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Faculty Publications from 2015


Search for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the Higgs boson, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for narrow high-mass resonances in proton–proton collisions at √s=8TeVdecaying to a Z and a Higgs boson, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for quark contact interactions and extra spatial dimensions using dijet angular distributions in proton–proton collisions at √s=8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for resonant pair production of Higgs bosons decaying to two bottom quark–antiquark pairs in proton–proton collisions at 8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for stealth supersymmetry in events with jets, either photons or leptons, and low missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at 8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Study of W boson production in pPb collisions at √sNN=5.02TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Angular coefficients of Z bosons produced in pp collisions at √s=8TeVand decaying to μ+μ−as a function of transverse momentum and rapidity, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Measurement of the production cross section ratio σ(χb2(1P))/σ(χb1(1P))in pp collisions at √s=8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for a standard model-like Higgs boson in the μ+μ−and e+e−decay channels at the LHC, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for pair-produced resonances decaying to jet pairs in proton–proton collisions at √s=8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Interactive effects of cocaine on HIV infection: implication in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder and neuroAIDS., Santosh Dahal, Sai V. P. Chitti, Madhavan Nair, and Shailendra K. Saxena


Comparison of individual and pooled urine samples for estimating the presence and intensity of Schistosoma haematobium infections at the population level, Abraham Degarege, Berhanu Erko, Zeleke Mekonnen, Mengistu Legesse, Yohannes Negash, Jozef Vercruysse, and Bruno Levecke


Prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium Infection among School-Age Children in Afar Area, Northeastern Ethiopia, Abraham Degarege, Zeleke Mekonnen, Bruno Levecke, Yohannes Negash, Jozef Vercruysse, and Berhanu Erko


Undernutrition and associated risk factors among school age children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dawit Degarege, Abraham Degarege, and Abebe Animut


The mysterious multi-modal repellency of DEET, Matthew DeGennaro


Farnesol-Like Endogenous Sesquiterpenoids in Vertebrates: The Probable but Overlooked Functional ?Inbrome? Anti-Aging Counterpart of Juvenile Hormone of Insects?, Arnold De Loof, Elisabeth Marchal, Crisalejandra Rivera-Perez, Fernando G. Noriega, and Liliane Schoofs


Differing roles of autophagy in HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment and encephalitis with implications for morphine co-exposure, Seth M. Dever, Myosotys Rodriguez, Jessica Lapierre, Blair N. Costin, and Nazira El-Hage


Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices and Beliefs about Medical Male Circumcision (MMC) among a Sample of Health Care Providers in Haiti, Jessy G. Devieux, Anshul Saxena, Rhonda Rosenberg, Jeffrey D. Klausner, Michele Jean-Gilles, Purnima Madhivanan, Stephanie Gaston, Muni Rubens, Harry Theodore, Marie-Marcelle Deschamps, Serena P. Koenig, and Jean William Pope


Functional connectivity modeling of consistent cortico-striatal degeneration in Huntington3s disease, Imis Dogan, Claudia R. Eickhoff, Peter T. Fox, Angela Laird, Jörg B. Schulz, Simon B. Eickhoff, and Kathrin Reetz


Identificationof Small Molecule Inhibitors of HumanAs(III) S-Adenosylmethionine Methyltransferase(AS3MT), Hui Dong, Mahendra Madegowda, Adel Nefzi, Richard A. Houghten, Marc A. Giulianotti, and Barry P. Rosen


The Cognitive Symptom Checklist-Work in cancer patients is related with work functioning, fatigue and depressive symptoms: a validation study, H. F. Dorland, F. I. Abma, C. A. M. Roelen, A. Smink, M. Feuerstein, B. C. Amick, A. V. Ranchor, and U. Bultmann


Inositol transporters AtINT2 and AtINT4 regulate arsenic accumulation in Arabidopsis seeds, Gui-Lan Duan, Ying Hu, Sabine Schneider, Joseph McDermott, Jian Chen, Norbert Sauer, Barry P. Rosen, Birgit Daus, Zijuan Liu, and Yong-Guan Zhu


Identification of a laccase Glac15 from Ganoderma lucidum 77002 and its application in bioethanol production, Zemin Fang, Xiaoman Liu, Liyuan Chen, Yu Shen, Xuecheng Zhang, Wei Fang, Xiaotang Wang, Xiaoming Bao, and Yazhong Xiao


Are We Filling the Data Void? An Assessment of the Amount and Extent of Plant Collection Records and Census Data Available for Tropical South America, Kenneth Feeley


Where are the tropical plants? A call for better inclusion of tropical plants in studies investigating and predicting the effects of climate change, Kenneth J. Feeley, Miles R. Silman, and Alvaro Duque


Microbial "social networks", Mitch Fernandez, Juan D. Riveros, Michael Campos, Kalai Mathee, and Giri Narasimhan

Control of phosphorus concentration through adsorption and desorption in shallow groundwater of subtropical carbonate estuary, Hilary Flower, Mark Rains, David Lewis, Jia-Zhong Zhang, and René M. Price


Water quality, isoscapes and stoichioscapes of seagrasses indicate general P limitation and unique N cycling in shallow water benthos of Bermuda, James W. Fourqurean, S. A. Manuel, K. A. Coates, W. J. Kenworthy, and Joseph N. Boyer


Three New Species of Tursiocola (Bacillariophyta) from the Skin of the West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus), Thomas A. Frankovich, Michael J. Sullivan, and Nicole I. Stacy


Tursiocola denysii sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from the neck skin of Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), Thomas A. Frankovich, Michael J. Sullivan, and Nicole I. Stacy


Diet Self-efficacy and Physical Self-concept of College Students at Risk for Eating Disorders, Leslie D. Frazier, Joan A. Vaccaro, Stephanie Garcia, Negar Fallahazad, Kapil Rathi, Alice Shrestha, and Nancy Perez


A public health risk assessment for yellow fever vaccination: a model exemplified by an outbreak in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, Ana Freitas Ribeiro, Ciléa Tengan, Helena Keico Sato, Roberta Spinola, Melissa Mascheretti, Ana Cecilia Costa França, Marcio Port-Carvalho, Mariza Pereira, Renato Pereira de Souza, Marcos Amaku, Marcelo Nascimento Burattini, Francisco Antonio Bezerra Coutinho, Luis Fernandez Lopez, and Eduardo Massad


The Dimerization State of the Mammalian High Mobility Group Protein AT-Hook 2 (HMGA2), Lorraine Frost, Maria A.M. Baez, Christopher Harrilal, Alyssa Garabedian, Francisco Fernandez-Lima, and Fenfei Leng


Chemically Modified Plastic Tube for High Volume Removal and Collection of Circulating Tumor Cells, Angelo Gaitas and Gwangseong Kim


Inductive heating kills cells that contribute to plaque: a proof-of-concept, Angelo Gaitas and Gwangseong Kim


Quantitative Comparison of Plant Community Hydrology Using Large-Extent, Long-Term Data, Daniel Gann and Jennifer H. Richards


Performance of High Resolution Satellite Rainfall Products over Data Scarce Parts of Eastern Ethiopia, Shimelis B. Gebere, Tena Alamirew, Broder J. Merkel, and Assefa M. Melesse


Development and Characterization of Polymorphic Microsatellite Markers (SSRs) for an Endemic Plant, Pseudolarix amabilis (Nelson) Rehd. (Pinaceae), Qi-Fang Geng, Jun Liu, Lin Sun, Hong Liu, Yan Ou-Yang, Ying Cai, Xin-Sheng Tang, Hong-Wei Zhang, Zhing-Sheng Wang, and Shu-Qing An


Effect of Yangtze River on population genetic structure of the relict plant Parrotia subaequalis in eastern Chin, Qifang Geng, Zhingang Yao, Jie Yang, Jia He, Danbi Wong, Zhongsheng Wang, and H. Liu


Preface to Special Topic: Amyloid Aggregation: Characterization, Function and Molecular Mechanisms, Bernard S. Gerstman and Yifat Miller


Anthropogenic ecosystem fragmentation drives shared and unique patterns of sexual signal divergence among three species of Bahamian mosquitofish, Sean T. Giery, Craig A. Layman, and R. Brian Langerhans


Optical imaging for breast cancer prescreening, Anuradha Godavarty, Suset Rodriguez, Young-Jin Jung, and Stephanie Gonzalez

Cross-cultural evidence for multimodal motherese: Asian Indian mothers' adaptive use of synchronous words and gestures, Lakshmi Gogate, Madhavilatha Maganti, and Lorraine E. Bahrick


Downregulation of host tryptophan-aspartate containing coat (TACO) gene restricts the entry and survival of Leishmania donovani in human macrophage model, Venkateswara Reddy Gogulamudi, Mohan Lal Dubey, Deepak Kaul, and Venkata Atluri


Addressing the gap: a blueprint for studying bimanual hand preference in infants, Sandy L. Gonzalez and Eliza Nelson


Proliferative and Glycolytic Assessment of the Whole-Body Bone Marrow Compartment, Mohammed Goryawala, Malek Adjouadi, and Seza Gulec


Inclusion of Neuropsychological Scores in Atrophy Models Improves Diagnostic Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment, Mohammed Goryawala, Qi Zhou, Warren Barker, David A. Lowenstein, and Ranjan Duara


Reciprocal (and reductionist?) Newswork, Robert E. Gutsche Jr., Susan Jacobson, Juliet Pinto, and Charnele Michel


Latin America’s challenge: A fresh look at industrial policy, Jerry Haar


Habitat fragmentation and its lasting impact on Earth’s ecosystems, Nick M. Haddad, Lars A. Brudvig, Jean Clobert, Kendi F. Davies, Andrew Gonzalez, Robert D. Holt, Thomas E. Lovejoy, Clinton Jenkins, and others

Convergence of microclimate in residential landscapes across diverse cities in the United States, Sharon J. Hall, J. Learned, B. Ruddell, K. L. Larson, J. Cavender-Bares, N. Bettez, P. M. Groffman, J. M. Grove, J. B. Heffernan, S. E. Hobie, J. L. Morse, C. Neill, K. C. Nelson, J. P.M. O'Neil-Dunne, Laura Ogden, D. E. Pataki, W. D. Pearse, C. Polsky, R. Roy Chowdhury, M. K. Steele, and T. L.E. Trammell


The New Man and the Sea: Climate Change Perceptions and Sustainable Seafood Preferences of Florida Reef Anglers, James W. Harper

Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Based Profiling of Alkyl Coumarates and Ferulates in Two Species of Cattail (Typha domingensis P., and Typha latifolia L.), Ding He, Bernd R.T. Simoneit, Blanca Jara, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Occurrence and Distribution of Monomethylalkanes in the Freshwater Wetland Ecosystem of the Florida Everglades, Ding He, Bernd R.T. Simoneit, Blanca Jara, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Compositions and isotopic differences of iso- and anteiso-alkanes in black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) across a salinity gradient in a subtropical estuary, Ding He, Bernd R. T. Simoneit, Blanca Jara, and Rudolf Jaffé


Drugs of Abuse in HIV infection and neurotoxicity, Melissa Hidalgo, Venkata Atluri, and Madhavan Nair


Adaptive control of ventilation using electrical stimulation in a biomechanical model, Brian K. Hillen, James J. Abbas, Adeline Zbrzeski, Sylvie Renaud, and Ranu Jung


Cognitive Reserve in Parkinson’s Disease: The Effects of Welsh-English Bilingualism on Executive Function, John V. Hindle, Pamela A. Martin-Forbes, Alexandra J.M. Bastable, Kirstie L. Pye, Anthony Martyr, Christopher J. Whitaker, Fergus I.M. Craik, Ellen Bialystok, Virginia C. Mueller Gathercole, and Linda Clare


Warming experiments elucidate the drivers of observed directional changes in tundra vegetation, Robert D. Hollister, Jeremy L. May, Kelseyann S. Kremers, Craig E. Tweedie, Steven F. Oberbauer, Jennifer A. Liebig, Timothy F. Botting, Robert T. Barrett, and Jessica L. Gregory


Evaluation of Polarimetric SAR Decomposition for Classifying Wetland Vegetation Types, Sang-Hoon Hong, Hyun-Ok Kim, Shimon Wdowinski, and Emanuelle Feliciano


Adaptive Staircase Measurement of Hand Proprioception, Najmeh Hoseini, Brandon M. Sexton, Karl Kurtz, Yang Liu, and Hannah J. Block


Activation of relaxin family receptor 1 from different mammalian species by relaxin peptide and small-molecule agonist ML290, Zaohua Huang, Courtney Myhr, Ross A.D. Bathgate, Brian A. Ho, Xin Hu, Jingbo Xiao, Noel Southall, Elena Barnaeva, Irina U. Agoulnik, Juan J. Marugan, Marc Ferrer, and Alexander I. Agoulnik


Previous Preterm Birth and Current Maternal Complications as a Risk Factor of Subsequent Stillbirth, Boubakari Ibrahimou, Cynthia Anozie, Cara de la Cruz, and Hamisu Salihu


Infant mortality in twin pregnancies following in-utero demise of the co-twin, Boubakari Ibrahimou, Hamisu M. Salihu, Muktar H. Aliyu, Gary English, and Getachew Dagne


Chromosome territory repositioning induced by PHA-activation of lymphocytes: A 2D and 3D appraisal, Dimitirios Ioannou, Lakshmi Kandukuri, Joe Leigh Simpson, and Helen G. Tempest


Impact of sperm DNA chromatin in the clinic, Dimitirios Ioannou, David Miller, Darren K. Griffin, and Helen G. Tempest


Spatial Positioning of All 24 Chromosomes in the Lymphocytes of Six Subjects: Evidence of Reproducible Positioning and Spatial Repositioning following DNA Damage with Hydrogen Peroxide and Ultraviolet B, Dimitrios Ioannou, Lakshmi Kandukuri, Ameer Quadri, Victor Becerra, Joe Leigh Simpson, and Helen G. Tempest


Statistical Methods in AI: Rare Event Learning Using Associative Rules and Higher-Order Statistics, V. Iyer, S. Shetty, and S.S. Iyengar


Predictors of waterpipe smoking progression among youth in Irbid, Jordan: A Longitudinal Study (2008-2011), Rana Jaber, Purnima Madhivanan, Yousef Khader, Kenneth Ward, and Wasim Maziak


Waterpipe a gateway to cigarette smoking initiation among adolescents in Irbid, Jordan: a longitudinal study, Rana Jaber, Purnima Madhivanan, Emir Veledar, Y. Khader, F. Mzayek, and Wasim Maziak


Predictors of Cigarette Smoking Progression Among a School-Based Sample of Adolescents in Irbid, Jordan: A Longitudinal Study (2008–2011), Rana Jaber, Fawaz Mzayek, Purnima Madhivanan, Yousuf Khader, and Wasim Maziak


Sustained-release nanoAR T formulation for the treatment of neuroAIDS, Rahul Dev Jayant, Venkata Atluri, Marisela Agudelo, Vidya Sagar, Ajeet Kaushik, and Madhavan Nair


Patterns of Vertebrate Diversity and Protection in Brazil, Clinton N. Jenkins, Maria Alice S. Alves, Alexandre Uezu, Mariana M. Vale, and Adam Stow


Reply to Brown et al.: Species and places are the priorities for conservation, not economic efficiency, Clinton N. Jenkins, Kyle S. Van Houtan, Stuart L. Pimm, and Joseph O. Sexton


US protected lands mismatch biodiversity priorities, Clinton N. Jenkins, Kyle S. Van Houtan, Stuart L. Pimm, and Joseph O. Sexton


Quantity over quality: light intensity, but not red/far-red ratio, affects extrafloral nectar production in Senna mexicana var. chapmanii, Ian M. Jones and Suzanne Koptur


Overweight status of the primary caregivers of orphan and vulnerable children in 3 Southern African countries: a cross sectional study, Mariano Kanamori, Olivia Carter-Pokras, Sangeetha Madhavan, Robert Feldmand, Xin He, and Sunmin Lee


Nanostructured Gas Sensors for Health Care: An Overview, Ajeet Kaushik, Rajesh Kumar, Rahul Dev Jayant, and Madhavan Nair


Electrochemical sensing method for point-of-care cortisol detection in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients, Ajeet Kaushik, Adriana Yndart, Rahul Dev Jayant, Vidya Sagar, Venkata Atluri, Shekhar Bhansali, and Madhavan Nair


Transitioning from military medics to registered nurses, Mohamed D. Keita, Valerie J. Diaz, Audrey P. Miller, Maria Olenick, and Sharon R. Simon


Effects of Slotted Water Control Structures on Nekton Movement within Salt Marshes, Matthew E. Kimball, Lawrence P. Rozas, Kevin M. Boswell, and James H. Cowan Jr.


Extracorporeal Photo-Immunotherapy for Circulating Tumor Cells, Gwangseong Kim and Angelo Gaitas


Autonomous pipeline monitoring and maintenance system: a RFID-based approach, Jong-Hoon Kim, Gokarna Sharma, Noureddine Boudriga, S.S. Iyengar, and Nagarajan Prabakar


A Second Look at the Association between Gender and Mortality on Antiretroviral Therapy, Serena P. Koenig, Alexandra Bornstein, Karine Severe, Elizabeth Fox, Jessy G. Devieux, Patrice Severe, Patrice Joseph, Adias Marcelin, Dgndy Alexandre Bright, Ngoc Pham, Pierre Cremieux, and Jean William Pope


Rapid Training and Implementation of the Pollock Technique, a Safe, Effective Newborn Circumcision Procedure, in a Low-Resource Setting, Noah Kojima, Claire C. Bristow, Neil Pollock, Pierre Crouse, Harry Theodore, Jerry Bonhomme, Claire F. Stephanie Gaston, Jessy G. Devieux, Jean William Pape, and Jeffrey D. Klausner


The Influence of Host Plant Extrafloral Nectaries on Multitrophic Interactions: An Experimental Investigation, Suzanne Koptur, Ian M. Jones, and Jorge E. Pena


Diminished Response of Arctic Plants to Warming over Time, Kelseyann S. Kremers, Robert D. Hollister, and Steven F. Oberbauer


Antibiotic resistance in prevalent bacterial and protozoan sexually transmitted infections, Karl Krupp and Purnima Madhivanan


Solvothermal Synthesis, Structure and Optical Property of Nanosized CoSb3 Skutterudite, Latha Kumari, Wenzhi Li, JianYu Huang, and Paula P. Provencio

Connecting Groundwater and Surface Water Sources in Groundwater Dependent Coastal Wetlands and Estuaries: Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico, David Lagomasino, René M. Price, Jorge Herrera-Silvera, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Gonzalo Merediz-Alonso, and Yadira Gomez-Hernandez

Ecosystem services in managing residential landscapes: priorities, value dimensions, and cross-regional patterns, K. L. Larson, K. C. Nelson, S. R. Samples, S. J. Hall, N. Bettez, J. Cavender-Bares, P. M. Groffman, M. Grove, J. B. Heffernan, S. E. Hobie, J. Learnd, J.L. Morse, C. Neill, L. A. Ogden, J. O'Neil-Dunne, D. E. Pataki, C. Polsky, R. Roy Chowdhury, M. Steele, and T.L.E. Trammell


Climate Change May Alter Breeding Ground Distributions of Eastern Migratory Monarchs (Danaus plexippus) via Range Expansion of Asclepias Host Plants, Nathan P. Lemoine


Effects of in situ climate warming on monarch caterpillar (Danaus plexippus) development, Nathan P. Lemoine, Jillian N. Capdevielle, and John D. Parker


A dialectical perspective on burnout and engagement, Matthew R. Leon, Jonathon R.B. Halbesleben, and Samantha C. Paustian-Underdahl


Modification of Purine and Pyrimidine Nucleosides by Direct C-H Bond Activation, Yong Liang and Stanislaw F. Wnuk


Depth-resolved rhodopsin molecular contrast imaging for functional assessment of photoreceptors, Tan Liu, Rong Wen, Byron L. Lam, Carmen A. Puliafito, and Shuliang Jiao

Modeling the Impact of Restoration Efforts on Phosphorus Loading and Transport through Everglades National Park, FL, USA, Stephanie A. Long, Georgio I. Tachiev, Robert Fennema, Amy Cook, Michael C. Sukop, and Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm

Modeling the impact of restoration efforts on phosphorus loading and transport through Everglades National Park, FL, USA, Stephanie Long, Georgio I. Tachiev, Robert Fennema, Amy Cook, Michael C. Sukop, and Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm


Single-Incision Single-Instrument Adnexal Surgery in Pediatric Patients, Tara Loux, Gavin A. Falk, Michaela Gaffley, Stephanie Ortega, Leopoldo Malvezzi, Colin G. Knight, and Cathy Burnweit

Fine Spatial Resolution Simulation of Two-Dimensional Modeling of Flow Pulses Discharge into Wetlands: Case Study of Loxahatchee Impoundment Landscape Assessment, the Everglades, Mehrnoosh Mahmoudi, Reinaldo Garcia, Eric Cline, René M. Price, Leanord J. Scinto, Shimon Wdowinski, and Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm