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Articles from 2015

Effect of photodegradation on molecular size distribution and quality of dissolved black carbon, Sasha Wagner and Rudolf Jaffe


Associations Between the Molecular and Optical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Florida Everglades, a Model Coastal Wetland System, Sasha Wagner, Rudolf Jaffe´, Kaelin Cawley, Thorston Dittmar, and Aron Stubbins


Methyl Farnesoate Plays a Dual Role in Regulating Drosophila Metamorphosis, Di Wen, Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez, Mohamed Abdou, Qiangqiang Jia, Qianyu He, Xi Liu, Ola Zyaan, Jingjing Xu, William G. Bendena, Stephen S. Tobe, Fernando G. Noriega, Subba R. Palli, Jian Wang, and Sheng Li


Factors Affecting Compliance With Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Households Residing in the Largely Haitian Community of Little Haiti, Miami-Dade County, Florida, Meredith Leigh Wilcox, Juan M. Acuna, Pura Rodríguez de la Vega, Grettel Castro, and Purnima Madhivanan


Potential for international spread of wild poliovirus via travelers, Annelies Wilder-Smith, Wei-Yee Leong, Luis Fernandez Lopez, Marcos Amaku, Mikkel Quam, Kamran Khan, and Eduardo Massad


Urinary Levels of N-Nitroso Compounds in Relation to Risk of Gastric Cancer: Findings from the Shanghai Cohort Study, Ling Xu, Yong-Hua Qu, Xin-Di Chu, Renwei Wang, Heather Nelson, Yu-Tang Gao, and Jian-Min Yuan


Ecological scaling laws link individual body size variation to population abundance fluctuation., Meng Xu


Linkages among fluorescent dissolved organic matter, dissolved amino acids and lignin-derived phenols in a river-influenced ocean margin, Youhei Yamashita, Cedric G. Fichot, Yuan Shen, Rudolf Jaffe, and Ronald Benner


Antimicrobial Susceptibility and SOS-Dependent Increase in Mutation Frequency Are Impacted by Escherichia coli Topoisomerase I C-Terminal Point Mutation, Jenny Yang, Thirunavukkarasu Annamalai, Bokun Cheng, Srikanth Banda, Rakhi Tyagi, and Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh


Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Sensor for the Determination of 8-Hydroxy-2 '-deoxyguanosine Incorporating SWCNTs-Nafion Composite Film, Lingfei Yang, Bing Wang, Honglan Qi, Qiang Gao, Chen-zhong Li, and Chengxiao Zhang


A mechanism of glucose tolerance and stimulation of GH1 β-glucosidases, Yang Yang, Xinxin Zhang, Qiang Yin, Wei Fang, Zemin Fang, Xiaotang Wang, Xuecheng Zhang, and Yazhong Xiao

Palynological reconstruction of environmental changes in coastal wetlands of the Florida Everglades since the mid-Holocene, Qiang Yao, Kam-biu Liu, William J. Platt, and Victor H. Rivera-Monroy


Health and Functioning in Grandparents After a Young Grandchild?s Death, JoAnne M. Youngblut, Dorothy Brooten, Kathleen Blais, Colleen Kilgore, and Changwon Yoo


Health and Functioning in Grandparents After a Young Grandchild’s Death, JoAnne M. Youngblut, Dorothy Brooten, Kathleen Blais, Colleen Kilgore, and Changwon Yoo


Diffeomorphism Spline, Wei Zeng, Muhammad Razib, and Abdur Bin Shahid


Oroxylin A promotes PTEN-mediated negative regulation of MDM2 transcription via SIRT3-mediated deacetylation to stabilize p53 and inhibit glycolysis in wt-p53 cancer cells, Kai Zhao, Yuxin Zhou, Chen Qiao, Ting Ni, Zhiyu Li, Xiaotang Wang, Qinglong Guo, Na Lu, and Libin Wei


Combined Loss of Tet1 and Tet2 Promotes B Cell, but Not Myeloid Malignancies, in Mice, Zhigang Zhao, Li Chen, Meelad M. Dawlaty, Feng Pan, Ophelia Weeks, Yuan Zhou, Zeng Cao, Hui Shi, Jiapeng Wang, Li Lin, Shi Chen, Weiping Yuan, Zhaohui Qin, Hongyu Ni, Stephen D. Nimer, Feng-Chun Yang, Rudolf Jaenisch, and Peng Jin


Selective Reduction of Cr(VI) in Chromium, Copper and Arsenic (CCA) Mixed Waste Streams Using UV/TiO2 Photocatalysis, Shan Zheng, Wenjun Jiang, Mamun Rashid, Yong Cai, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, and Kevin E. O'Shea


Assessing student reasoning in upper-division electricity and magnetism at Oregon State University, Justyna P. Zwolak and Corinne A. Manogue

Publications from 2014


A functional model and simulation of spinal motor pools and intrafascicular recordings of motoneuron activity in peripheral nerve, Mohamed N. Abdelghani, James J. Abbas, Kenneth W. Horch, and Ranu Jung


Effect of beta 1,3 glucan in stress responses of the pencilfish (Nannostomus trifasciatus) during transport within the rio Negro basin, Janessa S. Abreu, Richard P. Brinn, Levy C. Gomes, Dawn Michelle McComb, Bernardo Baldisserott, Sérgio F. Zaiden, Elisabeth C. Urbinati, and Jaydione L. Marcon


Functional Activation and Effective Connectivity Differences in Adolescent Marijuana Users Performing a Simulated Gambling Task, Ashley Acheson, Kimberly L. Ray, Christina S. Hines, Karl Li, Michael A. Dawes, Charles W. Mathias, Donald M. Dougherty, and Angela R. Laird


One-ElectronOxidation of Gemcitabine and Analogs:Mechanism of Formation of C3? and C2? Sugar Radicals, Amitava Adhikary, Anil Kumar, Ramanjaneyulu Rayala, Ragda M. Hindi, Ananya Adhikary, Stanislaw F. Wnuk, and Michael D. Sevilla


A Comparison of Some Robust Bicariate Control Charts for Individual Observations, Moustafa Omar Ahmed Abu Shawiesh, Florence George, and B M Golam Kibria

Skin Color and Self-reported Sun Exposure Scores are Associatedwith Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in a Multi-ethnic Population Living in South Florida, Sahar Ajabshir, Joel Exebio, Gustavo G. Zarini, Ali Nayer, Lemia Shaba, and Fatma G. Huffman


Circadian Variation in Vascular Function and Regenerative Capacity in Healthy Humans, Ibhar Al Mheid, Frank Corrigan, Farheen Shirazi, Emir Veledar, Qunna Li, Wayne R. Alexander, W. Robert Taylor, Edmund K. Waller, and Arshed A. Quyyumi


In Vitro Evaluation of Fluorescence Glucose Biosensor Response, Mamdouh Aloraefy, T. Joshua Pfefer, Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, and Kim E. Sapsford


Pediatric Neurocysticercosis: Usefulness of Antibody Response in Cysticidal Treatment Follow-Up, Venkata Alturi, Venkateswara Reddy Gogulamudi, Pratibha Singhi, Niranjan Khandelwal, Lakshmana Swamy Parasa, and Nancy Malla


Optimal Reliability-based Placement of Plug-In Electric Vehicles in Smart Distribution Network, Mohammadhadi Amini and Arif I. Sarwat


90Y-DOTA-CHS Microspheres for Live Radiomicrosphere Therapy: Preliminary In Vivo Lung Radiochemical Stability Studies, Alejandro Amor-Coarasa, Andrew Milera, Denny Carvajal, Seza Gulec, and Anthony J. McGoron


Lyophilized Kit for the Preparation of the PET Perfusion Agent [68Ga]-MAA, Alejandro Amor-Coarasa, Andrew Milera, Denny Carvajal, Seza Gulec, and Anthony J. McGoron


Ecosystem fragmentation drives increased diet variation in an endemic livebearing fish of the Bahamas, Marcio S. Araujo, R. Brian Langerhans, Sean T. Giery, and Craig A. Layman


Language and Visual Perception Associations: Meta-Analytic Connectivity Modeling of Brodmann Area 37, Alfredo Ardilla, Byron Bernal, and Monica Rosselli


The Elusive Role of the Left Temporal Pole (BA38) in Language: A Preliminary Meta-Analytic Connectivity Study, Alfredo Ardilla, Byron Bernal, and Monica Rosselli


Poor Reliability between Cochrane Reviewers and Blinded External Reviewers When Applying the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool in Physical Therapy Trials, Susan Armijo-Olivo, Maria Ospina, Bruno R. da Costa, Matthias Egger, Humam Saltaji, Jorge Fuentes, Christine Ha, and Great G. Cummings


Vorinostat positively regulates synaptic plasticity genes expression and spine density in HIV infected neurons: role of nicotine in progression of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder, Venkata Atluri, Sudheesh Pilakka-Kanthikeel, Thangavel Samikkannu, Vidya Sagar, Kesava Rao Venkata Kurapati, Shailendra K. Saxena, Adriana Yndart, Andrea Raymond, Hong Ding, Oscar Hernandez, and Madhavan Nair


Exploring substance use and HIV treatment factors associated with neurocognitive impairment among people living with HIV/AIDS, Jennifer Attonito, Jessy G. Devieux, Brenda D.G. Lerner, Michelle M. Hospital, and Rhonda Rosenberg

Intersensory redundancy hinders face discrimination in preschool children: Evidence for visual facilitation, Lorraine E. Bahrick, Sheila Krogh-Jespersen, Melissa A. Argumosa, and Hassel Lopez


Learning to Attend Selectively: The Dual Role of Intersensory Redundancy, Lorraine E. Bahrick and Robert Lickliter


Seasonal Evapotranspiration Patterns in Mangrove Forests, Jordan G. Barr, Marcia S. DeLonge, and Jose D. Fuentes


Loss of Central Inhibition: Implications for Behavioral Hypersensitivity after Contusive Spinal Cord Injury in Rats, Yerko A. Berrocal, Vania W. Almeida, Rocio Puentes, Eric P. Knott, Jaclyn F. Hechtman, Mary Garland, and Damien D. Pearse


Endocranial morphology of the extinct Antillean shrew Nesophontes (Lipotyphla: Nesophontidae) from natural and digital endocasts of Cuban taxa, Alberto Blanco-Piñón, Florentin Jean-Marie Robert Maurrasse, Francisco Javier Zavala Díaz-de la Serna, Rubén Alfonso López-Doncel, Susana Abigail Ángeles-Trigueros, Juan Hernández-Ávila, and Edgar Juárez Arriaga


Electro-Disintegration of Tensor Polarized Deuterium, Werner U. Boeglin

Climate Extremes Drive Changes in Functional Community Structure, Ross E. Boucek and Jennifer S. Rehage

Examining the Effectiveness of Consumer Diet Sampling as a Nonnative Detection Tool in a Subtropical Estuary, Ross E. Boucek and Jennifer S. Rehage

Temporal Variability of Carbon and Nutrient Burial, Sediment Accretion, and Mass Accumulation over the Past Century in a Carbonate Platform Mangrove Forest of the Florida Everglades., Joshua L. Breithaupt, Joseph M. Smoak, Thomas J. Smith III, and Christian J. Sanders


Relating Freshwater Flow with Estuarine Water Quality in the Southern Everglades Mangrove Ecotone, Henry O. Briceño, Gabriel Miller, and Stephen E. Davis III


Reconfigurable and non-volatile vertical magnetic logic gates, J. Butler, M. Shachar, B. Lee, D. Garcia, B. Hu, J. Hong, N. Amos, and Sakhrat Khizroev


Induced Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on the Autonomic Nervous System and the Cardiac Rhythm, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Anastasio Cabrera, Juan O. Perez, Jesus de la Rua, Niovi Rojas, Qi Zhou, Alberto Pinzon-Ardila, Sergio M. Gonzalez-Arias, and Malek Adjouadi

Ocean Acidification Outweighs Nutrient Effects in Structuring Seagrass Epiphyte Communities, Justin E. Campbell and James W. Fourqurean

Evaluation of Forest Disturbance Legacy Effects on Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics in Streams at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, Kaelin M. Cawley, John Campbell, Melissa Zwilling, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Using Optical Properties to Quantify Fringe Mangrove Inputs to the Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Pool in a Subtropical Estuary, Kaelin M. Cawley, Youhei Yamashita, Nagamitsu Maie, and Rudolf Jaffe´


Statistical algorithms for ontology-based annotation of scientific literature, Chayan Chakrabarti, Thomas B. Jones, George F. Luger, Jiawei F. Xu, Matthew D. Turner, Angela R. Laird, and Jessica A. Turner

Biogeochemical Effects of Simulated Sea Level Rise on Carbon Loss in an Everglades Mangrove Peat Soil, Lisa G. Chambers, Stephen E. Davis, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, Joseph N. Boyer, Alan Downey-Wall, and Leanord J. Scinto

Biogeochemical Effects of Simulated Sea Level Rise on Carbon Loss in an Everglades Mangrove Peat Soil, Lisa G. Chambers, Stephen E. Davis, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, Joseph N. Boyer, Alan Downey-Wall, and Leonard J. Scinto


Effect of Water Management on Interannual Variation in Bulk Soil Properties from the Eastern Coastal Everglades, R. M. Chambers, R. L. Hatch, and T. M. Russell

Ethnic Differences in Insulin Resistance, Adiponectin Levels and Abdominal Obesity: Haitian Americans and African Americans, with and without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Amanpreet K. Cheena, Gustavo G. Zarini, Joel C. Exebio, Sahar Ajabshir, Lemia Shaban, Janet Antwi, Joan Vaccaro, and Fatma G. Huffman


Physician tracking in sub-Saharan Africa: current initiatives and opportunities, Candice Chen, Sarag Baird, Katumba Ssentongo, Sinit Mehtsun, Emiola Oluwabunmi Olapade-Olaopa, Jim Scott, Nelson Sewankambo, Zohray Talib, Melissa Ward-Peterson, Damen Haile Mariam, and Paschalis Rugarabamu


Biosensors for Inorganic and Organic Arsenicals, Jian Chen and Barry P. Rosen

Photo- and Bio-reactivity Patterns of Dissolved Organic Matter from Biomass and Soil Leachates and Surface Waters in a Subtropical Wetland, Meillian Chen and Rudolf Jaffe´

The Degree of Urbanization Across the Globe is not Reflected in the δ15N of Seagrass Leaves, Bart Christiaen, Rebecca J. Bernard, Behzad Mortazavi, Just Cebrian, and Alice C. Ortmann


Observation of a peaking structure in the J/ψφmass spectrum from B±→J/ψφK±decays, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland


Observation of a peaking structure in the J/ψφmass spectrum from B±→J/ψφK±decays, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; L.M. Lebolo; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Measurement of the pp→ZZproduction cross section and constraints on anomalous triple gauge couplings in four-lepton final states at √s=8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Measurement of the production cross section for a Wboson and two bjets in ppcollisions at √s=7TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Measurement of the ratio B(t →Wb)/B(t →Wq)in pp collisions at √s=8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for top-squark pairs decaying into Higgs or Z bosons in pp collisions at √s=8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Differential cross section measurements for the production of aWboson in association with jets in proton–proton collisions at √s=7TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Modification of jet shapes in PbPb collisions at √ sNN = 2.76 TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Searches for light- and heavy-flavour three-jet resonances in pp collisions at √ s = 8 TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for baryon number violation in top-quark decays, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Constraints on the Higgs boson width from off-shell production and decay to Z-boson pairs, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; and Pete E. Markowitz


Measurement of the ttproduction cross section in pp collisions at√s=8 TeV in dilepton final states containing one τ lepton, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for excited quarks in the γ+jet final state in proton–proton collisions at √s=8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for new resonances decaying via WZ to leptons in proton–proton collisions at √s=8 TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for pair production of third-generation scalar leptoquarks and top squarks in proton–proton collisions at √s=8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Inclusive search for a vector-like T quark with charge 23 in pp collisions at p s = 8 TeV, CMS Collaboration, Vanessa Gaultney, Samantha Hewamanage, Stephan Linn, Pete E. Markowitz, German Martinez, and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at View the MathML sources=8 TeV in events with a single lepton, large jet multiplicity, and multiple b jets, CMS Collabortaion, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Cascading effects of a highly specialized beech-aphid-fungus interaction on forest regeneration, Susan C. Cook-Patton, Lauren Maynard, Nathan P. Lemoine, Jessica Shue, and John D. Parker


Two distinct microbial communities revealed in the sponge Cinachyrella, Marie L. Cuvelier, Emily Blake, Rebecca Mulheron, Peter J. McCarthy, Patricia Blackwelder, Rebecca L. Vega Thurber, and Jose V. Lopez


Protective effect of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone agonist in bacterial toxin-induced pulmonary barrier dysfunction, Istavan Czikora, Supriya Sridhar, Boris Gorshkov, Irina B. Alieva, Anita Kasa, Joyce Gonzales, Olena Patapenko, Nagavedi S. Umapathy, Helena Pilich, Ferenc g. Rick, Norman L. Block, Alexander D. Verin, Trinidad Chakraborty, Michael A. Matthay, Andrew V. Schally, and Rudolf Lucas


Restoring the Heart of the Everglades: The Challenges and Benefts, Stephen E. Davis, G. Melodie Naja, and Aida Arik


Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Dictyostelium discoideum Aggregation Streams, John Daniel DeBord, Donald F. Smith, Christopher R. Anderton, Ron M.A. Heeren, Ljiljana Paša-Tolić, Richard H. Gomer, and Francisco Fernandez-Lima


An Adult Case of Paratesticular Spindle Cell Rhabdomyosarcoma, Joan C. Delto, George F. Wayne, Sofia Garces, Ana M. Medina, and Alan M. Nieder


Unexpected phenological responses of butterflies to the interaction of urbanization and geographic temperature, Sarah E. Diamond, Heather Cayton, Tyson Wepprich, Clinton N. Jenkins, Robert R. Dunn, Nick M. Haddad, and Leslie Ries


Consulting Communities When Patients Cannot Consent: A Multi-Center Study of Community Consultation for Research in Emergency Settings, Neal W. Dickert, Victoria A. Mah, Michellle H. Biros, Deneil M. Harney, Robert Silbergleit, Jeremy Sugarman, Emir Veledar, Kevin P. Weinfurt, David W. Wright, and Rebecca D. Pentz

Environmental Dynamics of Dissolved Black Carbon in Wetlands, Yan Ding, Kaelin M. Cawley, Catia Nunes da Cunha, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Dissolved Black Carbon in Boreal Forest and Glacial Rivers of Central Alaska: Assessment of Biomass Burning Versus Anthropogenic Sources, Yan Ding, Youhei Yamashita, Jeremy Jones, and Rudolf Jaffe´


The dangers of carbon-centric conservation for biodiversity: a case study in the Andes, Alvaro Duque, Kenneth J. Feeley, Edersson Cabrera, Ricardo Callejas, and Alvaro Idarraga


Soluble Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor Level Is an Independent Predictor of the Presence and Severity of Coronary Artery Disease and of Future Adverse Events, Danny J. Eapen, Pankaj Manocha, Nima Ghasemzadeh, Riyaz S. Patel, Hatem Al Kassem, Muhammad Hammadah, Emir Veledar, Ngoc-Anh Le, Tomasz Pielak, Christian W. Thorball, Aristea Velegraki, Dimitrios T. Kremastinos, Stamatios lerakis, Laurence Sperling, and Arshed A. Quyyumi

Use of Homeostatic Model Assessment Indexes for the Identification of Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance among Cuban-Americans: A Cross Sectional Study, Joel C. Exebio, Sahar Ajabshirt, Gustavo G. Zarini, Joan Vaccaro, and Fatma G. Huffman

Tropical Cyclone Impacts on Coastal Regions: the Case of the Yucatán and the Baja California Peninsulas, Mexico, Luis M. Farfan, Eurico J. D'Sa, Kam-biu Liu, and Victor H. Rivera-Monroy


There are many barriers to species’ migrations, Kenneth J. Feeley, Evan M. Rehm, and James T. Stroud

Assessing Mangrove Above-Ground Biomass and Structure using Terrestrial Laser Scanning: A Case Study in the Everglades National Park, Emanuelle A. Feliciano, Shimon Wdowinski, and Matthew D. Potts


Covalent IR820-PEG -diamine nanoconjugates for theranostic applications in cancer, Alicia Fernandez-Fernandez, Romila Manchanda, Denny A. Carvajal, Tingjun Lei, Supriya Srinivasan, and Anthony J. McGoron


Logging Concessions Enable Illegal Logging Crisis in the Peruvian Amazon, Matt Finer, Clinton N. Jenkins, Melissa A. Blue Sky, and Justin Pine


Transitioning from physician to nurse practitioner, Monica Flowers and Maria Olenick

Demodulation of time series highlights impacts of hydrologic drivers on the Everglades ecosystem, Romano Foti, Manuel del Jesus, Andrea Rinaldo, and Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm


Periareolar Augmentation Mastopexy with Interlocking Gore-Tex Suture, Retrospective Review of 50 Consecutive Patients, Johnny Franco, Emma Kelly, and Michael Kelly


Experience Corps: A dual trial to promote the health of older adults and children's academic success, Linda P. Fried, Michelle C. Carlson, Sylvia McGill, Teresa Seeman, Qian-Li Xue, Kevin Frick, Erwin Tan, Elizabeth K. Tanner, Jeremy Barron, Constantine Frangakis, Rachel Piferi, Iveris Martinez, Tara Gruenewald, Barbara K. Martin, Laprisha Berry-Vaughn, John Stewart, Kay Dickersin, and Paul R. Willging