Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Effect of Using the Snackability Smartphone Application to Improve the Quality of Snack Intake, General Diet Quality, and Weight among College Students, Lukkamol Prapkree
Intelligent Data Analytics using Deep Learning for Data Science, Maria E. Presa Reyes
Fiscal Transparency and Fiscal Outcomes: Is There a Connection?, Merlene Patrice Quispe
Assigning a Guardian: Family Separation Planning among Undocumented Immigrants With US Citizen Children, Maryam Rafieifar
Three Essays on Understanding Social and Economic Responses to Crisis and Disaster Events, Shahnawaz Mohammad Rafi
System Design and Control Optimization for Neurorehabilitation Exoskeleton, Rodrigo N. Ramon
Use of Mobile Technology: Effects on Diabetic Health Outcomes and Health Care Costs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ahmad M. Rayani
Dual-Band RF Receiver for Collocated DSRC and 5G Millimeter-wave Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication, Sandhiya Reddy Govindarajulu
Playing Down to the Competition? Making Sense of a Golfer's Frequently Used Excuse, Alejandro J. Regalado
Distinct Temporal and Mechanistic Contributions of the Hippocampus, Striatum, and Medial Prefrontal Cortex Facilitate Memory-Guided Decision-Making, Amanda G. Renfro
Closing the Gap in Career Selection Pathways: Factors that Influence Career Indecision of High School Students in the US., Juan Carlos Rey
Eat the Rich: Anti-Capitalist Thought in the Horror Film, Lyana A. Rodriguez
What Factors Influence The Consumer Use of Fully Autonomous Vehicles within the U.S.?, Michael Russell
Near Field Communication Payment Technology Usage: A Jamaican Consumer Perspective, Tamiko Sadler
Developing and Validating Open Source Tools for Advanced Neuroimaging Research, Taylor Salo
Allosteric Mechanism on DREAM Dimerization and Impact on Its Interactions with Divalent Metal Zn2+, Maria D. Santiago Estevez
LC-MS Screening Assay for Abused Drug Exposure Based on Covalent Peptide/Protein Modification, Ludmyla Santos Tavares
Photonic Crystal Hydrogels: Simulation, Fabrication & Biomedical Application, Mehenur Sarwar
Hexum, Natalie Satakovski
A Study to Investigate How Transformational Leadership Relates to Frontline Employees' Behavior in the Hotel Tourism Industry of The Bahamas, Tyrone G. Sawyer II
Corporate Response to the 2020 Police Killings - Effects on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment, Selena N. Seabrooks
An Assessment of Climate Mobility Pressures in Response to Dynamic Sea-Level Rise, Nadia A. Seeteram
Is Brand Activism The New Normal?, Nuket Serin
Improving Witnesses' Predictive Confidence Judgments by Enhancing Test Domain Familiarity, Laura J. Shambaugh
A Novel Power-Efficient Wireless Multi-channel Recording System for the Telemonitoring of Electroencephalography (EEG), Mahmoud Sharafi
New Connection Details for Concrete Filled Tubes to Precast Concrete Elements for Accelerated Bridge Construction Applications, FNU SHEHARYAR E REHMAT
Neuroimaging Feature Fusion and Multimodal Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease, Mehdi Shojaie
Factors Influencing Telecommuters Infrastructure Acceptance: an Investigation into Videoconferencing, Fatogoma Silue
Caregiver Burden and Quality of Life of Dialysis Patients and Their Caregivers, Arvinder Singh
Reframing First-Year Composition: A Translingual Approach to Writing About Writing, Nicole H. Sirota
Serpin-derived Novel Peptide for the Treatment against HIV-induced Inflammation in the Central Nervous System, Yemmy Soler
Alternative Democratic Elections, Consultants, and Negative Campaigning in Colombia: The 2016 Plebiscite for Peace, Karol I. Solis Menco
Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Grout Moisture and Solute Segregation, Rutambara Sonawane
Night and Day: Genetic and Behavioural Mechanisms of visual and Diel-niche Evolution in Lepidoptera, Yash Sondhi
Anomaly Detection in Sequential Data: A Deep Learning-Based Approach, Jayesh Soni
Assessing Pretreatment Methods and Drug-Matrix Binding in Forensic Hair Analysis, Brianna Spear
#SOS Positive and Negative Transitions in Latin America, Dulce M. Suarez
Lift Every Voice: A Narrative Study of the Lived Experiences of Black Female Educators in Public Schools, Rachelle A. Surrancy
Development of a Microwave-based DNA Extraction Method to Increase the Success of Direct and Rapid PCR Technique, Fabiana Taglia
Fisheries Ecology of Threatened Sharks in the Western Central Atlantic Ocean, Brendan Suneel Talwar
Storying Reality: Preserving Counterstories Through Oral Histories of Latinx Graduate Students, Melissa Texidor
Internal Control, Financial Reporting, and Corporate Governance of Smaller Firms, Tian Tian
Body Fluid Identification Using DNA Extraction Waste Product, Rachel M. Tolces
Wind Performance and Aerodynamics of Asphalt Shingles, Ameyu B. Tolera
Marginal Deterrence: The Association between the Certainty of Arrest and Monetary Reward on Robbery Escalation, Christopher E. Torres
Evaluation and Improvement of Capillary Microextraction of Volatiles Coupled to Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Ignitable Liquid Residues in Fire Debris, Michelle Nikole Torres
Retention of Beginning/Novice Teachers Who Sign Out-of-field Waivers, Heather Dawn Tyler
Neuromodulation to Enhance Attention Training in Socially Anxious Adolescents, Daniella Vaclavik
Three Essays on Trade Policy in a Multi-Country World, Enrique Valdes
Evaluation of Swallowing Related Measures in Different Head and Neck Postures in Healthy Young and Older Adults, Mabell Vargas
The Impact of Pre- and Post-Immigration Factors on the Depressive Symptoms and Alcohol Use Severity of Young Adult Recent Latino/a Immigrants: Examining the Role of Gender and Traditional Gender Roles, Vicky Rebecca Vazquez-Barrios
The Implications of Corporate Political Activism and Governance, Marcos Velazquez
Between Dry Rock and a Salty Place: Freshwater Species in a Coastal Environment Facing Climate Change, Natasha Viadero
Technology , Risk, Artificial Intelligence Acceptance, and The Adoption of Smart Devices, Heidrich Vicci
Shear Friction Capacity of Corrugated Pipe Connection in Precast Footings, Fatima C. Vieira
Essays on Monetary Policy and International Macroeconomics, Elisa Vilorio Medina
Increasing Institutional Asset Owner Capital into Mixed Income Housing in the US, Frederick White
Studying the Executive Perception of Investment in Intelligent Systems and the Effect on Firm Performance, Noel Romesh Wijesinha
Governing Addiction: The Role of the Government in Responding to the Opioid Crisis, Kaila Witkowski
Ecological Modeling in the Oceanic Zone: A Gulf of Mexico Case Study, Matthew Woodstock
Three Essays on Managerial Decision-Making in the Pursuit of Internationalization Strategies, Le Xu
Communicating with Culture: How Humans and Machines Detect Narrative Elements, Wolfgang Victor H. Yarlott
The Normalization of the Exception: The Nexus of Emergency Powers and Criminal Justice in Colonial and Postcolonial Jamaica, Jermaine AR Young
Detecting the Emotions of Animate Beings in Narrative, Samira Zad
An Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm for Automated Classical Machine Learning, Leila Zahedi
Building BRIDGES: A Brief School Readiness Intervention Designed to Guide Families Transitioning from Early Head Start to Head Start, Katherine A. Zambrana
Hydrological and Ecological Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Applications for the Everglades Wetland Ecosystem, Boya Zhang
Examination of Order Routing Choices and Market Quality under Zero Commission and Firm-level Events, Le Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Reliable and Secure Drone-assisted MillimeterWave Communications, Mai A. Abdel-Malek
Evaluation and Damage Detection of Highway Bridges with Distinct Vulnerabilities, Mohammad Abedin
Income Attainment and Hispanic Female Householders: Examining Educational Attainment, Labor Attachment and Geographic Region, Lillian A. Abreu
Measurement and Predictors of Mental Health among Parents of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Rumi Agarwal
Deep Learning for Multiclass Classification, Predictive Modeling and Segmentation of Disease Prone Regions in Alzheimer’s Disease, Maryamossadat Aghili
Digital Twin-Based Cooperative Control Techniques for Secure and Intelligent Operation of Distributed Microgrids, Ahmed Aly Saad Ahmed
Functional and Dysrhythmic Slow Waves in the Stomach - An In Silico Study, Md Ashfaq Ahmed
Enhancing Serviceability and Resiliency of Transportation Networks Based on Topological Credentials and Systematic Design Interventions, MD ASHRAF AHMED
Zinc-Oxide Nanostructure-Based Wearable Biosensor Platform for Sweat Analysis, Fahmida Alam
Energetic Cost and Physiological Trade-offs, Heba A. Ali
Quantifying the Mobility and Safety Benefits of Transit Signal Priority, MD Sultan Ali
Essays on Macroeconomics and Financial Economics, Maryam Aljahani
Tri-level Hierarchical Coordinated Control of a Largescale Electric Vehicle Charging in the Smart Grid, Tawfiq M. Aljohani
Development of All-Optical Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging System, Mohamed Abdulrahman Almadi
Salespeople's Role In Offering Innovative Solutions To Business Customers: The Importance of Design Thinking, Mohammed Alzanbagi
Foreign Subsidiary Management in the Contemporary Multinational Enterprise, Daniel S. Andrews
Otherness, Peronism, and Violence in Juan Diego Incardona's Saga Celinense, Sergio L. Andruccioli
How does Stakeholder Engagement and Social Capital Influence Project Performance Outcomes?, Jesus J. Arias
Three Essays on Disaster Risk, Housing Market and Public Health, Mehrnoosh Asadi
Three Essays On Development Economics, Ehsan Asghari-Ghara
Exploring the Role of Islamic Identity in the Rise of Boko Haram, Samuel Kayode Atewologun
Potential Associations of Racial Similarity and Certification Pathways on Teacher Retention, Mary Michelle Atherley
Humanizing Scholarship: Going Public Via Multimodality, Mario L. Avalos
Investigating Mode Choice of Ridesourcing Services: Accounting for Attitudes and Market Segmentation, Ghazaleh Azimi
Non-invasive Techniques Towards Recovering Highly Secure Unclonable Cryptographic Keys and Detecting Counterfeit Memory Chips, Bashir Mohammad Sabquat Bahar Talukder
Stimulation Paradigms and Transduction Patterns for Optogenetic Intervention of Astrocytes, Lakshmini Balachandar
The Effects of Acidic Foods on Vocal Quality of Vocally Healthy Individuals, Melissa Barbieri
Emerging Adult College Students' Perceptions of Immigrants: A Multisite Experimental Study, Alexa Dee Barton
Neoliberalism and Kazakhstan's Emerging Higher Education Sysytem, Nazgul Bayetova