Work from 2015
The Case of the 35 Gigabyte Digital Record: OCR and Digital Workflows, Kelley F. Rowan
Work from 2014
Partnering with Patrons via E-Book Patron Driven Acquisitions, Valerie Lynn Boulos, Andrew Copnick, and Rachel Perry
A Spatially-enabled Smart Campus for Community-based Learning, Zhaohui Jennifer Fu
WorldView-2 Applications: methodological testing and capability in relation to vegetation monitoring in the Everglades, Daniel Gann and Jennifer H. Richards
Post-Blackness and All of the Black Americas, Heather Russell
Work from 2013
Operation Pedro Pan in FIU Library Collections, Rita M. Cauce
The Impact of War and Rivalry on State-Building in Uganda, John F. Clark
Insights from a Successful Integration of Pre and Post-Award Processes within PeopleSoft Grants, David W. Driesbach and Lia Duran
Styling the Nation: Fear and Desire in the South Sudanese Beauty Trade, Caroline Faria
Walk to School Route Planner for Miami Dade County, Florida, Zhaohui Fu, Boguan Guan, and Henry Hochmair
Evaluating UAS High-Resolution Aerial Photography (hrAP) to Support Everglades Wetland Plant Association Mapping Using Satellite Data, Daniel Gann and Jennifer H. Richards
From the Grassroot to the Tree Tops: How One Library has become Embedded in Online Learning, Sarah J. Hammill
Using Secret Shoppers to Train Student Workers, Sarah J. Hammill
Technology and the Cloud, Daniel Hendrix
Web Based Bicycle Trip Planning for Broward County, Florida, Hartwig H. Hochmair and Zhaohui Fu
Broward County Bicycle Trip Planning Application, Henry Hochmair and Jennifer Fu
Windows 8, Next Generation?, Voltaire P. Lysius
A Map Through Time – Virtual Historic Cities: New Ways of Exploring Digital Collections, Jamie Rogers and John Nemmers
Rihanna: Diasporic Citizen, Bajan Daughter, American Superstar, Heather Russell
Faculty Publications from 2012
Use of Demographic Weights to Automate the Selection of Public Involvement Strategy Tools, Jennifer Fu and Dan Mcgillicuddy
Evaluation of WorldView-2 and Landsat Data to Differentiate and Map Freshwater Marsh Plant Communities at Different Spatial Scales for Two Everglades Landscapes, Daniel Gann, Jennifer H. Richards, and Andrew Gottlieb
NGOs in Hard Development: Strategies for Success. Perspectives for Sustainable Rebuilding of a Devastated Nation., Sylvan Jolibois
"Tourism and Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Caribbean Experience for Sub-Saharan Africa", Jean Rahier
PigeonPea/Gungopea Cultural and Genetic History, and Prospects for Development, Eric JB von Wettberg
Work from 2011
Where’s Professor Watt’s Request? Streamlining to a Paperless Acquisitions Workflow, Rita Cauce
OLAS: Online Library Acquisitions System, Rita M. Cauce
Vodou Modernism, Literary Theory and Social Justice, Heather Russell
Presentations from 2010
Improving The Political Culture of Congo, John Clark
The Failure of Congo's Experiment With Democracy in the 1990s, John Clark
Works Committees and the Struggle for Industrial Citizenship in South Africa, Alexander Lichtenstein
Hypersexual Black Women in the Ecuadorian 'Common Sense': An Examination of Visual and Other Representations, Jean Rahier
"On the Relevance of the Concept of "Globalized Tourism Formation", Jean Rahier
Whose Rihanna:Diasporic Citizenship and Economies of Crossing over, Heather Russell
Selling Sexy: Mainstream Hip Hop Culture's Commodification of Black Female Sexuality, Dionne Stephens
Faculty Publications from 2009
A Data Storage Scheme for Geo-Spatial Data Organization and Metadata Cataloging, Jennifer Fu
Use of Spatial Boundary Matrices in Web Based Community Characteristics and Public Involvement Strategy Tools, Jennifer Fu
Work from 2008
Copyright Issues for Distance Education, Gail P. Clement
Work from 2007
CopyRights and CopyWrongs: Lessons from the Trenches, Gail P. Clement
Faculty Publications from 2005
The Public Face of Everglades REMAP 2005: An Interactive Mapping Application for Sampling Data Retrieval of the 2005 Everglades Ecosystem Assessment Program, Jennifer Richards, Daniel Gann, Dan Mcgillicuddy, Jennifer Fu, and Pete Kalla