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Obtaining the exact position of accumulated calcium on the inner walls of coronary arteries is critical for successful angioplasty procedures. For the first time to our knowledge, in this work, we present a high accuracy imaging of the inner coronary artery using microwaves for precise calcium identification. Specifically, a cylindrical catheter radiating microwave signals is designed. The catheter has multiple dipole-like antennas placed around it to enable a 360° field-of-view around the catheter. In addition, to resolve image ambiguity, a metallic rod is inserted along the axis of the plastic catheter. The reconstructed images using data obtained from simulations show successful detection and 3D localization of the accumulated calcium on the inner walls of the coronary artery in the presence of blood flow. Considering the space and shape limitations, and the highly lossy biological tissue environment, the presented imaging approach is promising and offers a potential solution for accurate localization of coronary atherosclerosis during angioplasty or other related procedures.
