIV in Florida, Derrick James Forney
Investigation of Carbon-based Label-Free Electrochemical Aptasensors for Point-of-Care Cancer Biomarker Detection, Shahrzad Forouzanfar
Utilizing Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction for the Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds Released from Contraband and its Implications for Detector Dog Training, Kelvin Joseph Frank Jr
Developing Sustainable Soil Building Strategies for Tropical Fruit Groves within the South Florida Redland, Ariel Freidenreich
The Prediction of Behavioral Health Outcomes in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease using the Chronic Disease Outcomes Triad Model, Lisa G. Fryar
The Impact of Governance Structure on Performance of U.S. Performing Arts Centers, Karen S. Fuller
Conservation of South Florida Orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi, Ellen Garcia
The Mango Snores, Michael S. Garcia
Understanding the Home Spatial Environment, Nelcida L. Garcia
Understanding the Underlying Mechanism of Age-Related Underactive Bladder and Proposing a Treatment Option to Mitigate its Symptoms, Arezoo Gerami Pour
A Study of Magnetism and Possible Mixed-State Superconductivity in Phosphorus-Doped Graphene, Julian E. Gil Pinzon
Former Foster Youth and Their Pursuit of a College Degree, Lori Ann Gionti
Investigating the Impacts of Sea Level Rise-induced High Groundwater Table on Florida Flexible Pavement Structural Performance, Mehmet Goksel Gocmez
The Evolution of Bioluminescence across the Shrimp Family Sergestidae: A Genomic Skimming and Phylogenetic Approach, Charles G. Golighty III
Community Cultural Wealth in Latinx Applicants to Nationally Prestigious Awards, Susy Gomez
A Grounded Theory Study of Leadership Mechanisms for Customer-Orientation Organizational Change, Maria C. Gonzalez
Girl with Broken Car Sings, Brianne M. Griffith
Split at the Root, Robert S. Gryder
Comparison of Modern and Mid-Holocene Benthic Foraminifera to Assess Recent Environmental Change in Almirante Bay, Caribbean Panama, Maria N. Gudnitz
Public-Private Partnerships in the United States: The Relevance of Public Policy and Finance, Yanbing Han
Estimation of the Mobility Benefits of Ramp Metering, Henrick Joseph Haule
The Effects of Remote Teaching Pedagogy on Online Writing Instruction, Natalie Henriquez
Determinants and Consequences of Early Filing of Financial Statements, Claudia Hernandez
Three Essays on Labor and Demographic Economics, Andra Hiriscau
Functional Strategies of Tree Fine-Roots in Relation to the Soil Environment and Microbiome: Variaiton in Root Morphology, Tissue Chemistry and Physiology, James Aaron Hogan
Cross-Mixing Hybrid Beamforming Receiver for Wideband Apertures, Rimon Hokayem
When Two Worlds Meet: Academic Advisors’ Understanding of the Exploratory Student Experience at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Hazel E. Hooker
Three Essays in Volatility, Yu Hu
The Effect of Cross-functional Integration on Organizational Performance: A Look at Collaboration, Coordination, and Communication, Loraine A. Jackson
Challenges of Inductive Electric Vehicle Charging Systems in both Stationary and Dynamic Modes, Hassan Jafari Mr
Impact-Based Analytics of Cascaded False Data Injection Attacks on Smart Grids, Mohamadsaleh Jafari
Inducing Stereotypical Character Roles from Plot Structure, Labiba Jahan