Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Publications | College of Engineering and Computing | Florida International University
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department encompasses a broad range of research and educational interests. It is the policy of the department to involve each faculty member in a balanced combination of research and teaching so as to fully benefit the students. A large number of our faculty has considerable industrial experience, and many maintain active consulting roles to provide current and relevant knowledge to the students in classroom and research settings.


Faculty Publications from 2022


A Real-Time Energy Consumption Minimization Framework for Electric Vehicles Routing Optimization Based on SARSA Reinforcement Learning, Tawfiq M. Aljohani and Osama Mohammed


Real-Time Detection and 3D Localization of Coronary Atherosclerosis Using a Microwave Imaging Technique: A Simulation Study, Md Asiful Islam and John L. Volakis


Packable and Readily Deployable Tightly Coupled Dipole Array (TCDA) With Integrated Planar Balun, Md Rakibul Islam, Maxence Carvalho, Satheesh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, and John L. Volakis


Bandwidth enhancement of antennas designed by band-pass filter synthesis due to frequency pulling techniques, Anastasios G. Koutinos, George A. Kyriacou, John L. Volakis, and Michael T. Chryssomallis


Distributed Secondary Control in Microgrids Using Synchronous Condenser for Voltage and Frequency Support, Tung Lam Nguyen, Ha Thi Nguyen, Yu Wang, Osama A. Mohammed, and Emmanouil Anagnostou

Faculty Publications from 2021


Frequency-Multiplexed Array Digitization for MIMO Receivers: 4-Antennas/ADC at 28 GHz on Xilinx ZCU-1285 RF SoC, Najath Akram, Arjuna Madanayake, Sravan Pulipati, Viduneth Ariyarathna, Satheesh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, Dimitra Psychogiou, John Volakis, Theodore S. Rappaport, and Thomas L. Marzetta


CPS Attacks Mitigation Approaches on Power Electronic Systems with Security Challenges for Smart Grid Applications: A Review, Mahmoud Amin, Fayez F.M. El-Sousy, Ghada A.Abdel Aziz, Khaled Gaber, and Osama A. Mohammed


Semi-Resistive Approach for Tightly Coupled Dipole Array Bandwidth Enhancement, Maxence Carvalho, Alexander D. Johnson, Elias A. Alwan, and John L. Volakis


Deployable Rigid-Flexible Tightly Coupled Dipole Array (RF-TCDA), Maxence Carvalho and John L. Volakis


Performance of Partially Deployed Spaceborne Ultra-Wideband Miura-Ori Apertures, Maxence Carvalho and John L. Volakis


Iec 61850-based communication networks of distribution system against cyber and physical failures, Nevin Fawzy, Hany F. Habib, and Osama Mohammed


Cross-Mixing Hybrid Beamformer for Wideband Apertures, Rimon Hokayem, Sandhiya Reddy Govindarajulu, Elias A. Alwan, and John L. Volakis


Optimized differential TCDA (D-TCDA) with novel differential feed structure, Alexander D. Johnson, Vignesh Manohar, Satheesh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, and John L. Volakis


Wideband Dipole Array with Balanced Wideband Impedance Transformer (BWIT), Alexander D. Johnson, Jingni Zhong, Matilda Livadaru, Satheesh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, Elias A. Alwan, and John L. Volakis

Faculty Publications from 2020


Hybrid microgrid energy management and control based on metaheuristic-driven vector-decoupled algorithm considering intermittent renewable sources and electric vehicles charging lot, Tawfiq M. Aljohani, Ahmed F. Ebrahim, and Osama Mohammed


A high-speed microturbine PMA-SYnRg emulation using power hardware-in-the-loop for wind energy conversion systems, Fayez F.M. El-Sousy, Ghada A. Abdel Aziz, Mahmoud Amin, Khaled Gaber, and Osama A. Mohammed


Optimal power routing scheme between and within interlinking converters in unbalanced hybrid AC–DC microgrids, Mohammad Mahmoudian Esfahani, Hany F. Habib, and Osama A. Mohammed


Low-Cost S-Band Reconfigurable Monopole/Patch Antenna for CubeSats, Alexander D. Johnson, Vignesh Manohar, Satheesh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, and John L. Volakis


IoT-based digital twin for energy cyber-physical systems: design and implementation, Ahmed Saad, Samy Faddel, and Osama Mohammed


Techniques for Achieving High Isolation in RF Domain for Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Satheesh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, Alexander Hovsepian, Alexander D. Johnson, Toshifumi Nakatani, Elias A. Alwan, and John L. Volakis


Data-centric communication framework for multicast iec 61850 routable GOOSE messages over the WAN in modern power systems, Tarek A. Youssef, Mohammad Mahmoudian Esfahani, and Osama Mohammed


Determining the optimal range of coupling coefficient to suppress decline in WPTs efficiency due to increased resistance with temperature rise, Haisen Zhao, Yufei Wang, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Jiawei Ge, Jinping Kang, and Osama A. Mohammed

Faculty Publications from 2019


Single and Multiobjective Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Based on Hybrid Artificial Physics–Particle Swarm Optimization, Tawfiq M. Aljohani, Ahmed F. Ebrahim, and Osama A. Mohammed


Smart integration of a DC microgrid: Enhancing the power quality management of the neighborhood low-voltage distribution network, Ahmed F. Ebrahim, Ahmed A. Saad, and Osama Mohammed


A framework for analyzing and testing cyber-physical interactions for smart grid applications, Mohamad El Hariri, Tarek Youssef, Mahmoud Saleh, Samy Faddel, Hany Habib, and Osama Mohammed


The IEC 61850 sampled measured values protocol: Analysis, threat identification, and feasibility of using NN forecasters to detect spoofed packets , Mohamad El Hariri, Eric Harmon, Tarek Youssef, Mahmoud Saleh, Hany Habib, and Osama Mohammed


An optimal energy management system for real-time operation of multiagent-based microgrids using a T-cell algorithm, Fatima Zahra Harmouch, Ahmed F. Ebrahim, Mohammad Mahmoudian Esfahani, Nissrine Krami, Nabil Hmina, and Osama A. Mohammed


Hydrothermal Growth of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanorods (NRs) on Screen Printed IDEs for pH Measurement Application, Aksaya Kumar A.; Naveen Kumar S.K.,; Almaw Ayele Aniley; Renny Edwin Fernandez; and Shekhar Bhansali


Hydrothermal Growth of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanorods (NRs) on Screen Printed IDEs for pH Measurement Application, Akshaya Kumar A., Naveen Kumar S.K., Almaw Ayele Aniley, Renny Edwin Fernandez, and Shekhar Bhansali


Physiological interference reduction for near infrared spectroscopy brain activity measurement based on recursive least squares adaptive filtering and least squares support vector machines, Xin Liu, Yan Zhang, Dan Liu, Qisong Wang, Ou Bai, Jinwei Sun, and Peter Rolfe


A Novel Audiovisual P300-Speller Paradigm Based on Cross-Modal Spatial and Semantic Congruence, Zhaohua Lu, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Ning Gao, Jingjing Yang, and Ou Bai


Review—Machine Learning Techniques in Wireless Sensor Network Based Precision Agriculture, Yemeserach Mekonnen, Srikanth Namuduri, Lamar Burton, Arif I. Sarwat, and Shekhar Bhansali


Online power quality disturbance detection by support vector machine in smart meter, Imtiaz Parvez, Maryamossadat Aghili, Arif I. Sarwat, Shahinur Rahman, and Fahmida Alam


A Spectrum Sharing based Metering Infrastructure for Smart Grid Utilizing LTE and WiFi, Imtiaz Parvez and Arif I. Sarwat


Nanocomposite Bienzymatic Sensor for Monitoring Xanthine in Wound Diagnostics, Sohini RoyChoudhury, Yogeswaran Umasankar, Pulak Bhushan, Penelope A. Hirt, Flor E. MacQuhae, Luis J. Borda, Hadar A. Lev-Tov, Robert Kirsner, and Shekhar Bhansali


State-of-Art Functional Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering, Krati Sharma, Mubarak A. Mujawar, and Ajeet Kaushik


Atmospheric Plasma Treatment Enhances the Biosensing Properties of Graphene Oxide-Silver Nanoparticle Composite, Apurva Sonawane, Mubarak A. Mujawar, and Shekhar Bhansali


Case study on the effects of partial solar eclipse on distributed PV systems and management areas, Aditya Sundararajan, Temitayo O. Olowu, Longfei Wei, Shahinur Rahman, and Arif I. Sarwat


Sectional variable frequency and voltage regulation control strategy for energy saving in beam pumping motor systems, Yilong Wang, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Haisen Zhao, and Osama A. Mohammed


A low frequency mechanical transmitter based on magnetoelectric heterostructures operated at their resonance frequency, Junran Xu, Chung Ming Leung, Xin Zhuang, Jiefang Li, Shubhendu Bhardwaj, John Volakis, and Dwight Viehland

Faculty Publications from 2018


Design and Characterization of a Flexible Wideband Antenna Using Polydimethylsiloxane Composite Substrate, S. M. Abbas, S. C. Desai, K. P. Esselle, J. L. Volakis, and R. M. Hashmi


Modeling the impact of the vehicle-to-grid services on the hourly operation of the power distribution grid, Tawfiq Aljohani and Osama Mohammed


Exploring Wireless Sensor Network Technology In Sustainable Okra Garden: A Comparative Analysis Of Okra Grown In Different Fertilizer Treatments, Lamar K. Burton, Yemererach Mekonnen, Arif I. Sarwat, Shekhar Bhansali, and Krish Jayachandran


Pre-processing of energy demand disaggregation based data mining techniques for household load demand forecasting, Ahmed F. Ebrahim and Osama A. Mohammed


A new three-level flying-capacitor boost converter with an integrated lc2d output network for fuel-cell vehicles: Analysis and design, Nour Elsayad, Hadi Moradisizkoohi, and Osama Mohammed


Charge control and operation of electric vehicles in power grids: A review, Samy Faddel, Ali T. Al-Awami, and Osama A. Mohammed


Physical-model-checking to detect switching-related attacks in power systems, Mohamad El Hariri, Samy Faddel, and Osama Mohammed


3D multilevel spin transfer torque devices, J. Hong; M. Stone; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University; K. Luongo; Q. Zheng; Z. Yuan; K. Xia; N. Xu; L. You; and Sakhrat Khizroev


A soft-switched dc/dc converter using integrated dual half-bridge with high voltage gain and low voltage stress for dc microgrid applications, Hadi Moradisizkoohi, Nour Elsayad, and Osama Mohammed


Future Challenges and Mitigation Methods for High Photovoltaic Penetration: A Survey, Temitayo O. Olowu, Aditya Sundararajan, Masood Moghaddami, and Arif I. Sarwat


Wide area condition monitoring of power electric drives in wind power generation system using radiated electromagnetic fields, Amrit Parajuli, Mohammadreza R. Barzegaran, and Osama A. Mohammed


A Survey of Protocol-Level Challenges and Solutions for Distributed Energy Resource Cyber-Physical Security, Aditya Sundararajan, Aniket Chavan, Danish Saleem, and Arif I. Sarwat


Survey on synchrophasor data quality and cybersecurity challenges, and evaluation of their interdependencies, Aditya Sundararajan, Tanwir Khan, Amir Moghadasi, and Arif I. Sarwat


Hybrid integration of multilayer perceptrons and parametric models for reliability forecasting in the smart grid, Longfei Wei and Arif I. Sarwat


GPS synchronization of smart distributed converters for microgrid applications, Tarek A. Youssef, Aboubakr Salem, Moataz Elsied, Augustin Mpanda Mabwe, Mohammad Ali Yousef Abido, and Osama A. Mohammed

Faculty Publications from 2017


IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Optimization for Emerging Wireless Networks: IoT, 5G, and Smart Grid Communication Networks, Ayaz Ahmad, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Hamidou Tembine, Osama A. Mohammed, and Abbas Jamalipour


Optimal design of hybrid wind/photovoltaic electrolyzer for maximum hydrogen production using imperialist competitive algorithm, Arash Khalilnejad, Aditya Sundararajan, and Arif I. Sarwat


Multiferroic coreshell magnetoelectric nanoparticles as NMR sensitive nanoprobes for cancer cell detection, Abhignyan Nagesetti, Alexandra Rodzinski, Emmanuel Stimphil, Tiffanie Stewart, Chooda Khanal, Ping Wang, Rakesh Guduru, Ping Liang, Irina U. Agoulnik, Jeffrey Horstmyer, and Sakhrat Khizroev


Physics considerations in targeted anticancer drug delivery by magnetoelectric nanoparticles, Emmanuel Stimphil, Abhignyan Nagesetti, Rakesh Guduru, Tiffanie Stewart, Alexandra Rodzinski, Piang Liang, and Sakhrat Khizroev


A Survey on Modality Characteristics, Performance Evaluation Metrics, and Security for Traditional and Wearable Biometric Systems, Aditya Sundararajan, Arif I. Sarwat, and Alexander Pons


Challenges in Clock Synchronization for On-Site Coding Digital Beamformer, Satheesh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, Elias A. Alwan, and John L. Volakis

Faculty Publications from 2016


Structural Stability of Functionalized Silicene Nanoribbons with Normal, Reconstructed, and Hybrid Edges, Sadegh Mehdi Aghaei, Ingrid Torres, and Irene Calizo


Resonance coupling in plasmonic nanomatryoshka homo- and heterodimers, Arash Ahmadivand, Raju Sinha, and Nezih Pala


Graphene FETs with Low-Resistance Hybrid Contacts for Improved High Frequency Performance, Chowdhury Al-Amin, Mustafa Karabiyik, Phani Kiran Vabbina, Raju Sinha, and Nezih Pala


On the Implementation of the IEC 61850 Standard: Will Different Manufacturer Devices Behave Similarly under Identical Conditions?, Mohamad El Hariri, Tarek A. Youssef, and Osama A. Mohammed


Optimal Operation of Combined Photovoltaic Electrolyzer Systems, Arash Khalilnejad, Aditya Sundararajan, Alireza Abbaspour, and Arif I. Sarwat


Performance evaluation of optimal photovoltaic-electrolyzer system with the purpose of maximum Hydrogen storage, Arash Khalilnejad, Aditya Sundararajan, and Arif I. Sarwat


Securing Metering Infrastructure of Smart Grid: A Machine Learning and Localization Based Key Management Approach, Imtiaz Parvez, Arif I. Sarwat, Longfei Wei, and Aditya Sundararajan


CBRS Spectrum Sharing between LTE-U and WiFi: A Multiarmed Bandit Approach, Imtiaz Parvez, M. G. S. Sriyananda, Ismail Guvenc, Mehdi Bennis, and Arif I. Sarwat


CBRS Spectrum Sharing between LTE-U and WiFi: A Multiarmed Bandit Approach, Imtiaz Parvez, M.G.S. Sriyananda, Ismail Guvenc, Mehdi Bennis, and Arif I. Sarwat


Targeted and controlled anticancer drug delivery and release with magnetoelectric nanoparticles, Alexandra Rodzinski, Rakesh Guduru, Ping Liang, Ali Hadjikhani, Tiffanie Stewart, Carolyn Runowicz, Richard Cote, Norman Altman, Ram Datar, and Sakhrat Khizroev


Smart Grid Security: Threats, Challenges, and Solutions, Anibal Sanjab, Walid Saad, Ismail Guvenc, Arif I. Sarwat, and Saroj Biswas


Data Distribution Service-Based Interoperability Framework for Smart Grid Testbed Infrastructure, Tarek A. Youssef, Ahmed T. Elsayed, and Osama A. Mohammed


Learn to Rank Images: A Unified Probabilistic Hypergraph Model for Visual Search, Kaiman Zeng, Nansong Wu, Arman Sargolzaei, and Kang Yen

Faculty Publications from 2015


Characterization of Line Nanopatterns on Positive Photoresist Produced by Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope, Sadegh Mehdi Aghaei, Navid Yasrebi, and Bizhan Rashidian


Chemically Modified Plastic Tube for High Volume Removal and Collection of Circulating Tumor Cells, Angelo Gaitas and Gwangseong Kim


Inductive heating kills cells that contribute to plaque: a proof-of-concept, Angelo Gaitas and Gwangseong Kim


Extracorporeal Photo-Immunotherapy for Circulating Tumor Cells, Gwangseong Kim and Angelo Gaitas


Colorful textile antennas integrated into embroidered logos, Asimina Kiourti and John L. Volakis


Performance Comparison of Data Reduction Techniques for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Applications, Pinar Sarisaray-Boluk and Kemal Akkaya


Weather-based interruption prediction in the smart grid utilizing chronological data, Arif I. Sarwat, Mohammadhadi Amini, Alexander Domijan Jr., Aleksander Damnjanovic, and Faisal Kaleem


Mobility management in HetNets: a learning-based perspective, Meryem Simsek, Mehdi Bennis, and Ismail Guvenc


Interference management for moving networks in ultra-dense urban scenarios, Yutao Sui, Ismail Guvenc, and Tommy Svensson

Faculty Publications from 2014


Optimal Reliability-based Placement of Plug-In Electric Vehicles in Smart Distribution Network, Mohammadhadi Amini and Arif I. Sarwat


Reconfigurable and non-volatile vertical magnetic logic gates, J. Butler, M. Shachar, B. Lee, D. Garcia, B. Hu, J. Hong, N. Amos, and Sakhrat Khizroev


Induced Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on the Autonomic Nervous System and the Cardiac Rhythm, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Anastasio Cabrera, Juan O. Perez, Jesus de la Rua, Niovi Rojas, Qi Zhou, Alberto Pinzon-Ardila, Sergio M. Gonzalez-Arias, and Malek Adjouadi


Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Incorporating Renewable Energy Sources and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Amin Gholami, Mahdi Jamei, Javad Ansari, and Arif I. Sarwat


A Low-Interaction Automatic 3D Liver Segmentation Method Using Computed Tomography for Selective Internal Radiation Therapy, Mohammed Goryawala, Seza Gulec, Ruchir Bhatt, Anthony J. McGoron, and Malek Adjouadi


Design of a Small Modified Minkowski Fractal Antenna for Passive Deep Brain Stimulation Implants, Sara Manafi and Hai Deng


Capacity Analysis of LTE-Advanced HetNets with Reduced Power Subframes and Range Expansion, Arvind Merwaday, Ismail Guvenc, and Sayandev Mukherjee


A probabilistic approach for pediatric epilepsy diagnosis using brain functional connectivity networks, Saman Sargolzaei, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Arman Sargolzaei, Shirin Noei, Anas Salah Eddin, Hoda Rajaei, Alberto Pinzon-Ardila, Sergio M. Gonzalez-Arias, Prasanna Jayakar, and Malek Adjouadi


A practical guideline for intracranial volume estimation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Saman Sargolzaei, Arman Sargolzaei, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Gang Chen, Mohammed Goryawala, Shirin Noei, Qi Zhou, Ranjan Duara, Warren Barker, and Malek Adjouadi


A Downsizing Strategy for Combinatorial PMSG Based Wind Turbine and Micro-SMES System Applied in Standalone DC Microgrid, Arif I. Sarwat and Amirhasan Moghadasiriseh


Bandwidth reconfigurable metamaterial arrays, Nathanael J. Smith, Dimitris Papantonis, and John L. Volakis


Effectiveness of BaTiO3 dielectric patches on YBa2Cu3O7 thin films for MEM switches, J. Vargas, Y. Hijazi, J. Noel, Yuriy Vlasov, and Grover Larkins


Exchanging Ohmic Losses in Metamaterial Absorbers with Useful Optical Absorption for Photovoltaics, Ankit Vora, Jephias Gwamuri, Nezih Pala, Anand Kulkarni, Joshua M. Pearce, and Durdu Ö. Güney


Significance of Normalization on Anatomical MRI Measures in Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease, Qi Zhou, Mohammed Goryawala, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Waren Barker, Ranjan Duara, and Malek Adjouadi

Faculty Publications from 2013


Fair and QoS-oriented resource management in heterogeneous networks, Mustafa Cenk Erturk, Ismail Guvenc, Sayandev Mukherjee, and Huseyin Arslan


A Fuzzy Preprocessing Module for Optimizing the Access Network Selection in Wireless Networks, Faisal Kaleem, Abolfazl Mehbodniya, Kang K. Yen, and Fumiyuki Adachi


Gesture Recognition Using Neural Networks Based on HW/SW Cosimulation Platform, Priyanka Mekala, Jeffrey Fan, Wen-Cheng Lai, and Ching-Wen Hsue