FIU Undergraduate Research Journal | Florida International University


to Florida International University's first undergraduate research journal created by and for undergraduate students. FIUURJ  is the collaborative effort of the Center for Excellence in Writing, FIU Liberal Studies, FIU Libraries, the Honors College, Humanities Edge, FIU Research and Economic Development, MARC U*STAR, the Undergraduate Research Society, and Digital Writing Studio. With the generous help of faculty advisers and volunteers, this journal provides opportunities for undergraduate and FIU alumni to get involved and build experience in editing, digital project creation, peer-reviewing, and peer-advising.

Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2024) Spring 2024



Front Matter


Benefits of Time Spent Outdoors in Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review
Crismely Fermin, Monica Perez, Averill F. Obee, and Katie C. Hart


The Effect of Saltwater Stress on the Performance of Cherry Tomatoes
Samarah R. Martin, Ivan Oyege, Kateel G. Shetty, Krish Jayachandran, and Maruthi Sridhar Balaji Bhaskar


Validation of a Forensic Method to be used in Food Fraud Investigation
Jennifer Melayes, Nicole DeAngelo, Vallarie Ostenson, Fabiana Taglia Dr., and DeEtta Kay Mills Dr.

Reports on Research

Theory, Model Development and Literature Reviews


The State of Knowledge of CCA Diversity in the Caribbean Coral Reefs
Danielle Macias, Alain Duran, and Fabio Nauer

Humanities-Based Research