Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders at a Hispanic Serving Institution: A Qualitative Case Study of Students’ Experiences, Stephen P. Loynaz
Optimal and Secure Electricity Market Framework for Market Operation of Multi-Microgrid Systems, Mohammad Mahmoudian Esfahani
Three Essays on Music and Consumer Behavior: The Impact of Music Type on Product Evaluation and Purchase Intent, Gregory G. Maloney
Analysts’ Cash Flow Forecasts, Information Asymmetry, and Financing Choices of Firms, mengyu ma
Investigating The Population Dynamics of an Avian Apex Predator Across an Urban Gradient, Donna Marain
Well Calculated and Intended to Deceive: Counterfeiting and Policing along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers during the Mid-Nineteenth Century, Joseph Carlos Marin
Sensor Approach for Brain Pathophysiology of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease Patients, Juan Sebastian Marquez Jaramillo
Religion, Place, and Identity at the Intersection of Cultural Bricolage: The Miami Santo Daime Church Revisited, Alfonso Matas
HPV Vaccination Intentions in Black Young Adults, Kayla Mathis-Gamble
Switch, Freesia Walsh McKee
Mind Wandering as a Mechanism of Attentional Dysfunction among Children with ADHD, Brittany Merrill
Assessing the Strategic Use of Evidence Using a Psychologically Realistic Paradigm: Improving Diagnosticity of Elicited Information in the Interrogation Room, Amelia R. Mindthoff
Essays on the Strategies and Processes of Informal Entrepreneurial Firms, Everlyne Nyabisi Misati
Digital and Mixed Domain Hardware Reduction Algorithms and Implementations for Massive MIMO, Najath A. Mohomed
Work Zone Safety Analysis, Investigating Benefits from Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) on Roadway Safety, Seyedmirsajad Mokhtarimousavi
Efficient, High Power Density, Modular Wide Band-gap Based Converters for Medium Voltage Application, Hadi Moradisizkoohi
The Cuban Revolution's Emotive Regime: A Decade to Remember, 1968-1978, Maite Morales
Spanish-Speaking Parents' Perceptions and Experiences Before and After English-only and Spanish-only Interactions with Their Children, Maria Morales
Considering Culture and Context: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Examining Adolescent Engagement and Parent Satisfaction in Urban Out-of-School-Time Programs, Jacqueline Oluwakemi Moses
The Development of a Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Method for the Detection of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Urine, Thaddeus Mostowtt
A Rising Regional Power: Making Sense of Ethiopia's Influence in the Horn of Africa Region, Yonas K. Mulat
Visible Optical Coherence Tomography based Multimodal Imaging for Quantification of Retinal Lipofuscin, ZAHRA NAFAR
Representations of a Good Citizen: A Genealogy of Power and Critical Investigation of Pictographs, 1937-1942, Joselyn Naranjo
A Deep-Learning Based Robust Framework Against Adversarial P.E. and Cryptojacking Malware, Faraz Amjad Naseem
Characterization of Aortic Valve Interstitial Cells Responsible for Elastogenesis, Sana Nasim
Boron Nitride Nanotube based Lightweight Metal Matrix Composites: Microstructure Engineering and Stress-Transfer Mechanics, Pranjal Nautiyal
Engineering Electromagnetic Systems for Next-Generation Brain-Machine Interface, Brayan Ricardo Navarrete
The Role of Extended Family Structure on Sexual Risk Behavior Among Adolescents in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey, Alnecia Rumphs Nisbett
Three Essays on Risks of Firms Led by Founder-CEOs, Yuka Nishikawa
Latina Youth and Suicidality: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis, Janice J. O'Driscoll
Psychosocial and Structural Factors Related to Vesico-Vaginal Fistula and its Impact on the Quality of Life of Women in Ibadan, Nigeria: A Mixed Methods Study, Etinosa S. Oghogho
African Pentecostalism in America: a Study of a Nigerian Charismatic Church in South Florida, Uchenna Regina Onwumelu
Sino-American Competition in Latin America and the Caribbean, Anthony Russo Orezzoli
Use of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy For the Detection and Analysis of Chemical Taggants, Cole Andrew Pajunen
Multifunctional Nanopipette for Single Nanoparticles and Proteins Analysis, Popular Pandey
Unifying Assessments of Sustainability and Resilience in Civil Infrastructure Systems: The Case of Masonry Structures, Samir J. Pandey
Stakeholder Value Dynamics Analysis in Hurricane Michael: Towards Collaborative Decision Making in Building Disaster Resilient Communities, Aishwarya Pathak
It Takes Two: A Basic Interpretive Study on the Role of Intercultural Communication on Career Development, Rochelle T. Patten
Understanding L2 Learners' Writing Needs and Attitudes in EAP Writing Contexts, Renata Pavanelli Pereira
Enhanced Surface Electrical Neurostimulation (eSENS): A Non-invasive Platform for Peripheral Neuromodulation, Andres Eduardo Pena
Phylogenetic and Transcriptomic Analyses of Vision in Two Cave Adapted Crustaceans, Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda: Asellidae) and Niphargus hrabei (Amphipoda: Niphargidae)., Jorge L. Perez Moreno
Investigations of Cell-Penetrating and Membrane-Pore Forming Peptides, Rudramani Pokhrel
Resolving the Telecommuting Paradox: Does Leader-Member Exchange Matter?, Ajay R. Ponnapalli
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules Using Tandem Non- Linear and Linear Ion Mobility, Action Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics, Jacob Edward Porter
Relatos, memoria y contrahistorias de la Guerra Civil Peruana (1895) a través de la prensa político-satírica en Lima (1892-1895), Genesis H. Portillo
Organizational and Practitioner Characteristics that Impact Implementation Fidelity of Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Kimberly Ann Purinton
Factors Associated with HIV Testing Behaviors among Latino Emerging Adults, Daisy Ramirez Ortiz
Heart Failure Patients' Perceptions of Preparation for Self-care, Valrie Evadne Reid
The Effects of Childhood Adversity, Juvenile Arrest, and Self-Regulation on Adults with Delinquency Histories, Michelle Ann Rhoden
What's Past is Prologue: Transforming Trauma, Rewriting Identity in Gloria Anzaldua's "Borderlands/La Frontera" and "Light in the Dark/Luz en lo Oscuro", Richard Edward Riley
The Power of Presumed Trauma and the Perpetuated yet Unintentional Silence in Henry James' The Turn of the Screw, Andria E. Rivero
Indigenous Water Governance in the Anthropocene: Non-Conventional Hydrosocial Relations Among the Wayuu of the Guajira Peninsula in Northern Colombia, David A. Robles
Structure, Control, and Communication of Collective Animal Behavior in Dynamic Environments, Ivan Ignacio Rodriguez-Pinto
The impacts of Small Group Interactions and Social Interdependence in Introductory Physics, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Velazquez
Dracula and Amnesia: Character Identities and Constant Subjectivism under Ideological State Apparatuses, Anais Rosales
Chronic Aphasia Recovery in Bilingual Spanish-English and Monolingual Adults, Kristina Ruch
Temporal and Causal Inference with Longitudinal Multi-omics Microbiome Data, Daniel Ruiz-Perez
The Legacies of Vagrancy Law in Contemporary Homelessness Regulation: A Global Historical and Ethnographic Examination of Tokyo, Japan and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Rayna Marlene Rusenko
Spiritual Activism and Political Solidarity in So Far From God and Mother Tongue: Two Views By Two Authors, Jean Paul Russo
From Record Keepers to Decision Makers?: Perspectives of University Registrars about their Role in Higher Education, Miguel Sahagun
A Sailor's Intimacy: Homosocial Labor in Nineteenth-Century Oceanic Narratives by Dana and Melville, Adrian R. Salgado
Volcanic History of the Izu Bonin Mariana Arc Prior to the First Arc Rift from Volcaniclastic Sediments of DSDP Site 296 and IODP Site 1438, Eshita Samajpati
Teachers’ Use of Standardized Assessments to Monitor Learning and Its Impact on Student Reading Achievement, Eilyn Sanabria
Solving Complex Data-Streaming Problems by Applying Economic-Based Principles to Mobile and Wireless Resource Constraint Networks, Concepcion Z. Sanchez Aleman
The Initial Development and Validation of the Youth Gun Violence and Voice Survey: The Classroom Experience, Diana E. Santangelo
Targeted Presentation Skill Trainings to Nurture Construction Management Students at Florida International University, Gabriella D. Santi Kasabdji
Causality in Microbiomes, Md Musfiqur Rahman Sazal
A Novel Approach to Studying Human Intelligence-Gathering: Employing a Realistic Paradigm for the Study of Elicitation Approaches, Sarah A. Shaffer
Novel Passive RFID Temperature Sensors Using Liquid Crystal Elastomers, Yousuf Shafiq
Defense by Deception against Stealthy Attacks in Power Grids, Md Hasan Shahriar
Back from the Brink?: Rebounding and Remnant Amphibian Populations in a Pathogen Enzootic Environment, Alexander D. Shepack
Social Network Analysis for Improvement of Safety in Construction Industry: An Ego-Centric Approach, Shraddha Shrestha
Detection of Human Vigilance State During Locomotion Using Wearable FNIRS, MASUDUR R. SIDDIQUEE
A Comprehensive Security Framework for Securing Sensors in Smart Devices and Applications, Amit Kumar Sikder
Adoption, Stringency and Impact of Performance Management Systems: The Case of U.S. Public Higher Education, Lilia Silverio Minaya
Mechanical Properties of Permanent Foaming Fixatives for Deactivation & Decommissioning Activities, Tristan Maximilian Simoes-Ponce
Informants' Memory for Conversations: The Examination of the Investigative Utility of the Cognitive Interview, Danielle Sneyd
Understanding the Effects of Plasma Assisted Nanoparticle Deposition for the Enhancement of Optical and Electrochemical Response, Apurva Sonawane
Miedo, celebración y otredad racial en el cambio de siglo: Hacia la construcción del negro en el discurso artístico-literario cubano (1880-1933), Alberto Sosa Cabanas
Design of a Robotic Inspection Platform for Structural Health Monitoring, Jason R. Soto
We're Here, We Exist: An Exploration of how Second-Generation Afro-Caribbean College Women Make Meaning of their Race, Ethnicity, and Gender, Emmanuela P. Stanislaus
Alive and Possibly Dangerous, Lillian C. Starr
Beyond Predation: How Do Consumers Mediate Bottom-up Processes in Ecosystems?, Bradley Austin Strickland
Long-Term and Seasonal Drivers of Phytoplankton Assembly in a Subtropical Monomictic Lake, Kristy Lee Sullivan
A Structural Equation Model Analysis of Computing Identity Sub-Constructs and Student Academic Persistence, Mohsen Taheri
Innovation Diffusion Theory and Social Embeddedness - A New Perspective, Xuan Tan
Data Analytic Approach to Support the Activation of Special Signal Timing Plans in Response to Congestion, Mosammat Tahnin Tariq
Structural Health Monitoring of Pipelines in Radioactive Environments Through Acoustic Sensing and Machine Learning, Michael Thompson
Representative Bureaucracy in Government Contracting: Examining Supplier Diversity Policy Implementation, Evelyn Trammell
Scalable Profiling and Visualization for Characterizing Microbiomes, Camilo Valdes
Much Ado About Contemporary Women: Gender Adapted in Contemporary Settings, Jessica C. Valdes
Colonial Possessions: Producing the Zombie in Erna Brodber's Myal, Joanna Lee Valdes
Retrofitting and Rehabilitation of Bridge Components subjected to Predominantly Flexural Load using Thin UHPC shell, alireza valikhani
Exploration of the Role of Microbiome Structure, Metabolism, and Modification in Black Band Disease Etiology, Patricia Waikel