Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series
2022 MME Undergraduate Research Symposium (College of Engineering and Computing)
FALL 2022
November 10th
Join us in a day of networking, fostering community, identifying opportunities for collaborations, and recognizing our undergraduate researchers. Undergraduate Research Symposium is an annual event hosted by the Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department to showcase undergraduate research and give our students the opportunity to gain valuable feedback on their work, practice science communication skills, and to make an impact on other students who may be wondering whether to join FIU’s research community. In addition, keynote speakers, including FIU Alumni, local industry, and National Lab researchers, have addressed the community with words of advice to guide students on their future paths. FIU undergraduate students conducting research related to mechanics and materials are encouraged to submit an abstract for an oral presentation.Event Schedule
American Journal of Non-Communicable Diseases
The American Journal of Non-Communicable Diseases is the official journal of America’s Network for Chronic Disease Surveillance (AMNET) published in collaboration with the Florida International University. The American Journal of Non-Communicable Diseases invites submission of papers on Non-Communicable Diseases. We welcome papers on screening, primary prevention, monitoring, surveillance, public health, and health promotion related to Non-Communicable diseases. We accept submissions in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Our main criteria for grading manuscripts are scientific originality and impact, as well as relevance to North, Central and South America as well as the Caribbean. We aim to promote the highest standards of public health practice internationally through the timely communication of current, best scientific evidence.See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

AMNET Conferencia Internacional
Americas’ Network for Chronic Disease Surveillance (AMNET) es una organización sin fines de lucro, no gubernamental que promueve la vigilancia de enfermedades crónicas, la conversión de conocimientos en acción y el desarrollo de las capacidades en salud pública en la Región de las Américas (América del Norte, Centroamérica, América del Sur y el Caribe) hace 20 años. Además, promueve la integración de organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales para impulsar la formación del personal de salud en vigilancia, control y prevención de enfermedades crónicas. Para más información, por favor dirigirse a
XXI Conferencia Internacional AMNET: Nutrición y Salud Planetaria
11 y 12 de octubre de 2024, Lima, Perú
Nos complace invitarles a participar en la XXI Conferencia Internacional de AMNET: "Nutrición y Salud Planetaria: Enfoques Integrados para la Prevención de las Enfermedades Crónicas", que se realizará en Lima, Perú, los días 11 y 12 de octubre, con el apoyo de la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola.
Las enfermedades crónicas son la principal causa de muerte y enfermedad en el mundo. La evidencia científica reconoce que una adecuada nutrición es fundamental tanto para la prevención como para el tratamiento de estas enfermedades. Además, en el contexto de una crisis ambiental global provocada por el cambio climático, se hace urgente la necesidad de contar con sistemas alimentarios sostenibles como una prioridad global. Durante la Conferencia Internacional de AMNET, contaremos con expertos académicos y decisores que de forma articulada contribuirán a generar propuestas para el abordaje de las necesidades nutricionales en el contexto del cuidado del planeta y la lucha contra las enfermedades crónicas. Tu participación contribuirá a cumplir con el objetivo principal de AMNET, que es mejorar la sociedad mediante acciones dirigidas a la vigilancia, prevención y control de las enfermedades crónicas y sus factores de riesgo en América y el Caribe. ¡Contamos con tu participación!Objetivos específicos
Archives Day
In observance of American Archives Month, join us on October 25 for the 7th Annual Archives Day 2023. Celebrate with an all online program including engaging sessions and panel discussions. Archives Day 2023 is an opportunity to connect with South Florida Archives.
The planning committee invites you to submit proposals for individual and group presentations, best practices, successes, and workflows in support of the theme, Tropical Treasures: Archival Preservation in South Florida.
Browse the contents of Archives Day:
ArtSpeak (College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts)
In May, 2023 our publication changed its name from Inspicio Arts to ArtSpeak.
Commentary in the form of reviews, constructive criticism, video interviews, and profiles, is published on the ArtSpeak website on a continuous basis, as soon as the material is ready for publication. The best material is published seasonally in an e-Magazine, which can be viewed on iPads and iPhones. The inaugural e-Magazine was published in August, 2015. Eighteen editions have been published.
The complimentary ArtSpeak e-Magazine App is available through the Apple APP Store — just search for “artspeak miami.”

Athenaeum: Scholarly Works of the FIU Libraries Faculty and Staff (FIU Libraries)
Aims & Scope of Athenaeum
Athenaeum is an open access, peer-reviewed journal of the scholarly works of the faculty and staff of the Florida International University (FIU) Libraries. The objective of this journal is threefold:- To provide a peer-reviewed publishing platform for the FIU Libraries faculty and staff.
- To make our works more broadly discoverable for our international, national, and local scholars and students.
- To encourage the growth of knowledge and exchange of ideas through contribution to the scholarly body of literature in library and information science.
Get Involved in Research now!
Submit your article, *presentation, or *conference poster using the submit link on the left. Sign up to become a peer reviewer by filling out the form found in the link "Become a Peer Reviewer."
*Check the "Document Guidelines" link on the left for additional information regarding the submission of conference posters and presentations.
Submission Criteria
Submissions must be relevant to the scope and aim of Athenaeum. Namely, submissions must contribute to the scholarly body of literature in library and information science.
How to Submit
You will find the submit tab on your left in blue. Be sure you have your ORCiD number ready to input along with your submission. If you do not have an ORCiD number, you may create one in less than a minute at or by using the link on the left.
Be sure your submissions are in PDF format (including presentations and posters).
Bioethics Education Resources (BEdR)
BEdR Search and Submit Portal
Message from the Directors: Welcome to the search and submit portal. Click here to return to Bioethics Education Resources (BEdR) Home:
BMME Undergraduate Symposium
FALL 2023
November 3rd
Thank you for joining us for the 2023 BMME Symposium. The following are some of the presentation recognized at the event.
Overall best poster:
Jazlyn Hernandez - Investigating the potential of EGFR inhibition as to reverse vascular calcification in vitro
BME poster award: Lucas Mendez - Isolation Of Cerebral Microvascular Networks To Investigate Capillary-Mediated Neurovascular Coupling |
MME poster award: Theophile A. Pierre - Advancing Radioactive Waste Management: Developing an Innovative Sampling Mechanism for Enhanced Hanford Site Remediation |
BME poster award runner-up: Michelle Wiese - Modeling Blood Flow Dynamics and Hematocrit Distribution in Cerebral Microvascular Networks by Tracing Red Blood Cell Movement in Capillary Networks |
MME poster award runner-up: Arya B. Nair - Electro-Mechanical-Chemical Interplay: Unravelling the Dynamic Response and a Comprehensive Study of Mimosa Pudica Mechanical Properties |
BME best oral presentation: Katherine Lopez - Isolation Of Cerebral Microvascular Networks To Investigate Capillary-Mediated Neurovascular Coupling |
MME best oral presentation: Nicholas Espinal - Design Improvements for H-Canyon Wall Crawling Platform: Semi-Autonomous Controls |
Scientific Art Winner:
Aleksander Aleman - Aluminum + Spooky BNNTs = A Hauntingly Brilliant Combo! The scanning electron microscope (SEM) image reveals the stress bridging effect of boron nitride nanotubes (BNNT) in the aluminum (Al) matrix. Al-BNNT composite was deposited by wire-arc direct energy deposition (WDED) technique using an inhouse built electrode. Adobe Photoshop was used to color and distinguish the BNNTs in the composite.
Class, Race and Corporate Power (College of Arts, Sciences & Education)
Class, Race and Corporate Power is an academic journal examining the politics of corporate power. This includes an analysis of capital, labor, and race relations within nation-states and the global economy. We encourage contributions that explore these issues within holistic frameworks that borrow from a range of scholarly disciplines. We have two websites for our journal, one that features our latest published issue of our journal, the other offers shorter, more frequent essays on themes central to the journal .
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

FIU Undergraduate Research Journal
to Florida International University's first undergraduate research journal created by and for undergraduate students. FIUURJ is the collaborative effort of the Center for Excellence in Writing, FIU Liberal Studies, FIU Libraries, the Honors College, Humanities Edge, FIU Research and Economic Development, MARC U*STAR, the Undergraduate Research Society, and Digital Writing Studio. With the generous help of faculty advisers and volunteers, this journal provides opportunities for undergraduate and FIU alumni to get involved and build experience in editing, digital project creation, peer-reviewing, and peer-advising.

GIS Center (GIS Center)
The Geographic Information Systems Center (GIS Center) at Florida International University supports and facilitates the teaching and research activities of the FIU community in the areas of geographic information systems, remote sensing, geospatial web visualization and geospatial data management.Hemisphere (Kimberly Green Latin American and Carribbean Center (LACC) Publications Network)
LACC’s flagship publication, Hemisphere, features articles from academics around the world who study Latin America and the Caribbean. Issues revolve around a central topic of contemporary relevance in the Americas, with an emphasis on the social sciences. Each issue includes feature articles, reports, book reviews, a photo essay and a bibliographic update. Hemisphere is designed to serve as a forum for new scholarship on Latin American and Caribbean issues.
Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Medical and Graduate Students & Residents Research Symposium (Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine)
Each year the Medical and Graduate Students & Residents Research Symposium presents medical research in various fields. Join us in viewing poster and oral presentations by students from the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine and affiliated programs (including Nursing, PA, MA, MS, Ph.D. students, residents, and alumni).Hospitality Review
Hospitality Review
The Hospitality Review journal promotes the highest level of scholarship and aims for the highest utility possible to academic and practitioner audiences. Therefore scholars and researchers with an interest in expanding the knowledge base of the hospitality industry are invited to submit manuscripts to the Hospitality Review. In general, full length articles should be 4000 to 6000 words in length. The journal publishes full length empirical and conceptual research articles as well as research notes.
ICOT 18 - International Conference on Thinking - Cultivating Mindsets for Global Citizens
Call for Full Papers for ProceedingsICOT 18 Miami invites researchers, scientists, scholars , students , and practitioners to submit proposals advancing the development of thinking strategies in seeking innovative solutions to the problems and challenges of the 21 st Century . With the theme “Cultivating Mindsets for Global Citizens” we aim to create awareness about global issues and the big questions that the next generations will inherit from us. Together we will explore strategies for deeply engaging citizens as young as todd lers up to seniors in understanding world issues from different points of view.
The themes reflect the transdisciplinary nature of the conference, as well as the imperative for creative and collaborative solutions to ensuring a better world in the future. The scientific committee proposes four tracks with guiding questions. We invite our presenters to share their big questions and engage the participants in thought- provoking conversations towards thinking and global-mindedness. Please see the Conference Philosophy
*We do not accept proposals from profit-making agencies
Call for full papers for proceedings here
Browse the ICOT 18 - International Conference on Thinking - Cultivating Mindsets for Global Citizens:
Innovative and Ethical Practices and Pedagogies in the Social Sciences: Geospatial Data, Validity, and Fairness
Innovative and Ethical Practices and Pedagogies in the Social Sciences: Geospatial Data, Validity, and Fairness
Virtual Workshop: January 18-19, 2024
NEWS: The conference will be hybrid! Please join us at the FIU MMC Campus if you are in Miami! :)
This conference will contribute to advancing knowledge on the complexity of ethical issues associated with the recent shifting nature of geospatial data (i.e., crowdsourced data generated by amateur mappers, continuous location data recorded by smartphones and smart city applications, publicly available open geospatial data by authoritative government agencies). Validity and fairness are increasingly challenging to manage and evaluate. For example, algorithms used to search, compile, generate, analyze, and visualize data designed by big tech companies concerned about their capital accumulation become increasingly opaque and disregard citizens’ interests. Our workshop contributes to the growing literature on critical data studies, data rights, data justice, data activism, Indigenous data sovereignty, and feminist data studies focused on unearthing and counterbalancing the uneven effects of unfair and invalid data practices that are ubiquitous with data accumulation in society.
Additionally, our conference contributes to reducing the disconnection between the rapid changes in geospatial technologies and geospatial data practices and the relatively slow development of corresponding pedagogical approaches. To advance theories and pedagogies in geospatial data science ethics, our conference answers critical GIScience scholars’ call to focus on interdisciplinarity. This workshop aims to generate an in-depth discussion on the challenges of academia’s siloed boundaries and corporations’ control in geospatial data science with an overt emphasis on ethical engagement and engaged citizenry.
The conference will bring together scholars in critical GIScience, geography, education, linguistics, humanities, social sciences, Indigenous studies, community groups, and NGOs. Specifically, the workshop focuses on pedagogical strategies to teach the ethical aspects of validity and fairness in geospatial data collection, analytics and analysis, and visualization in various fields related to GIScience. We seek contributions addressing pressing challenges in the context of constant and rapid technological advancements, such as balancing technological and technical learning with conceptual, ethical, valid, and fair knowledge production.
This workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation. Across 2 days, the workshop will chart innovative conceptual directions and pedagogical resources. The first day will include presentations from keynote speakers and a panel discussion. The organizing committee will then introduce the four workshop sessions for the next day. The second day will consist of four open forums where participants will share works in progress (in a short 10 min. presentation) and get feedback on draft papers and pedagogical resources. At the end of the day, we will regroup to share concluding remarks across the four workshops. We hope to have about 45 people in attendance.
The workshop will produce a rich collection of outputs. (1) We will host pedagogical material on our webpage in an open-access repository with an assigned DOI. (2) We will also record some of the talks and host the recordings with an assigned DOI on the webpage. (3) We will later compile papers in an edited collection such as a journal special issue or book.
We will have four workshop sessions on the following themes:
- Critical education, social justice theories, intersectional feminist approaches, and ethics in the classroom
- Community and citizen-engaged approaches to knowledge production
- Interdisciplinary approaches to rewiring geospatial technologies and data visualizations
- Indigenous geospatial data sovereignty, Indigenous methodologies, and Indigenous pedagogies
We welcome papers and pedagogical resources contributions at any stage of development.
Submit an abstract and presentation title to by November 1st, 2023. Please indicate the following, (1) which contribution you wish to develop, paper or pedagogical resource, (2) which theme your contribution best fits, (3) a title, a 250-word abstract of the paper or summary of a pedagogical resource, and a list of keywords, and (4) a brief bio under 100 words.
At this time, we are not collecting any additional files. If your submission is accepted (decisions will be sent by November 15), you will have the opportunity to upload documents (i.e., PowerPoint presentation, full paper) to share with the other presenters in the workshop and publish online. Additional information will be sent in the decision letter.
The organizing committee:
Dr. Genevieve Reid, Department of Global & Sociocultural Studies, Florida International University
Dr. Kevin Grove, Department of Global & Sociocultural Studies, Florida International University
Dr. Aaron Kuntz, School of Education and Human Development, Florida International University
Dr. Phillip M. Carter, Department of English/Center for Humanities in Urban Environment, Florida
Dr. Diana Ter-Ghazaryan, Spatial Sciences Institute, University of Southern California
Dr. Derrick Scott, Department of Global & Sociocultural Studies, Florida International University
Tempestt Morgan, College of Arts, Sciences & Education, Florida International University
Dr. Genevieve Reid:
Acknowledgement of Support: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. 2226961.
Co-Sponsors: Mellon-funded FIU ‘Common for Justice’
The Sociology, Anthropology, and GeographyGraduate Student Association (SAGGSA), Department of Global & Sociocultural Studies, FIUDisclaimer: Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Interior Design Symposium: Fostering Identity, Diversity, & Connectivity (Department of Interior Architecture)
The goal of this symposium is to explore important facets of the discipline of Interior Design (ID) by bringing together scholars and practitioners to advocate for professional identity, support cultural diversity through design, encourage global connectivity and foster interdisciplinary exchanges.
The symposium investigates a contemporary issue significant to the field of ID. The intention is to explore research and theory that comes other disciplines to help advance the profession of ID. Our goal is to imagine a world with responsible, sustainable and inclusive built environments and take decisive actions to begin creating such a future. Thus, we will aim to:
1) connect researchers across divergent and dispersed fields,
2) provide a platform to collaborate and to define a common set of interests and research questions, and
3) establish a new direction for ID research, scholarship and practice.
International Association of University Libraries Conference 2022
The International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) invites proposals for papers and posters for the 42nd Annual IATUL Conference, presented in a hybrid format from the University of Miami Libraries and the Florida International University Libraries in Miami, FL, USA.
Literacy Practice and Research
Dear Members of the Organization of Teacher Educators in Literacy (OTEL) and Readers of Literacy Practice and Research–On-Line (LPR-Online)
We are delighted to welcome you to LPR-Online, an open access journal. We believe literacy encompasses many dimensions of life and learning, such as print, cultural, content area (e.g. mathematics, science, social studies), and technology literacy. We welcome research and practice article submissions from practitioners, scholars, and all interested readers.
Read More....
McNair Journal
The McNair Journal is the official journal of the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program at Florida International University. The McNair Scholars Program provides undergraduates the unique opportunity to gain research experience under the tutelage of Faculty members at some of the top research institution throughout the country. For more information about the McNair Program at FIU visit

Music & Musical Performance: An International Journal
Music & Musical Performance: An International Journal was launched in early 2022 by a consortium of music scholars from around the world. It incorporates, as its first issue, the material that appeared in November 2019 in the short-lived International Journal of the Study of Music and Music Performance ( That earlier journal was part of the now-defunct Open Music Library. Music & Musical Performance is peer-reviewed; its chief and advisory editors span a wide variety of musical interests. M&MP is unusual and, in some ways, even unique. It is published online and open-access, in conjunction with Digital Commons and the Florida International University library system. Its editorial and advisory boards are broadly international. It welcomes contributions in any language, and aims—when possible—to offer a reliable English translation of contributions that are not in English. Read More...
Revista Electrónica Leer, Escribir y Descubrir
La Revista Leer, escribir y descubrir constituye una publicación del Comité Latinoamericano-IDLAC de la International Literacy Association-ILA con la colaboración de la Florida International University (FIU). Es una publicación periódica electrónica, en español de carácter científico, con una periodicidad semestral (abril y octubre).
La Revista no tiene carácter lucrativo, sino que forma parte de la membresía de la afiliación al Comité Latinoamericano-IDLAC y a la International Literacy Association-ILA.
El volumen 1 también está disponible aquí
Security Research Hub Reports
The Security Research Hub (SRH) was created to facilitate virtual collaboration and information sharing, amongst a variety of partners, to address critical security issues within the Latin American and Caribbean region. The SRH aims to serve as a virtual community that brings together industry experts, stakeholders, and researchers across the hemisphere to create content that will hopefully influence policy making decisions to make the LATAM and Caribbean region more secure.
SERC Research Reports (Southeast Environmental Research Center)
Shakespeare Across the Divide
Shakespeare Across The Divide
February 15-16, 2016, The Betsy Hotel
Shakespeare Across the Divide is the inaugural early modern studies symposium hosted by the acclaimed Betsy Hotel in South Beach, Florida. This symposium is held in conjunction with the loaning of Shakespeare’s First Folio to FIU by the Folger Library, as part of the Folger’s 2016 national tour of the book. For more about events related to the First Folio at FIU, please see
.We are proud to present two invited special events as part of the symposium: Roland Greene will speak at the opening reception and Ayanna Thompson, Ruben Espinosa, and Carla Della Gatta will offer a special panel on race and Shakespeare on the second day of the symposium.
As a small symposium, the schedule will be arranged to ensure that there are no concurrent events. All participants are encouraged to attend and be involved in all symposium activities.
South Florida Education Research Conference (College of Arts, Sciences & Education)
The purpose of the Annual South Florida Education Research Conference (SFERC) is to enhance the existing culture of research in colleges and universities in South Florida. The conference provides a meaningful vehicle for the preparation, mentorship, and presentation of scholarly work by students, faculty, and alumni.The Annual SAGGSA Graduate Student Conference (Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs)
The Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies’ Graduate Student Association (SAGGSA) at Florida International University invites you to participate in our 9th Annual Graduate Student Conference.
Migration and (Im)mobilities
Florida International University, Miami, FL
Each year the Sociology, Anthropology, Geography, Graduate Student Association (SAGGSA) at Florida International University hosts an interdisciplinary conference around an overarching theme that speaks to current issues and debates in anthropology, geography and sociology. This conference is intended to provide a supportive and collaborative forum for graduate students to present original research and engage with other graduates and faculty researching similar topics from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. As such, we welcome and encourage presentations on research in any stage, formative or finished, and from any social science perspective. This year we invite papers that critically engage with migration and mobilities, broadly defined.
Migration and mobility are constantly shaping the social, political, and ideological fabric of our world, as they have done throughout history. From people and ideas to goods and resources, every movement encounters friction in its path as it comes into contact with existing structures of identity, violence, and economy. This friction produces inconsistencies in the progress of movements, rendering some subjects immobile while others incorporate seamlessly into the structures that resist them. From the immigration system and its impact on the lives of those fleeing violent social and climatic changes to the impact of social and economic systems, which selectively embrace, commodify, and reject people and material culture, the topic of migration and mobility is rife with inequalities. This conference is an invitation to interrogate these inequalities and the structures that create them. Potential topics may include current and historical discussions of: human and non-human migration, human rights, climate change, climate justice, disaster response, diaspora studies, colonization, decolonization, race, gender, intersectionality, spatial inequalities, food access, health care, supply chains, trade, and the complex entanglements of material and non-material elements of society as it is shaped by migration. Potential topics may include, but are not limited to, broad themes such as:
• Climate Change, Disaster Recovery, and Human Rights
o Security and environmental change
o Environmental activists and social movements
o Globalization, Neoliberalism and Resilience
• Health and Resource Disparities
o Race and structural violence
o Access inequalities in healthcare, food, or education
o Impact studies
• Theories and methodologies for studying migration and mobility
o Gendered perspectives
o Indigenous knowledge and technologies
o Flexible citizenship
• Mobility and Immobility: State, structural, or systemic “pathways”
o Informal economies
o Parallel and alternative systems
o Community organization and activism
o Trade and international relations
Abstracts should be submitted via the conference website by December 15, 2019. Please limit abstracts to 250 words. Accepted participants will be notified before the start of the Spring 2020 semester. Accepted papers will be organized topically by the conference organizing committee. .
Any questions can be directed to Susannah Barr (
The Millennium
The Millennium is a biannual historical journal, published by the Department of History’s graduate students. We aim to contribute to the larger academic literature on a wide variety of historical topics and fields, including: national, global, and transnational histories, cultural, economic, military, social, and political histories.
The journal seeks contributions from graduate and undergraduate students alike. FIU graduate students enrolled in a degree in the Department of History, either exclusively or as part of an interdisciplinary certificate with other departments, are welcome to submit any of their work. We envision opening our call for submissions to all students at FIU in the future. FIU undergraduate students pursuing a major or a minor in History are welcome to submit any papers they might have written for History senior seminar courses: we will publish one outstanding undergraduate paper in each issue of The Millennium. Additionally, The Millennium strives to diversify its publication output, and thus also encourages submissions of varying methods of communication such as oral history projects, podcasts, and visual contributions in addition to academic papers.