Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Nanoelectronic Applications of Magnetoelectric Nanostructures, Ping Wang
The Promise and (Im)Possibility of the Debt-Free Student: A Qualitative Analysis, Michael W. Ward
Neoliberalism and Monopoly in the Motion Picture Industry, Michael S. Wartenbe
Laboratory and Epidemiological Characteristics of Zika Virus Infections in Florida, Stephen L. White
Support Efficient, Scalable, and Online Social Spam Detection in System, Hailu Xu
Microphysical-Dynamical Interaction in Tropical Cyclone Intensification, Zongyao Yang
Statistical Modeling of Private Sector Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction Data, Wupeng Yin
Elementary School Children's Perspective of Interactive Activities in English Class in China, Yaqing Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Male Offenders Perspectives on Contextual and Proximal Events associated with Incidents of Domestic Violence, Sharon M. Aaron
Examination of Black Men's Perceptions Of Personal Finance And Lived Experiences Developing Financial Literacy and Building Financial Capability Through The Lens of Institutional Racism, Jonathan B. Abdullah
Silenced Bodies: (En)Gendering Syrian Refugee Insecurity in Lebanon, Jessy Abouarab
Auditing Quality: A Critical Exploration of Faculty Members' Experiences with Quality Matters, Matthew M. Acevedo
Negotiating with Patriarchy: Women, Sexuality, and Power in Yoruba Sacred Oral Genres., Ajoke Adebisi
Lithium-Ion Hybrid Capacitor Devices: Towards High-Performance Electrochemical Capacitive Energy Storage, Ebenezer Dotun Adelowo
Synergistic Activation of Inspiratory Muscles by an Adaptive Closed-loop Controller, Rabeya Zinnat Adury
I am a Monster: An Exploration of the Self through Examination of Fragmented Identity or Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Becomes a Guide for Self-Reflection, Sherri A. Ahern
Computational Analysis of Large-Scale Trends and Dynamics in Eukaryotic Protein Family Evolution, Joseph Boehm Ahrens
Development of DNA Methylation Markers to Infer Age, Smoking Status and Body Fluid Types for Forensic Application, Hussain J.H. Alghanim
Exploring the Feasibility of Implementing Mosque-Based Health Promotion Programs: A Mixed Methods Approach, Bandar Sulaiman Alsaif
The Effect of Methylphenidate on Associative Learning Among Youth with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Amy R. Altszuler
Essays on International Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy, Renzo M. Alvarez Oyola
Fighting Rebellion, Criminalizing Dissent: Governmental Responses to Political Criminality in Mexico and Colombia, 1870s - 1910s, Adrian Alzate Garcia
Making History: The Sephardi Jewish Orphans of Sao-Tome and the African -American Appropriation of their Story, Arinze D. Amanfo
Taking Matters into Your Own Hands: Self-Help and Black Firearm Crime, Candice Denise Ammons Blanfort
Apparent Magnitude, Diana Anaya
Project Performance Rating Model and IPD Implementation Guideline Metric for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects, Elie G. Andary
Sensor-Based Adaptive Control and Optimization of Lower-Limb Prosthesis., Roozbeh Atri
Understanding the Motivations and Pathways of Women and Girls' Involvement in Terrorism in Nigeria, Peculiar M. Awa
Image-based Authentication, Mozhgan Azimpourkivi
Freeway Performance Measurement in a Connected Vehicle Environment Utilizing Traffic Disturbance Metrics, Leila Azizi
The Cybercrime Triangle, Sinchul Back
Context-Aware Personalized Point-of-Interest Recommendation System, Ramesh Raj Baral
Japan’s Relations with Muslim Asia: Trans-Continental Normativity and Policy, B. Bryan Barber IV
Migration, Youth, and Nationhood: Reproducing the Racial State in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Maria V. Barbero
Transnational Sex-Positive Play Parties: The Sexual Politics of Care for Community-Making at a Kinky Salon, Christina Bazzaroni
Drug Policy in an Era of Normative Change: Prohibition and Harm Reduction in Uruguay, Ecuador, and Peru, Nicolas A. Beckmann
The Influence of Maternally Regulated Prenatal Sensory Experience on Postnatal Motor Coordination in Neonatal Bobwhite Quail, Starlie C. Belnap
Algorithms and Circuits for Analog-Digital Hybrid Multibeam Arrays, Paboda Viduneth A. Beruwawela Pathiranage
Decoding Geometric Origin of Geomechanical Properties, Sumana Bhattacharya
A Computational Approach for Modeling Plasma Sprayed Coatings from Splat to Bulk Deposits, Sadhana Bhusal
Stable Isotope Analysis of Japan Sea and East China Sea Sediments: Late Pleistocene Paleoceanographic Reconstructions, Heather Dawn Black
Offset Electrodes for Enhanced Neural Recording in Microchannels, iian Black
Enforcer Blues, Jessica Borsi
Essays on Economic Valuation of Water Resources, Christina Estela Brown
Taking Apart the Time Machine: Investigating Space-for-Time Substitution Modeling in the Florida Everglades, Theresa Kelly Brown
Boron Nitride Nanotube Reinforced Titanium Composite with Controlled Interfacial Reactions by Spark Plasma Sintering, Jenniffer Bustillos
Characterizing Elasmobranch Species Diversity, Occurrence and Catches in Small-Scale Fisheries of the Caribbean, Camila Cáceres
Evolutionary Genetics of the Genus Zamia (Zamiaceae, Cycadales), Michael Calonje
Augkit: an Augmented Drum Set System Designed for Live Performance, Mario A. Carvajal
Topological Markers for Subcellular Chemical Mapping using TOF-SIMS, Anthony Castellanos
Identity Formation and the Stranger in William Shakespeare's Othello and The Merchant of Venice, Rodney Castillo
Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education Institutions who Participate in Study Tours: A Qualitative Study, Michelle M. Castro
Cost Benefit Analysis of Restocking the Threatened Caribbean Staghorn Coral on the Florida Reef Tract, Kevin Cavasos
Development of Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices for the Detection of Low Explosives, Kathryn R. Chabaud
How Effective Are Current International Laws in Combating Issues of Global Cyber Security?, Jessica E. Chadwick Cordero
Assessment of Watersheds for Sustainable Agriculture in Karnataka, India, Nicholas Adam Charles
Measuring Collagen Arrangement and Its Relationship with Preterm Birth using Mueller Matrix Polarimetry, Joseph James Chue-Sang
An Analysis of Performance-Based Funding Measures in Florida, Madelyn Cintron
Love from the Machine: Technosexualities and the Desire for Machinic Bodies, Ann-Renee Clark
Persistence among Emerging Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury in Postsecondary Settings, Ardith A. Clayton-Wright
Development of a Transfer of Training Measure for Law Enforcement, Daniel Costa
Numerical Simulation of Flushing Deposits in Pipelines, Joseph S. Coverston
Poly-strengths Skill Building for Urban Teens at High-risk for Violence Exposure: Leveraging Community After-school Programs to Promote Youth, Kelly D. Cromer M.S.
How Town Engages Gown: Engagement and Collaboration Between Local Governments and Institutions of Higher Education, Vivian Gonzalez Cueto
Shipbuilding, Forest Resource Exploitation, and Environmental Change in Cuba in the Early Eighteenth Century, 1700-1763, Jason M. Daniel
The Effect of Collective Efficacy and Neighborhood Structural Disadvantage on Depressive Symptoms among Adolescents in the United States, Christyl Teres Dawson
Nucleoside Analogues for Positron Emission Tomography Imaging and to Study Radiation Mediated Generation of Radicals from Azides, Maria E. de Cabrera
A Phenomenological Study on Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and their Link to Persistence in Hispanic College English Language Learners, Gabriela DeFrancisco
How are Social Studies Teachers Using Technology in the Classroom?, Stephanie Delgado
A Hardware-Assisted Insider Threat Detection and Prevention Framework, Kyle W. Denney
Cavity Nest Webs as a Template for Studying Non-trophic Interactions in Invasion Ecology, Joshua M. Diamond
The Relationship of a Novel Marker of Inflammation (Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio) to Nutritional Status, Diet and Clinical Outcomes in Hemodialysis Patients, Janet Diaz Martinez
The Mediating Effects of Problematic Internet and Video Gaming Behaviors on Family, Cultural, and Individual Constructs among Latinx and non-Latinx Black Youth, Stephanie L. Diez
Exploring the Potential of Endophytes and Medicinal Plants as Sources of Antimicrobials to Control Citrus Greening, Jessica Dominguez
Evolutionary Expansions and Neofunctionalization of Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors in Cnidaria, Ellen G. Dow
Associations Between Adolescent Cannabis Use Trajectories and Anxiety, Jacqueline C. Duperrouzel
Coupling Telemetry and Stable Isotope Techniques to Unravel Movement: Snook Habitat Use Across Variable Nutrient Environments, Cody W. Eggenberger
Isolated Single-stage Power Electronic Building Blocks Using Medium Voltage Series-stacked Wide-bandgap Switches, Noureldeen Mohamed Elsayad
Revising the Status Quo of Revisionism, Grand Strategy, and International Order, Onur Erpul
The Sanctuary of Acceptance: Love and Identity Through the Letters and Poetry of John Keats, Amanda Caridad Estevez Ms.
Generating Alternatives: The Possible Energy Transitions for France and Germany after the Paris Accord, Anna Fache
Virtual Patient Simulation: Training Pre-Health Professionals in Suicide Risk Prevention, Francisco Javier Fajardo
Manufacturing Sin on the Frontier of Heresy. Bishops, Franciscans and the Inquisition in Cuba during the Long Sixteenth Century, 1511 - 1611., Leonardo Falcon
Corrosion Durability of a Nano-Particle Enriched Zinc-Rich Coating System For Highway Steel Bridges, Saiada Fuadi Fancy
Retrofitting of Bridge Elements Subjected to Predominantly Axial Load Using UHPC Shell, Mahsa Farzad
Essays in Real Estate Securities and Financial Institutions, Zifeng Feng
Of Horses and Mules: Timescapes, Sacrotraffic, and Veiled Transnational Ecologies of Afro-Cuban Religions – An Autoethnography, Alexander Fernandez
No Man's Land: Critical Disability and Exile in Modernist Literature, Danny Fernandez
Exemplars of Error in the Works of Spenser and Sidney, Rene Ferrer
Uprooting and Rerooting Religious Identities: Understanding the Experience of Self-Identified Christian Millennial Migrants from South America in Miami, Ernesto M. Fiocchetto
Kaleidoscope: Essays on Color, Chloe C. Firetto-Toomey Ms
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) Communications in Wireless Cellular Networks, Abdurrahman Fouda
A Privacy Framework for Decentralized Applications using Blockchains and Zero Knowledge Proofs, David Gabay