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Articles from 2014

Turning Passive Detection Systems into Field Experiments: An Application Using Wetland Fishes and Enclosures to Track Fine-Scale Movement and Habitat Choice, Jennifer S. Rehage, Ross E. Boucek, E. A. Cline, M. I. Cook, R. M. Kobza, and Amartya Saha

Fish Community Responses to the Combined Effects of Decreased Hydroperiod and Nonnative Fish Invasions in a Karst Wetland: Are Everglades Solution Holes Sinks for Native Fishes?, Jennifer S. Rehage, S. E. Liston, K. J. Dunker, and W. F. Loftus

Fish Community Responses to the Combined Effects of Decreased Hydroperiod and Nonnative Fish Invasions in a Karst Wetland: Are Everglades Solution Holes Sinks for Native Fishes?, Jennifer S. Rehage, S. E. Liston, K. J. Dunker, and W. F. Loftus

Neural correlates of intersensory processing in 5-month-old infants, Greg D. Reynolds, Lorraine E. Bahrick, Robert Lickliter, and Maggie W. Guy


Ecology and Physiology of the Pathogenic Cyanobacterium Roseofilum reptotaenium, Laurie L. Richardson, Dina Stanic, Amanda May, Abigael Brownell, Miroslav Gantar, and Shawn R. Campagna


A methodology for fast assessments to the electrical activity of barrel fields in vivo: from population inputs to single unit outputs, Jorge Riera, Takakuni Goto, and Ryuta Kawashima


Experimental Evidence of Threat-Sensitive Collective Avoidance Responses in a Large Wild-Caught Herring School, Guillaume Rieucau, Kevin M. Boswell, Alex De Robertis, Gavin J. Macaulay, and Nils Olav Handegard


Beyond BMI: The “Metabolically healthy obese” phenotype & its association with clinical/subclinical cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality -- a systematic review, Lara L. Roberson, Ehimen C. Aneni, Wasim Maziak, Arthur Agatston, Theodore Feldman, Maribeth Rouseff, Thinh Tran, Michael J. Blaha, Raul D. Santos, Andrei Sposito, Mouaz H. Al-Mallah, Ron Blankenstein, Matthew J. Budoff, and Khurram Nasir


The prevalence of the metabolically healthy obese phenotype in an aging population and its association with subclinical cardiovascular disease: The Brazilian study on healthy aging, Lara Roberson, Sameer Shaharyar, Ehimen Aneni, Wladimir Freitas, Michael Blaha, Arthur Agatston, Roger Blumenthal, Raul D. Santos, Hamid Feiz, Khurram Nasir, and Andrei Sposito

Fluorescence Characteristics of Size-Fractionated Dissolved Organic Matter: Implications for a Molecular Assembly Based Structure?, Cristina Romera-Castillo, Meilian Chen, Youhei Yamashita, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Fluorescence Characteristics of Size-Fractionated Dissolved Organic Matter: Implications for a Molecular Assembly Based Structure?, Cristina Romero-Castillo, Meilian Chen, Youhei Yamashita, and Rudolf Jaffe´


Exploring Germplasm Diversity to Understand the Domestication Process in Cicer spp. Using SNP and DArT Markers, Manish Roorkiwal, Eric J. von Wettberg, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Emily Warschefsky, Abhishek Rathore, and Rajeev K. Varshney

New Record of Everglades Mink in Everglades National Park from the Stomach of an American Alligator, Adam Rosenblatt, James C. Nifong, Michael R. Heithaus, Mark W. Parry, and Frank J. Mazzotti

Are Seeds Consumed by Crocodilians Viable? A Test of the Crocodilian Saurochory Hypothesis, Adam Rosenblatt, Scott Zona, Michael R. Heithaus, and Frank J. Mazzotti


Language Development across the Life Span: A Neuropsychological/Neuroimaging Perspective, Monica Rosselli, Alfredo Ardilla, Esmeralda Matute, and Idaly Velez-Uribe

Compositional Effects of Sea-Level Rise in a Patchy Landscape: The Dynamics of Tree Islands in the Southeastern Coastal Everglades, Michael S. Ross, Jay P. Sah, J. F. Meeder, Pablo L. Ruiz, and G. Telesnicki


A Comparison of Maternal Attachment between American Adolescent and Adult Mothers of Preschoolers, Ratchaneewan Ross and JoAnne M. Youngblut


At the southeast fringe of the Bantu expansion: genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships to other sub-Saharan tribes, Diane Rowold, Ralph Garcia-Bertrand, Silvia Calderon, Luis Rivera, David Perez Benedico, Miguel A. Alfonso Sanchez, Shilpa Chennakrishnaiah, Mangela Varela, and Rene J. Herrera


Public health in the twenty-first century: the role of advanced technologies, Muni Rubens, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, Anshul Saxena, and Nanacy Shehadeh


Gun violence in United States: in search for a solution, Muni Rubens and Nancy Shehadeh


Regional differences in the age and growth of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the US Gulf of Mexico, Courtney R. Saari, James H. Cowan Jr., and Kevin M. Boswell


Trajectories of Vegetation Response to Water Management in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida, Jay P. Sah, Michael S. Ross, S. Saha, P. Minchin, and J. Sadle


Search for H-dibaryon at J-PARC with a Large Acceptance TPC, H. Sako, J. K. Ahn, K. Y. Baek, B. Bassalleck, H. Fujioka, Lei Guo, S. Hasegawa, K. Hicks, R. Honda, S. H. Hwang, Y. Ichikawa, M. Ieri, K. Imai, S. H. Kim, R. Kiuchi, H. S. Lee, K. Nakazawa, M. Naruki, A. Ni, M. Niiyama, K. Ozawa, J. Y. Park, S. Y. Ryu, S. Sato, K. Shirotori, H. Sugimura, M. Sumihara, K. Tanida, H. Takahashi, and T. Takahashi


Immunopathogenesis of HIV Infection in Cocaine Users: Role of Arachidonic Acid, Thangavel Samikkannu, Kesava Rao Venkata Kurapati, Hong Ding, Marisela Agudelo, Andrea Raymond, Changwon Yoo, and Madhavan Nair


A probabilistic approach for pediatric epilepsy diagnosis using brain functional connectivity networks, Saman Sargolzaei, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Arman Sargolzaei, Shirin Noei, Anas Salah Eddin, Hoda Rajaei, Alberto Pinzon-Ardila, Sergio M. Gonzalez-Arias, Prasanna Jayakar, and Malek Adjouadi


A practical guideline for intracranial volume estimation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Saman Sargolzaei, Arman Sargolzaei, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Gang Chen, Mohammed Goryawala, Shirin Noei, Qi Zhou, Ranjan Duara, Warren Barker, and Malek Adjouadi


Protons in High Density Neutron Matter, Misak M. Sargsian


Inclusive and Exclusive Scatterings from Tensor Polarized Deuteron, Misak M. Sargsian and M. I. Strikman


A Downsizing Strategy for Combinatorial PMSG Based Wind Turbine and Micro-SMES System Applied in Standalone DC Microgrid, Arif I. Sarwat and Amirhasan Moghadasiriseh


Risk of Second Cancers in Merkel Cell Carcinoma: A Meta-Analysis of Population Based Cohort Studies, Anshul Saxena, Muni Rubens, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, and Hafiz M.R. Khan


Genetic Diversity and Demographic History of Cajanus spp. Illustrated from Genome-Wide SNPs, Rachit K. Saxena, Eric von Wettberg, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Vanessa Sanchez, Serah Songok, Kulbhushan Saxena, Paul Kimurto, and Rajeev K. Varshney


Relationships of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p’-DDE) with Testosterone Levels in Adolescent Males, Lawrence M. Schell, Mia V. Gallo, Glenn D. Deane, Kyrie R. Nelder, Anthony P. DeCaprio, Agnes Jacobs, and Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment


Towards a Cohesive, Holistic View of Top Predation: A Definition, Synthesis and Perspective, Fabrizio Sergio, Oswald J. Schmitz, Charles J. Krebbs, Robert D. Holt, Michael R. Heithaus, Aaron J. Wirsing, William J. Ripple, Euan Ritchie, David Ainley, Daniel Oro, Yadvendradev Jhala, Fernando Hiraldo, and Erkki Korpimäki


Natural convection heat transfer under constant heat flux wall in a nanofluid filled annulus enclosure, S. M. Seyyedi, M. Dayyan, Soheil Soleimani, and Esmaiil Ghasemi


Jaw Dysfunction Is Associated with Neck Disability and Muscle Tenderness in Subjects with and without Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders, A. Silveira, Inae Caroline Gadotti, S. Armijo-Olivo, D. A. Biasotto-Gonzalez, and D. Magee


Re: Association of polymorphism in cytochrome P450 2C9 with susceptibility to head and neck cancer and treatment outcome: Pragmatic use of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and statistical interaction analysis, Sandeep Kumar Singh


Remaining natural vegetation in the global biodiversity hotspots, Sean Sloan, Clinton N. Jenkins, Lucas N. Joppa, David LA Gaveau, and William F. Laurance

Metacommunity Structure Along Resource and Disturbance Gradients in Everglades Wetlands, Eric R. Sokol, J. Mathew Hoch, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Joel C. Trexler


A combined method to quantify the retinal metabolic rate of oxygen using photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy and optical coherence tomography, Wei Song, Qing Wei, Wenzhong Liu, Tan Liu, Ji Yi, Nader Sheibani, Amani A. Fawzi, Robert A. Linsenmeier, Shuliang Jiao, and Hao F. Zhang


Modeling and Simulation of Enzymatic Biofuel Cells with Three-Dimensional Microelectrodes, Yin Song, Varun Penmatsa, and Chunlei Wang


Using phylogenetically-informed annotation (PIA) to search for light-interacting genes in transcriptomes from non-model organisms, Daniel I. Speiser, M. Sabrina Pankey, Alexander K. Zaharoff, Barbara A. Battelle, Heather D. Bracken-Grissom, Jesse W. Breinholt, Seth M. Bybee, Thomas W. Cronin, Anders Garm, Annie R. Lindgren, Nipam H. Patel, Megan L. Porter, Meredith E. Protas, Ajna S. Rivera, Jeanne M. Serb, Kirk S. Zigler, Keith A. Crandall, and Todd H. Oakley

Hydrologic Dynamics of a Subtropical Estuary Using Geochemical Tracers, Celestún, Yucatan, Mexico, Jeremy C. Stalker, René M. Price, Vicotr H. Rivera-Monroy, Jorge Herrera-Silverira, Jorge A. Benitez, and David Alonzo-Parra


Predicting Time on Prolonged Benefits for Injured Workers with Acute Back Pain, Ivan A. Steenstra, Jason W. Busse, David Tolusso, Arold Davilmar, Hyunmi Lee, Andrea D. Furlan, Ben Amick, and Sheilah Hogg-Johnson

The Effect of Nutrient-Rich Effluents from Shrimp Farming on Mangrove Soil Carbon Storage and Geochemistry Under Semi-Arid Climate Conditions in Northern Brazil, M. Suarez-Abelenda, T. O. Ferreira, M. Camps-Arbestain, V. H. Rivera-Monroy, F. Macias, G. N. Nobrega, and X. L. Otero


Obesity and Serum High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Levels Among Elderly Turkish Immigrants in the Netherlands with Type 2 Diabetes, Shiryn D. Sukhram, Gustavo G. Zarini, Lamya Shaban, Joan Vaccaro, and Fatma G. Huffman


Use of Movable Bus Stop Loading Pads: Feasibility and Design Alternatives, Nakin Suksawang, Priyanka Alluri, Albert Gan, Katrina Meneses, Fabian Cevallos, Kirolos Haleem, and Dibakar Saha

The Influence of Vegetation on the Hydrodynamics and Geomorphology of a Tree Island in Everglades National Park (Florida, United States), Pamela L. Sullivan, Vic Engel, Michael S. Ross, and René M. Price

Wetland Ecosystem Response to Hydrologic Restoration and Management: The Everglades and its Urban- Agricultural Boundary (FL, USA), Pamela L. Sullivan, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Donatto Surratt, David T. Rudnick, Stephen E. Davis, and Fred H. Sklar

The Role of Recharge and Evapotranspiration as Hydraulic Drivers of Ion Concentrations in Shallow Groundwater on Everglades Tree Islands, Florida (USA), Pamela L. Sullivan, René M. Price, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Michael S. Ross, Leanord J. Scinto, Thomas W. Dreschel, and Eric Cline

The Role of Recharge and Evapotranspiration as Hydraulic Drivers of Ion Concentrations in Shallow Groundwater on Everglades Tree Islands, Florida (USA), Pamela L. Sullivan, René M. Price, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Michael S. Ross, Leonard Scinto, and Thomas W. Dreschel

The Influence of Hydrologic Restoration on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a Karst Wetland, the Everglades (FL, USA), Pamela L. Sullivan, René M. Price, Jessica L. Schedlbauer, Amartya Saha, and Evelyn E. Gaiser


Applying Downscaled Global Climate Model Data to a Hydrodynamic Surface-Water and Groundwater Model, Eric Swain, Lydia Stefanova, and Thomas Smith


Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Studies and Meta-Analyses of Longitudinal Change in Adult Lung Function, Wenbo Tang, Matthew Kowgier, Daan W. Loth, Maria Soler Artigas, Bonnie R. Joubert, Emily Hodge, Sina A. Gharib, Albert V. Smith, Ingo Ruczinski, Vilmundur Gudnason, Rasika A. Mathias, Tamara B. Harris, Nadia N. Hansel, Lenore J. Launer, Kathleen C. Barnes, Joyanna G. Hansen, and O. Dale Williams


Modeling the Influence of Environment and Intervention on Cholera in Haiti, Stephen Tennenbaum, Caroline Freitag, and Svetlana Roudenko


Life-Integrated Evolving Digital Diplomas, Mandayam Thirunarayanan

Photo-Reactivity of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter from Fresh to Marine Waters in the Florida Everglades, USA, Stephen A. Timko, Cristina Romera-Castillo, Rudolf Jaffe´, and William J. Cooper


A surface plasmon resonance study of the intermolecular interaction between Escherichia coli topoisomerase I and pBAD/Thio supercoiled plasmid DNA, Purushottam Babu Tiwari, Thirunavukkarasu Annamalai, Bokun Cheng, Gagandeep Narula, Xuewen Wang, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh, Jin He, and Yesim Darici

Drivers of Decadal-Scale Change in Southern Everglades Wetland Macrophyte Communities of the Coastal Ecotone, Tiffany G. Troxler, Daniel L. Childers, and Christopher J. Madden


The Role of Family/Friend Social Support in Diabetes Self-Management for Minorities with Type 2 Diabetes, Joan A. Vaccaro, Joel C. Exebio, Gustavo G. Zarini, and Fatma G. Huffman


Dietary Factors, Body Weight, and Screen Time in U.S. Children with and without Asthma, Joan A. Vaccaro, Joanne Niego, and Fatma G.. Huffman


Dietary Quality and Comorbidities of Adults at Medical Risk for Diabetes, Joan A. Vaccaro, Daniela Safina, Lauren Grunspan, and Fatma G. Huffman


Tobacco Smoking Increases Immune Activation and Impairs T-Cell Function in HIV Infected Patients on Antiretrovirals: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study, Ranjini Valiathan, María José Míguez-Burbano, Bijal Patel, Kristopher L. Arheart, and Deshratn Asthana


Effectiveness of BaTiO3 dielectric patches on YBa2Cu3O7 thin films for MEM switches, J. Vargas, Y. Hijazi, J. Noel, Yuriy Vlasov, and Grover Larkins

In Situ Response of Phytoplankton to Nutrient Additions in a Tropical Coastal Lagoon, (La Mancha, Veracruz, Mexico), Francisco Varona-Cordero, Francisco J. Gutierrez-Mendieta, and Victor H. Rivera-Monroy


Exchanging Ohmic Losses in Metamaterial Absorbers with Useful Optical Absorption for Photovoltaics, Ankit Vora, Jephias Gwamuri, Nezih Pala, Anand Kulkarni, Joshua M. Pearce, and Durdu Ö. Güney

Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Black Nitrogen via Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry, Sasha Wagner, Thorsten Dittman, and Rudolf Jaffe´


Indole Alkaloids from Fischerella Inhibit Vertebrate Development in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryo Model, Katherine Walton, Miroslav Gantar, Patrick D.L. Gibbs, Michael C. Schmale, and John P. Berry

Composition of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Rivers Associated with Wetlands, Akira Watanabe, Kiyoshi Tsutsuki, Yudzuru Inoue, Nagamitsu Maie, Lulie Melling, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Cross-fertilizing Aquatic and Terrestrial Research to Understand Predator Risk Effects, Aaron J. Wirsing, Michael R. Heithaus, and Alejandro Frid


A 5', 8-cyclo-2'-deoxypurine lesion induces trinucleotide repeat deletion via a unique lesion bypass by DNA polymerase β., Meng Xu, Yanhao Lai, Zhongliang Jiang, Michael A. Terzidis, Annalisa Masi, Chryssostomos Chatgilialoglu, and Yuan Liu

Assessing Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics and Source Strengths in a Subtropical Estuary: Application of Stable Carbon Isotopes and Optical Properties, Chao Ya, William T. Anderson, and Rudolf Jaffe´


Wogonin induces cell cycle arrest and erythroid differentiation in imatinib-resistant K562 cells and primary CML cells, Hao Yang, Hui Hui, Qian Wang, Hui Li, Kai Zhao, Yuxin Zhou, Yu Zhu, Xiaotang Wang, Qidong You, Qinglong Guo, and Na Lu


Big Data Analysis Using Modern Statistical and Machine Learning Methods in Medicine, Changwon Yoo, Luis Ramirez, and Juan Liuzzi


Lifestyle Behaviors and Self-Rated Health: The Living for Health Program, Gustavo G. Zarini, Joan A. Vaccaro, Maria A. Canossa Terris, Joel C. Exebio, Laura Tokayer, Janet Antwi, Sahar Ajabshirt, Amanpreet Cheema, and Fatma G. Huffman


Light controlling light in a coupled cavity-atom system, Bichen Zhou, Zheng Tan, and Yifu Zhu


Differential Effects of Lichens versus Liverworts Epiphylls on Host Leaf Traits in the Tropical Montane Rainforest, Hainan Island, China, Ligyan Zhou, Fude Liu, Wenjie Yang, H. Liu, Hongbo Shao, Zhongsheng Wang, and Sunqing An


Significance of Normalization on Anatomical MRI Measures in Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease, Qi Zhou, Mohammed Goryawala, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Waren Barker, Ranjan Duara, and Malek Adjouadi


Quorum Sensing Signal Production and Microbial Interactions in a Polymicrobial Disease of Corals and the Coral Surface Mucopolysaccharide Layer, Beth L. Zimmer, Amanda L. May, Chinmayee D. Bhedi, Stephen P. Dearth, Carson W. Prevatte, Zoe Pratte, Shawn R. Campagna, and Laurie L. Richardson

Submissions from 2013


Do storybooks really break children's gender stereotypes?, Carla Abad and Shannon M. Pruden


Relative roles of dispersal dynamics and competition in determining the isotopic niche breadth of a wetland fish, Robin N. Abbey-Lee, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Joel C. Trexler


The Case for UHP Conditions in the Cuaba Terrane, Río San Juan Metamorphic Complex, Dominican Republic, R N. Abbott Jr. and Grenville Draper


The influence of neighbourhood formality status and socio-economic position on self-rated health among adult men and women: a multilevel, cross sectional, population study from Aleppo, Syria, Balsam Ahmad, Vicky Ryan, Wasim Maziak, Tanja Pless-Mulloli, and Martin White


Forecasting future prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Syria, Radwan Al Ali, Fawaz Mzayek, Samer Rastam, Fouad M Fouad, Martin O'Flaherty, Simon Capewell, and Wasim Maziak


Human Synaptic Plasticity Gene Expression Profile and Dendritic Spine Density Changes in HIV-Infected Human CNS Cells: Role in HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND), Venakata Subba Rao Alturi, Sudheesh P. Kanthikeel, Pichili V.B. Reddy, Adriana Yndart, and Madhavan P.N. Nair


Allatotropin: An Ancestral Myotropic Neuropeptide Involved in Feeding, Maria Eugenia Alzugaray, Mariana Laura Adami, Luis Anibal Diambra, Salvado Hernandez-Martinez, Christina Damborenea, Fernando Gabriel Noriega, and Jorge Rafael Ronderos


Maximum Equilibrium Prevalence of Mosquito-Borne Microparasite Infections in Humans, Marcos Amaku, Marcelo Nascimento, Francisco Antonio Bezerra Coutinho, Luis Fernandez Lopez, and Eduardo Massad


68Ga-NOTA-CHSg and 99mTc-CHSg Labeled Microspheres for Lung Perfusion and Liver Radiomicrospheres Therapy Planning, Alejandro Amor-Coarasa, Andrew Milera, Denny Carvajal, Seza Gulec, Jared Leichner, and Anthony J. McGoron

Paleoenvironmental change in wetlands of the Florida Everglades, southeast USA, William T. Anderson and Evelyn E. Gaiser


The Introverted Leader: Examining the Role of Personality and Environment, Candace Atamanik


Segmented Occupational Mobility: The Case of Non-EU Immigrants in Spain, Maria Aysa-Lastra and Lorenzo Cachon

Stoichiometry, growth, and fecundity responses to nutrient enrichment by invertebrate grazers in sub-tropical turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) meadows, Lesley P. Baggett, Kenneth L. Heck Jr., Thomas A. Frankovich, Anna R. Armitage, and James W. Fourqurean


Body perception: Intersensory origins of self and other perception in newborns, L. E. Bahrick

The development of face perception in infancy: Intersensory interference and unimodal visual facilitation, Lorraine E. Bahrick, Robert Lickliter, and Irina Castellanos


Deep sequencing analyses expands the Pseudomonas aeruginosa AmpR regulon to include small RNA-mediated regulation of iron acquisition, heat shock and oxidative stress response, Deepak Balasubramania, Hansi Kumari, Melita Jaric, Mitch Fernandez, Keith H. Turner, Simon L. Dove, Giri Narasimhan, Stephen Lory, and Kalai Mathee


Deep sequencing analyses expands the Pseudomonas aeruginosa AmpR regulon to include small RNA-mediated regulation of iron acquisition, heat shock and oxidative stress response, Deepak Balasubramania, Hansi Kumari, Melita Jaric, Mitch Fernandez, Keith H. Turner, Simon L. Dove, Giri Narasimhan, Stephen Lory, and Kalai Mathee


Space-for-Time Substitution Works in Everglades Ecological Forecasting Models, Amanda I. Banet and Joel C. Trexler


Space-for-Time Substitution Works in Everglades Ecological Forecasting Models, Amanda I. Banet and Joel C. Trexler


A cross-sectional study of Jamaican adolescents’ risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, Sheila C. Barrett, Fatma G. Huffman, Paulette Johnson, Adriana Campa, Marcia Magnus, and Dalip Ragoobirsingh


Modeling Light Use Efficiency in a Subtropical Mangrove Forest Equipped with CO2 Eddy Covariance °C, Jordan G. Barr


Summertime Influences of Tidal Energy Advection on the Surface Energy Balance in a Mangrove Forest, Jordan G. Barr, J. D. Fuentes, M. S. DeLonge, T. L. O'Halloran, and J. C. Zeiman