Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Comparison of parental perception and therapist interpretation of child's performance of the Peabody Fine Motor Scale, Martha Gene Belote
Optimal kernel development for real-time communications, Monica G. Beltran
An analysis of the impact of the Islamic revolution in Iran on Iranian women, Caroline Bethea
The effect of weathering processes on the vertical turbulent dispersion characteristics of crude oil spilled on the sea, Donald J. Boyé
The effects of required/sequenced preparatory courses on academic success and retention at a community college, Elizabeth Andrews Brady
Rater's personality as a moderator of context effects in performance appraisals, Irene Maria Bravo
Alternative methods for newborn urine sample collection, Nancy Ann Burke
The knowledge and use of critical thinking teaching strategies of faculty in associate degree nursing education programs, Lynda A. Burroughs
Broadband RF current detector, George Cabrera
Relationship between technical knowledge and price-perceived quality in an industrial setting, Jeannie Helen Caicedo
A descriptive study of university students' beliefs regarding autonomy and paternalism in caregiving of the elderly, Linda Ann Cain
A comparison study of hip range of motion and electromyography during backward walking between children with spastic diplegia and children without known disabilities, Martin L. Carrillo
Knowledge of HIV transmission risk behavior, and perceptions of risk among Haitian women living in Miami, Florida, Theresa Olivier Cassagnol
A new parallel technique for the solution of sparse nonlinear equations, Maria Cereijo Martinez
The survival strategies of Haitian immigrant women, Sue Chaffee
Improved frequency response measurements in the human visual system, Yuping Chen
Vent alignments in San Francisco volcanic field, Arizona : statistical analysis and assessment of structural controls, Zhuoning Chen
Howardsville Depot and other stories, John Albert Childrey
Memory for contingent versus noncontingent events, Maricel Cigales
The design of a course module for addiction counselors using a systems approach to training (SAT) format, Mary Lou Cook
Anthropometric estimates for Colombian adults, Orlando A. Corredor
An after tax economic analysis of home equity conversion for the elderly, Lowell James Cramer
The radiolarian biostratigraphy of the oceanic formation, Conset Bay, Barbados, West Indies, Elba Dayton Cuevas
Gradient based fuzzy c-means algorithm, Issam J. Dagher
Age and forgetfulness : management attributions, recommendations, and predictions, Debra Clements Danker
Inequality in disaster : the case of hurricane Andrew and Florida City, Nicole Dash
The use of aerobic exercise as an occupational therapy intervention for post traumatic stress disorder patients, Phyllis A. Davis
Out-of-sample exchange rate forecasting structural and non-structural nonlinear approaches, Maria Eugenia De Boyrie
The effect of authority and social influence on eyewitness suggestibility and person recognition, Jennifer Leigh Devenport
The effect of familiarity of task and choice on the functional performance of young and old adults, Anne E. Dickerson
An evaluation of depression, self-efficacy, satisfaction with life and perceived access to medical care across stages of HIV infection, Toni Marie DiDona
Correlates of union and organizational commitment : a survey of former Eastern Airlines employees, Sharon A. Israel Dolfi
Meson-meson scattering in 2+1 dimensional lattice quantum electrodynamics, Alberto Luis Domínguez
The effects of laboratory-induced mood on secretory immunoglobulin A in saliva, Susan Strum Dubitsky
Job satisfaction of school-based physical therapists, Leonard Elbaum
Chaos Hill, James Mallon Ellenburg
The influence of perception of forgetting and gender, ethnicity, and closeness on likelihood of caregiving, Mary Emerson Etheart
Encryption-based security for public networks : technique and application, Irma Becerra Fernandez
A hierarchical approach for solving the large-scale traveling salesman problem, Anthony L. Figueras
A Study of Teachers' Involvement In School-Based Management and Their Perceptions of the Impact of School-Based Management on School Improvement, Jose Manuel Flores
A CASE tool supporting the MOSES development methodology, Florida International University Glupe
Acute toxicity of copper sulfate in juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and the establishment of safe methods to control parasitic disease, Thomas Jay Frese
Characterization of LuxA of novel strains of the genus Shewanella, Nada Rashid Fulayfil
Evaluating the effects of agricultural practices on water quality by interfacing GIS with computer models, Rao K. Gadipudi
Molecular studies of Canavan Disease, Guangping Gao
The use of social statistics for purposes of legitimation and foreign policy by the Cuban government, Jose Carlos Garcia
Fault tolerant Medical Network (MEDNET), Hamid Ghassemi
Development of a three-dimensional model of left ventricular flow dynamics, Erick Gonzalez
Peer acceptance and friendship quality during middle childhood : family influences and links to well-being, Nathalie Guacci-Franco
The effect of planned parent conferences on parental stress in pedriatic intensive care units, Hope Jessica Gunn
The effects of partnerships between schools of social work and public agencies on the child welfare staffing crisis, Norma Harris
Attitudes of non-health students toward autonomy and paternalism in caregiving of the elderly, Ruth Phillips Harrison
Jack's Bight : Solace of an Open Place, Hamish Winthrop Ziegler
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Petrology and geochemistry of some high pressure rocks from northern part of Rio San Juan complex, Dominican Republic, Khandaker I. Anam
A model of the hydrothermal system at Casa Diablo in Long Valley, California, based on resistivity profiles and soil mercury analyses, John David Arfstrom
Yield of metastable atoms from a rare gas discharge in a longitudinal magnetic field, Andrés J. Barrios
Enhancing physical therapy students' attitudes toward telecommunication technology by using a demonstration model, Steven R. Bernstein
Personal computer security system, Jorge L. Besada
An investigation of twentieth century observant Jewish fine artists, Cindy Garfinkel Blaustein
Effectiveness of the cognitive interview in a multiple-testing situation, Petra Brock
An interface between the GRASS geographic information system and ORACLE relational detabase management system, David Gordon Buker
Effects of alcohol intoxication and encoding conditions on eyewitness memory, Marisa Anna Lucia Caiola
A new stereo matching paradigm for the recovery of the third dimension in two-dimensional images, Frank Martin Candocia
The effects of evacuation and relocation following Hurricane Andrew on children ages two through six, Vicki L. Catlett-Newby
An analysis of the role of Latin American labor unions under democratization: the Argentine CGT's role under president Carlos Menem, Giselle Audrey De Bruno
Myoelectric signal recognition using artificial neural networks in real time, Adrian Del Boca
Reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Jodi B. Dell
The effect of study skills instruction on the study strategies and attitudes of college students with learning disabilities, Jennifer Carlene King Ebrahimian
Social facilitation effects on automatic and effortful processing in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Peggy L. Escovar
Numerical analysis of the pullout problem of a fiber embedded in a matrix : comparison with an approximate analytical solution, Ivan Enrique Esparragoza
Secondary metabolites and biosynthetic precursors of thiophenes in Flaveria linearis, Lavina J. Faleiro
The effect of vision congruence on employee empowerment, commitment, satisfaction, and performance, Anne M. Fiedler
The effects of massage therapy on delayed-onset muscle soreness after unaccustomed exercise for healthy, sedentary adults, Neal B. Finkelstein
Photocatalytic oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of meta-substituted phenols by TiO₂/UV : a molecular structure-reactivity study, Fabius D. Foti
Fault tolerant and integrated token ring network, Thomas Christopher Gilbar
Self-esteem and job satisfaction of adults with mild mental retardation in sheltered workshops and supported employment programs, David K. Griffin
Light sensitivity among marine nitrifying bacteria, Maria A. Guerrero
Effects of calcitonin gene-related peptide on regeneration and reorganization of neoromuscular structures following peripheral nerve transection, Elizabeth Ann Gunther
Interactions and play between captive bottlenose dolphins and humans in a "swim-with-the-dolphins" program, Terence N. Hankins
Multidimensional scaling is useful in analysis of RAPD data from Candida albicans, Xiaoguang Han
The use of physical agent modalities by occupational therapists practicing in hand therapy, Claudia M. Harpe
Factors influencing nurses' postoperative pain management in children with developmental disabilities, Cindy Lynn Harrah
Three dimensional stress intensity factor for large arrays of radial internal surface cracks in a cylindrical pressure vessel, Javier Pierola
Performance assessment of prosthetic heart valves using orifice area formulae and the energy index method, Flavio Ballerini Souza Campos
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Stated versus observed performance levels in patients with chronic low back pain, Alma R. Abdel-Moty
Where there's Smoke, Elisa Albo
The presence of a non-B-Z-structure enhances an enzyme's reactivity at its recognition site, Maria C. Aloyo
Intelligent retrieval system for conditions of contract documents in construction, Luis M. Arditi Rocha
Relevance of the community college curriculum to the international student, Michael Baglino
Factors influencing university performance of associate in arts graduates transferring to the state university system, Anne L. Baldwin
Democratization, stabilization and social movements : the Bolivian case, Susan Michelle Beal
The influence of processing instructions at encoding and retrieval on face recognition accuracy, Garrett L. Berman
Depth-related variations of trace metal abundances in south Florida sediments, Donna Wade Booth
Precompetition dietary practices of competitive male and female bodybuilders, Janet Bond Brill
Spatial and temporal variation of microbial properties in the water column of Florida Bay, John B.C. Bugden
Test-retest reliability and synchronous status of heart rate recorded in vivo in children with phobic disorder, Alexander J. Chapunoff
Fuzzy special logic functions and applications, Te-Shun Chou