Work from 2025
Engage and Inspire: Presentation Mastery through ​Storytelling with PowerPoint​, Kelley F. Rowan
Work from 2024
Censorship, Religious Freedom, and Secularism in Western Civilizations, Daniel Alvarez, Whitney Bauman, Oren Steir, Stephen Thomson Moore, and Christopher M. Jimenez
Speaking Volumes: Transforming Archival Access Through Speech-to-Text Transcription, Rebecca Bakker
Academic Freedom and Labor in the U.S., Ronald Cox, Terrence Peterson, Katie Rainwater, and Christopher M. Jimenez
Ethical access practices: Interviews with practitioners​, Virginia A. Dressler and Kelley F. Rowan
Not all Information Wants to be Free: Community Centered Approaches to Balancing Access and Privacy in Digital Archives, Virginia A. Dressler and Kelley Flannery Rowan
Resisting the Backlash: Empowering Librarians to Champion Academic Freedom, Christopher M. Jimenez, Melissa Del Castillo, L. Bryan Cooper, and Sabine Dantus
Archives Day 2024: Divers Working on the Flagler Overseas Railroad, Kelley Flannery Rowan
Work from 2023
A Skeptic’s Guide to Using AI-Driven Content to Promote Access to Digital Archives on Social Media, Rebecca Bakker
Comparing the data quality of crowdsourced maps - The case of Waze and OpenStreetMap in Miami, Flora Beleznay and Levente Juhasz
Engaging Your Students by Engaging with Your Librarians:​ Accessing and Preserving ​ Audio Primary Materials ​ for Academic Work, Veronica Gonzalez
Demand Driven Research Support in the Library: A Case Study in History and Digital Humanities, Noel Hernandez, Keyao Pan, Molly Castro, and Christopher M. Jimenez
Let Freedom Read: Exploring Banned Books and Intellectual Freedom in Florida, Christopher M. Jimenez, George Pearson, Melissa del Castillo, Stephen Thomson Moore, Lowell Bryan Cooper, and Jacqueline Radebaugh
Utilizing Large Language Models in geographic contexts - Experiences from the FIU GIS Center, Levente Juhasz and Boyuan Guan
National Endowment for the Humanities Grant: Dana Dorsey, Rhia Rae, Rebecca Bakker, and Molly Castro
Critical Engagement with Historical Data, Jamie Rogers
Discover the Hidden Treasure of FIU's Digital Collections, Jamie Rogers
Ethical Data Considerations for Engaging in Reparative Archival Practice, Jamie Rogers and Rhia Rae
Data Ethics and Privacy for Researchers, Kelley F. Rowan
Library Staff Salary Survey Report: A First Thursday Presentation, Kelley F. Rowan, Annia Gonzalez, Jamie Rogers, Jennifer Scholl, Adriana Harris, and Christopher M. Jimenez
How will this benefit you? ​Ethical guidelines for community driven archives​, Kelley Flannery Rowan
Work from 2022
Oral History Best Practices, Rebecca J. Bakker
Library-Based Data Curation, Management and Interdisciplinary Research at Florida International University: Reciprocal Use of Data through Collaboration, Zhaohui Fu, Levente Juhasz, Jill V. Krefft, and Boyuan Guan
Creative Collaboration: Providing Inclusive Access to FIU Libraries' Collections, Annia Gonzalez, Ximena Valdivia, and Karla Ferrer
Revamp Your Customer Service: Using Data to Improve Customer Service Practices, Christopher M. Jimenez and Diana Reyes
Building Capacity for Data-Driven Scholarship, Jamie Rogers
De-Identifying Your Data, Kelley Flannery Rowan
Digital Privacy in the Home, Kelley Flannery Rowan
Facilitating a QEP micro-credential, Kelley Flannery Rowan
Opening a Communication Channel with the ETD Librarian, Kelley Flannery Rowan
Trauma Informed Interviewing: Interviewing with Empathy and Protecting Oral History Narrators, Kelley Flannery Rowan
Decolonizing your Library: Metadata that empowers, Kelley Flannery Rowan and Annia Gonzalez
Representing Minority Groups and Their Heritage through Access and Preservation of Unique Audio Recordings... A Grant Overview, Ximena Valdivia and Veronica Gonzalez
Work from 2021
Honoring Access and Privacy in Digital Collections, Rebecca Bakker, Virginia Dressler, and Kelley Flannery Rowan
Facing Truths: Facial Recognition Software in Digital Archives, Rebecca Bakker and Kelley Flannery Rowan
But Why 2020? How to apply a UX-First mindset while making on-the-fly changes, Christopher M. Jimenez
Collections as Data at Florida International University, Jamie Rogers
Reimagining the Archive for Computational Analysis at Scale, Jamie Rogers
Managing Digital Collections: Case Studies in the Ethics of Privacy, Kelley Rowan and Rebecca Bakker
An Overview of Understanding Digital Privacy, Kelley Flannery Rowan
Work from 2020
Teaching with Local Primary Sources, Molly Castro, Katharine Labuda, and Rebecca Bakker
Alexa, Ask My Library: How Do I Build a Custom Skill to Extend Reference Services?, Christopher M. Jimenez
Adopting Machine Learning at the FIU Libraries, Jamie Rogers
Don't be Satisficed: Better Surveys for Better Data, Kelley Rowan
ORCID and Embargo Options: Do Students Make the Connection?, Kelley Rowan
Privacy, Ethics, and Access in Digital Libraries, Kelley Rowan and Rebecca Bakker
Documenting and Evaluating the DH Project, Kelley F. Rowan
Tracking Departmental Name Changes for Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Ivy Torres-Morales, Rebecca Bakker, and Jill Krefft
Faculty Publications from 2019
Data-driven Sea level rise Web GIS Applications, Zhaohui Fu, Levente Juhasz, and Henry Hochmair
Connecting Your Classroom to FIU Libraries, Christopher M. Jimenez and Ramces L. Marsilli
Navigating Content & Peer Review in an Online Journal, Kelley F. Rowan
The Dark Side of Digitized Content: Stalking, Consent, and Subpoenas, Kelley F. Rowan and Rebecca Bakker
Digital Collections in the University Classroom: Inspiring your faculty with regional content, Kelley F. Rowan and Christopher Davis
Faculty Publications from 2018
Sea level rise Web GIS Applications, Zhaohui Fu, Sheyla Santana, Keqi Zhang, and Henry Hochmair
Coral Gables Digital & Mapping Initiatives, GIS Center, Florida International University
Tap, Scan, Read: e-Content Discovery & Delivery Using NFC Technology, Christopher Jimenez
Supporting Research, Public Engagement, and Learning through the Use of Archives in Digital Humanities, Jamie Rogers
3D: DOIs, Data Files, and Digital Commons, Kelley F. Rowan and Rebecca J. Bakker
Work from 2017
Desperately seeking authors: finding contacts for copyright clearance, Rebecca Bakker
How to make GIFs, Rebecca Bakker
Recording oral histories, Rebecca Bakker
Retrospective Theses and Dissertations Digitization Project: Digitization, Access and Preservation, Rebecca Bakker
Transcription Tools and Software, Rebecca Bakker
Managing Expectations: Can I Get this Video Online?, Valerie L. Boulos, Sarah J. Hammill, and Elizabeth Lightfoot
Dun Huang Caves - A Trove of 1000+ Years of Art and History Preserved in the Gobi Desert of Gansu, China, Zhaohui Fu
Mentoring: Essential 2 formal and informal education, Veronica Gonzalez and Sarah J. Hammill
Improving Discovery and Patron Experience Through Data Mining, Boyuan Guan and Jamie Rogers
Introduction to, Martin Kass
Introduction to Scalar, Martin Kass
How Libraries are Meeting Researcher Needs in the Digital Humanities, Kelley F. Rowan
Using Social Science to Create a Better Survey, Kelley F. Rowan
Work from 2016
OCR for Digital Collections, Rebecca Bakker
Slimming Down: Why not feed your need to weed?, Valerie L. Boulos, Judy Born, Alicia K. Long, and Ying Zhang
Use-Driven Acquisitions Planning for the SUS Libraries: Here We Go Again, Valerie L. Boulos, Steven Carrico, Rebecca Donlan, and Shari Johnson
You're Suing Me? Best Fair Use & Copyright Practices, Stephanie Brenenson, Sarah J. Hammill, Valerie L. Boulos, Jamie Rogers, Stephen Thomson Moore, and Brandie Thomas
Fair Use and Academic Libraries, Enrique Caboverde III
What am I Supposed to do Now? The Benefits of Building a Mentoring Relationship, Veronica Gonzalez and Sarah J. Hammill
Expecting the Unexpected: Managing the Transition to a New Digital Repository, Margarita Mirabal
Forming Collaborative Local and International Partnerships, Jamie Rogers and Miguel Asencio
Batch Creation of METS Files for Upload to dPanther, Kelley F. Rowan
Librarians Creating Connections: Reactions and Challenges to Open Access, ORCID, and the Embargo Option, Kelley F. Rowan
The Changing Landscape of Digital Collections, Kelley F. Rowan
Working Outside of the Mold: Local Resources in Librarianship in the 21st Century, Vickie Toranzo
Faculty Publications from 2015
Miami- Dade Urban Tree Canopy Analysis, Adam R. Benjamin, Hartwig H. Hochmair, Daniel Gann, and Zhaohui Jennifer Fu
Let Them Eat PDA: Inspiring Innovation with Emerging Selection Models, Valerie L. Boulos, Andrew Copnick, Rachel Perry, and Erin Gallagher
Discovery & Born-Digital Archiving: Open Source Systems for Preservation and Access, L. Bryan Cooper and Margarita Perez-Martinez
More than Metadata: Where the Rubber Meets the Road in DLS Migration, Lee Dotson, Lydia Motyka, Joanne Parandjuk, and Jamie Rogers
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Future of Local Collections, Lori Driver and Vickie Toranzo
Queering the Library of Congress, Carlos R. Fernandez
An Interactive Web Information Management System (IMS) for Managing Water Information, Zhaohui Jennifer Fu
Context-Based Customization of Routing Functions for Web GIS Applications, Zhaohui (Jennifer) Fu and Boyuan Guan
dPanther FIU, Zhaohui Jennifer Fu and Boyuan Keven Guan
Sea Level Rise Toolbox, Zhaohui Jennifer Fu, Dan Mcgillicuddy, and Susan Jacobson
The Gambia's Tourism Sexual Economy, Mariama jaiteh
Digital Library Migration at Florida International University, Jamie Rogers
A Digital Collection Center's Experience: ETD Discovery, Promotion, and Workflows in Digital Commons, Kelley F. Rowan
Between the Graduate School and Cataloging: How a Digital Collections Center Contributes Quality to the ETD Process, Kelley F. Rowan
From the Elementary to the Circuitous: Digital Processing Workflows at FIU, Kelley F. Rowan
METS Editor: The Basics, for use with dPanther, Kelley F. Rowan