Submissions from 2015
Draft Genome Sequence of Brevibacterium linens AE038-8, an Extremely Arsenic-Resistant Bacterium, Daniela Maizel, Sagar M. Utturkar, Steven D. Brown, Marcela A. Ferrero, and Barry P. Rosen
Ecosystem Resistance in the Face of Climate Change: a case study from the freshwater marshes of the Florida Everglades, Sparkle L. Malone, Cynthia Keough, Christina L. Staughammer, Michael G. Ryan, William J. Parton, Paulo Olivas, Steve F. Oberbauer, Jessica Schedlbauer, and Gregory Starr
Species-Specific Antimonial Sensitivity in Leishmania Is Driven by Post-Transcriptional Regulation of AQP1, Goutam Mandal, Srotoswati Mandal, Mansi Sharma, Karen Santos Charret, Barbara Papadopoulou, Hiranmoy Bhattacharjee, and Rita Mukhopadhyay
Individual variation in ontogenetic niche shifts in habitat use and movement patterns of a large estuarine predator (Carcharhinus leucas), Philip Matich and Michael R. Heithaus
Short-term shifts of stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) values in juvenile sharks within nursery areas suggest rapid shifts in energy pathways, Philip Matich, Jeremy J. Kiszka, Michael R. Heithaus, Johann Mourier, and Serge Planes
Dissociation of working memory impairments and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the brain, Aaron T. Mattfeld, Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli, Joseph Biederman, Thomas Spencer, Ariel Brown, Ronna Fried, and John D.E. Gabrieli
Crossed-Brain Representation of Verbal and Nonverbal Functions, Esmerlda Matute, Alfredo Ardilla, Monica Rosselli, Jahaziel Molina Del Rio, Ramiro Lopez Elizalde, Manuel Lopez, and Angel Ontiveros
Seagrass meadows as a globally significant carbonate reservoir, I. Mazarrasa, N. Marba, C. E. Lovelock, O. Serrano, P. S. Lavery, James W. Fourqurean, H. Kennedy, M. A. Mateo, D. Krause-Jensen, A. D. Steven L., and C. M. Duarte
Is uncertainty in complex disease epidemiology resolvable?, Wasim Maziak
Learned Hopelessness, Suzanne Minor
A Team Reacts to a Patient’s Death, Suzanne Minor, Sanaz Kashan, and Maite Castillo
A Novel Insight into Dehydroleucodine Mediated Attenuation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Virulence Mechanism, Sushmita Mustafi, Maria Luisa Veisaga, L. A. Lopez, and Manuel A. Barbieri
Personalized NanoMedicine: Towards new Theranostic Approach, Madhavan Nair
Platelets Contribute to BBB Disruption Induced by HIV and Alcohol, Madhavan Nair, Jose MB Maria, Marisela Agudelo, Adriana Yndart, and Mayra E Vargas-Rivera
Seasonal differences and response to a tropical storm reflected in diatom assemblage changes in a southwest Florida watershed, Emily R. Nodine and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Negative Feedbacks by Isoprenoids on a Mevalonate Kinase Expressed in the Corpora Allata of Mosquitoes, Pratik Nyati, Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez, and Fernando G. Noriega
Novel methodology to examine cognitive and experiential factors in language development: combining eye-tracking and LENA technology, Rosalie Oden, Alina Nazareth, and Shannon M. Pruden
US veterans and their unique issues: enhancing health care professional awareness, Maria Olenick, Monica Flowers, and Valerie J. Diaz
Self-assembly dynamics for the transition of a globular aggregate to a fibril network of lysozyme proteins via a coarse-grained Monte Carlo simulation, R. B. Pandey, B. L. Farmer, and Bernard S. Gerstman
Chloroplasts morphology investigation with diverse microscopy approaches and inter-specific variation in Laurencia species (Rhodophyta), Wladimir Costa Paradas, Leonardo Rodrigues Andrade, Leonardo Tavares Salgado, Ligia Collado-Vides, Renato Crespo Pereira, and Gilberto Menezes Amado-Filho
Interface strategies in monolingual and end-state L2 Spanish grammars are not that different, Maria C. Parafita-Couto, Virginia C. Mueller Gathercole, and Hans Stadthagen-Gonzalez
A Novel Biomarker of Oxidative Stress is Associated with Risk of Death in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease, Riyaz S. Patel, Nima Ghasemzadeh, Danny J. Eapen, Salman Sher, Shawn Arshad, Yi-an Ko, Emir Veledar, Habib Samady, A. Maziar Zafari, Laurence Sperling, and Viola Vaccarino
Circulating CD34+ Progenitor Cells and Risk of Mortality in a Population with Coronary Artery Disease, Riyaz S. Patel, Qunna Li, Nima Ghasemzadeh, Danny J. Eapen, Lauren D. Moss, A. Umair Janjua, Pankaj Manocha, Hatem Al Kassem, Emir Veledar, Habib Samady, W. Robert Taylor, A. Maziar Zafari, Laurence Sperling, Viola Vaccarino, Edmund Waller, and Arshed A. Quyyumi
Sexual Violence, Race and Media (In)Visibility: Intersectional Complexities in a Transnational Frame, Vrushali Patil and Bandana Purkayastha
Draft Genome Sequence of Burkholderia sp. MR1, a Methylarsenate-Reducing Bacterial Isolate from Florida Golf Course Soil, Shashank S. Pawitwar, Sagar M. Utturkar, Steven D. Brown, Masafumi Yoshinaga, and Barry P. Rosen
Fibonacci Series, Golden Proportions, and the Human Biology, Dharam Persaud and James P. O'Leary
Interaction of drugs of abuse and microRNA with HIV: a brief review., Sudheesh Pilakka-Kanthikeel and Madhavan P.N. Nair
Sterile alpha motif and histidine/aspartic acid domain-containing protein 1 (SAMHD1)-facilitated HIV restriction in astrocytes is regulated by miRNA-181a, Sudheesh Pilakka-Kanthikeel, Andrea Raymond, Venkata Atluri, Vidya Sagar, Shaeilendra K. Saxena, Patricia Diaz, Semithe Chevelon, Michael Concepcion, and Madhavan Nair
Characterizing organic matter inputs to sediments of small, intermittent, prairie streams: a molecular marker and stable isotope approach, Olivia Pisani, Walter K. Dodds, and Rudolf Jaffe
Genetics of primary ovarian insufficiency: new developments and opportunities, Yingying Qin, Xue Jiao, Joe Leigh Simpson, and Zi-Jiang Chen
Application of Robotic Surgery in the treatment of endometriosis: View point of an Indian OBGYN fellow in USA, Krishna Kavita Ramavath, Manuel A. Penalver, Luis E. Mendez, and Olyai Roza
Determinants of waterpipe use amongst adolescents in Northern Sweden: a survey of use pattern, risk perception, and environmental factors, Rathi Ramji, Judy Arnetz, Maria Nilsson, Hikmet Jamil, Fredrik Norstrom, Wasim Maziak, Ywonne Wiklund, and Bengt Arnetz
Total Clipless Cholecystectomy by Means of Harmonic Sealing, Almino Cardoso Ramos, Manoela Galvao Ramos, Manoel dos Passos Galvao-Neto, and Josemberg Marins
Effectiveness of Community Forest Management at reducing deforestation in Madagascar, Ranaivo A. Rasolofoson, Paul J. Ferraro, Clinton N. Jenkins, and Julia PG Jones
Logic regression-derived algorithms for syndromic management of vaginal infections, Sujit D. Rathod, Tan Li, Jeffery D. Klausner, Alan Hubbard, Arthur L. Reingold, and Purnima Madhivanan
Differentiation and Distribution of Marrow Stem Cells in Flex-Flow Environments Demonstrate Support of the Valvular Phenotype, Sasmita Rath, Manuel Salinas, Ana G. Villegas, and Sharan Ramaswamy
On the Mismatch Between Salinity Tolerance and Preference for an Invasive Fish: A Case for Incorporating Behavioral Data into Niche Modeling, Jennifer S. Rehage, D. P. Lopez, and J. E. Serafy
Losing your edge: climate change and the conservation value of range-edge populations, Evan M. Rehm, Paulo Olivas, James Stroud, and Kenneth J. Feeley
Cost-Effectiveness of Coronary Artery Calcium Testing for Coronary Heart and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction to Guide Statin Allocation: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), Eric T. Roberts, Aaron Horne, Seth S. Martin, Michael J. Blaha, Ron Blankstein, Matthew J. Budoff, Christopher Sibley, Joseph F. Polak, Kevin D. Frick, Roger S. Blumenthal, and Khurram Nasir
Nut Production in Bertholletia excelsa across a Logged Forest Mosaic: Implications for Multiple Forest Use, Cara A. Rockwell, Manuel R. Guariguata, Mary Menton, Eriks Arroyo Quispe, Julia Quaedvlieg, Eleanor Warren-Thomas, Harol Fernandez Silva, Edwin Eduardo Jurado Rojas, Jose Andres Hideki Kohagura Arrunàtegui, Luis Alberto Meza Vega, Olivia Revilla Vera, Roger Quenta Hancco, Jonatan Frank Valera Tito, Betxy Tabita Villarroel Panduro, and Juan Jose Yucra Salas
Developing a physics expert identity in a biophysics research group, Idaykis Rodriguez, Michelle Goertzen, Eric Brewe, and Laird H. Kramer
PP2A/B56 and GSK3/Ras suppress PKB activity during Dictyostelium chemotaxis, Marbelys Rodriguez Pino, Boris Castillo, Bohye Kim, and Lou W. Kim
Crystal structure of methyl N-ferrocenylcarbamate, Alan J. Rodriguez-Santiago, Martin Quirke, and Aida O. Diouf
Free radical scavenging (antioxidant activity) of natural dissolved organic matter, Cristina Romera-Castillo and Rudolf Jaffe
Factors affecting individual foraging specialization and temporal diet stability across the range of a large “generalist” apex predator, Adam E. Rosenblatt, James C. Nifong, Michael R. Heithaus, Frank J. Mazzotti, Michael S. Cherkiss, Brian M. Jeffery, Ruth M. Elsey, Rachel A. Decker, Brian R. Silliman, Louis J. Guillette Jr., Russell H. Lowers, and Justin C. Larson
Scaling mangrove aboveground biomass from site-level to continental-scale, A. S. Rovai, P. Riul, R. R. Twilley, E. Castañeda-Moya, V. H. Rivera-Monroy, A. A. Williams, M. Simard, M. Cifuentes-Jara, R. R. Lewis, S. Crooks, P. A. Horta, Y. Schaeffer-Novelli, G. Cintron, M. Pozo-Cajas, and P. R. Pagliosa
Integrated Bioinformatics, Environmental Epidemiologic and Genomic Approaches to Identify Environmental and Molecular Links between Endometriosis and Breast Cancer, Deodutta Roy, Marisa L. Morgan, Changwon Yoo, Alok Deoraj, Sandhya Roy, Vijay Kumar Yadav, Mohannad Garoub, Hamza Assaggaf, and Mayur Doke
DJ1 expression downregulates in neuroblastoma cells (SK-N-MC) chronically exposed to HIV-1 and cocaine, Upal Roy, Venkata Atluri, Marisela Agudelo, Adriana Yndart, Zaohua Huang, and Madhavan Nair
Role of MRP transporters in regulating antimicrobial drug inefficacy and oxidative stress-induced pathogenesis during HIV-1 and TB infections., Upal Roy, Paul Barber, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh, Elena V. Batrakova, Debasis Mondal, and Madhavan Nair
Role of MRP transporters in regulating antimicrobial drug inefficacy and oxidative stress-induced pathogenesis during HIV-1 and TB infections, Upal Roy, Paul Barber, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh, Elena V. Batrakova, Debasis Mondal, and Madhavan Nair
Preparation and characterization of anti-HIV nanodrug targeted to microfold cell of gut-associated lymphoid tissue, Upal Roy, Hong Ding, Sudheesh Pilakka-Kanthikeel, Andrea Raymond, Venkata Atluri, Adriana Yndart, Elena Kaftanovskaya, Elena Batrakova, Marisela Agudelo, and Madhavan Nair
HIV Vaccine: Recent Advances, Current Roadblocks, and Future Directions, Muni Rubens, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, Anshul Saxena, Nancy Shehadeh, and Sandeep Appunni
Reciprocal Transplant Reveals Trade-off of Resource Quality and Predation Risk in the Field, Clifton B. Ruehl and Joel C. Trexler
The transcription factors Ets1 and Sox10 interact during murine melanocyte development, Amy Saldana-Caboverde; Erasmo M. Perera; Dawn E. Watkins-Chow; Nancy F. Hansen; Meghana Vemulapalli; James C. Mullikin; NISC Compataive Sequencing Program, National Human Genome Research Institute; William J. Pavan; and Lidia Kos
Eliciting preferences for waterpipe tobacco smoking using a discrete choice experiment: implications for product regulation, Ramzi G. Salloum, Wasim Maziak, David Hammond, Rima Nakkash, Farahnaz Islam, Xi Cheng, and James F. Thrasher
HIV-1 gp120 and morphine induced oxidative stress: role in cell cycle regulation, Thangaval Samikkannu, Deep Ranjith, Kurapati V.K. Rao, Venkata Alturi, Emely Pimentel, Nazira El-Hage, and Madhavan Nair
HIV Subtypes B and C gp120 and Methamphetamine Interaction: Dopaminergic System Implicates Differential Neuronal Toxicity, Thangavel Samikkannu, Kurapati V.K. Rao, Abdul Ajees Abdul Salam, Venkata Atluri, Elena Kaftanovskaya, Marisela Agudelo, Suray Perez, Changwon Yoo, Andrea Raymond, Hong Ding, and Madhavan Nair
Performance Comparison of Data Reduction Techniques for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Applications, Pinar Sarisaray-Boluk and Kemal Akkaya
Sistematización in Urban Disaster Risk Reduction, Juan Pablo Sarmiento and Dimmy Herard
Private Sector and Disaster Risk Reduction: The Cases of Bogota, Miami, Kingston, San Jose, Santiago, and Vancouver, Juan Pablo Sarmiento, Gabriela Hoberman, Maria Ilcheva, Ali Asgary, Ana Maria Majano, Sarah Paggione, and Luis R. Duran
Weather-based interruption prediction in the smart grid utilizing chronological data, Arif I. Sarwat, Mohammadhadi Amini, Alexander Domijan Jr., Aleksander Damnjanovic, and Faisal Kaleem
Environmental Assessment of Vegetation and Hydrological Conditions in Everglades Freshwater Marshes using Multiple Geochemical Proxies, Colin J. Saunders, Min Gao, and Rudolf Jaffe´
Factors associated with alcohol use among minority female adolescents receiving preventive text messaging for underage drinking, Meenal Sawant, Michelle M. Hospital, Eric F. Wagner, SL Morris, and LM Siqueira
New therapies for relapsed castration-resistant prostate cancer based on peptide analogs of hypothalamic hormones, Andrew V. Schally, Norman L. Block, and Ferenc g. Rick
Changes in lipid distribution in E. coli strains in response to norfloxacin, Emily R. Schenk, Frederic Nau, Christopher J. Thompson, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh, and Francisco Fernandez-Lima
Changes in lipid distribution in E. coli strains in response to norfloxacin, Emily R. Schenk, Frederic Nau, Christopher J. Thompson, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh, and Francisco Fernandez-Lima
Diurnal Cortisol and Survival in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer, Andrew Schrepf, Premal H. Thaker, Michael J. Goodheart, David Bender, George M. Slavich, Laila Dahmoush, Frank Penedo, Koen DeGeest, Luis Mendez, David M. Lubaroff, Steven W. Cole, Anil Sood, and Susan K. Lutgendorf
Trees Grow on Money: Urban Tree Canopy Cover and Environmental Justice, Kirsten Schwarz, Michail Fragkias, Christopher G. Boone, Weiqi Zhou, Melissa McHale, Morgan Grove, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Joseph P. McFadden, Geoffrey L. Buckley, Dan Childers, Laura Ogden, Stephanie Pincetl, Diane Pataki, Ali Whitmar, and Mary L. Cadenasso
4th International Symposium on Sensor Science (I3S2015): Conference Report, Peter Seitz, Debbie G. Senesky, Michael J. Schöning, Peter C. Hauser, Roland Moser, Hans Peter Herzig, Assefa M. Melesse, Patricia A. Broderick, and Patrick Thomas Eugester
Triple negative breast cancers express receptors for LHRH and are potential therapeutic targets for cytotoxic LHRH-analogs, AEZS 108 and AEZS 125, Stephen Seitz, Stefan Buchholz, Andrew Victor Schally, Florian Weber, Monika Klinkhammer-Schalke, Elizabeth C. Inwald, Roberto Perez, Ferenc G. Rick, Luca Szakontay, Florian Hohla, Sabine Segerer, Chui Wai Kwok, Olaf Ortmann, and Jorg Bernhard Engel
The Impact of Host Diet on Wolbachia Titer in Drosophila, Laura R. Serbus, Pamela M. White, Jessica Pintado Silva, Amanda Rabe, Luis Teixeira, Roger Albertson, and William Sullivan
Kinesio Taping effects on knee extension force among soccer players, Maysa V.G.B. Serra, Edgar Vieira, Denis Brunt, Marcio F. Goethel, Mauro Goncalves, and Paulo R.V. Quemelo
Obesity and Metabolic Phenotypes (Metabolically Healthy and Unhealthy Variants) Are Significantly Associated with Prevalence of Elevated C-Reactive Protein and Hepatic Steatosis in a Large Healthy Brazilian Population, Sameer Shaharyar, Lara L. Roberson, Omar Jamal, Adnan Younus, Michael Blaha, Shozab S. Ali, Kenneth Zide, Arthur A. Agatston, Roger S. Blumenthal, Raquel D. Conceição, Raul D. Santos, and Khurram Nasir
A Multiple Resonant Frequencies Circular Reconfigurable Antenna Investigated with Wireless Powering in a Concrete Block, Shishir Shanker Punjala, Nikki Pissinou, and Kia Makki
Black–White Latino Racial Disparities in HIV Survival, Florida, 2000–2011, Diana M. Sheehan, Mary Jo Trepka, Kristopher P. Feenie, Guillermo Prado, Miguel Angel Cano, and Lorene M. Maddox
Individual and neighborhood predictors of mortality among HIV-positive Latinos with history of injection drug use, Florida, 2000–2011, Diana M. Sheehan, Mary Jo Trepka, Kristopher P. Feenie, Guillermo Prado, Purnima Madhivanan, Frank R. Dillon, and Lorene Maddox
“That’s True Love:” Lived Experiences of Puerto Rican Perinatally HIV-Infected Youth within Their Families’ Context, Georgina Silva-Suarez, Elena Bastida, Silvia E. Rabionet, Consuelo Beck Sague, Irma Febo, and Carmen D. Zorrilla
Mobility management in HetNets: a learning-based perspective, Meryem Simsek, Mehdi Bennis, and Ismail Guvenc
Tunable Room Temperature THz Sources Based on Nonlinear Mixing in a Hybrid Optical and THz Micro-Ring Resonator, Raju Sinha, Mustafa Karabiyik, Chowdhury Al-Amin, Phani Kiran Vabbina, Durdu O. Guney, and Nezih Pala
Body Size, Rather Than Male Eye Allometry, Explains Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Activity in Low Light, J. L. Smith, N. A. Palermo, Jamie C. Theobald, and Jeffrey D. Wells
Distributions of Irritative Zones Are Related to Individual Alterations of Resting-State Networks in Focal Epilepsy, Yinchen Song, Basavaraju G. Sanganahalli, Fahmeed Hyder, Wei-Chiang Lin, and Jorge J. Riera
Effects of Control Release Fertilizers on Nutrient Leaching, Palm Growth and Production Cost, Pushpa Soti, Angie Fleurissaint, Stewart Reed, and Krish Jayachandran
Mapping Chemical Selection Pathways for Designing Multicomponent Alloys: an informatics framework for materials design, Srinkant Srinivasan, Scott R. Broderick, Ruifeng Zhang, Amrita Mishra, Susan B. Sinnott, Surendra Saxena, James M. LeBeau, and Krishna Rajan
Is a community still a community? Reviewing definitions of key terms in community ecology, James T. Stroud, Michael R. Bush, Mark C. Ladd, Robert J. Nowicki, Andrew A. Shantz, and Jennifer Sweatman
Unbiased high-throughput characterization of mussel transcriptomic responses to sublethal concentrations of the biotoxin okadaic acid, Victoria Suarez-Ulloa, Juan Fernandez-Tajes, Vanessa Aguiar-Pulido, Prego-Faraldo M. Veronica, Fernanda Florez-Barros, Alexia Sexto-Iglesias, Josefina Mendez, and Jose M. Eirin-Lopez
Interference management for moving networks in ultra-dense urban scenarios, Yutao Sui, Ismail Guvenc, and Tommy Svensson
Structural basis for suppression of hypernegative DNA supercoiling by E. coli topoisomerase I, Kemin Tan, Qingxuan Zhou, Bokun Cheng, Zhongtao Zhang, Andrzej Joachimiak, and Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh
Structural basis for suppression of hypernegative DNA supercoiling by E. coli topoisomerase I, Kemin Tan, Qingxuan Zhou, Bokun Cheng, Zhongtao Zhang, Andrzej Joachimiak, and Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh
Pseudomonas aeruginosa MifS-MifR Two-Component System Is Specific for alpha-Ketoglutarate Utilization, Gorakh Tatke, Hansi Kumari, Eugenia Silva-Herzog, Lourdes Ramirez, and Kalai Mathee
Utilization of PARAFAC-Modeled Excitation-Emission Matrix (EEM) Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Identify Biogeochemical Processing of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Northern Peatland, Malak M. Tfaily, Jane E. Corbett, Rachel S. Wilson, Paul H. Glaser, Kaelin M. Cawley, Rudolf Jaffe´, and William T. Cooper
A cross-sectional assessment of metabolic syndrome in HIV-infected people of low socioeconomic status receiving antiretroviral therapy, Eduard Tiozzo, Janet Konefal, Sarah Adwan, Lynell A. Martinez, Juan Villabona, Johanna Lopez, Stacy Cutrono, Syed Muhammad Ahsan Mehdi, Allan Rodriguez, Judi M. Woolger, and John E. Lewis
Equity investigation of attitudinal shifts in introductory physics, Adrienne Traxler and Eric Brewe
Component-specific dynamics of riverine mangrove CO2 efflux in the Florida coastal Everglades, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, Jordan G. Barr, Jose D. Fuentes, Victor Engel, Gordon Anderson, Christopher Sanchez, David Lagomasino, René M. Price, and Stephen E. Davis
Targeting bacterial topoisomerase I to meet the challenge of finding new antibiotics, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh
Diabetes Self-management Behaviors, Medical Care, Glycemic Control, and Self-rated Health in US Men by Race/Ethnicity, Joan A. Vaccaro, Kelitha Anderson, and Fatma G. Huffman
Nutrition Knowledge of Amateur Bicyclists in South Florida, USA, Joan A. Vaccaro, Frank Frederick, Kristin Davis, and Fatma G. Huffman
R ates and factors associated with falls in older European Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, African-Americans, and Hispanics, Edgar Ramos Vieira, Ruth Tappen, Gabriella Engstrom, and Bruno R. da Costa
A New Biomarker to Examine the Role of Hippocampal Function in the Development of Spatial Reorientation in Children: A Review, Vanessa Vieites, Alina Nazareth, Bethany C. Reeb-Sutherland, and Shannon M. Pruden
DRD2 and DRD4 genes related to cognitive deficits in HIV‑infected adults who abuse alcohol, Karina Villalba, Jessy G. Devieux, Rhonda Rosenberg, and Jean Lud Cadet
Allatotropin Modulates Myostimulatory and Cardioacceleratory Activities in Rhodnius prolixus (Stal), Maria Jose Villalobos-Sambucaro, Alicia Nieves Lorenzo-Figueiras, Fernando Luis Riccillo, Luis Anibal Diambra, Fernando Gabriel Noriega, and Jorge Rafael Ronderos