FCE LTER Journal Articles



Articles from 2014


The Relationship Between Water Level, Prey Availability and Reproductive Success in Roseate Spoonbills Foraging in a Seasonally-Flooded Wetland While Nesting in Florida Bay, Jerome J. Lorenz

Effects of Land Use on Sources and Ages of Inorganic and Organic Carbon in Temperate Headwater Streams, Yue Han Lu, James E. Bauer, Elizabeth A. Canuel, R. M. Chambers, Youhei Yamashita, Rudolf Jaffe´, and Amy Barrett


Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in the Oligo/Meso-Haline Zone of Wetland-Influenced Coastal Rivers, Nagamitsu Maie, Satoshi Sekiguchi, Akira Watanabe, Kiyoshi Tsitsuki, Youhei Yamashita, Lulie Melling, Kaelin M. Cawley, Eikichi Shima, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Seasonal Patterns in Energy Partitioning of Two Freshwater Marsh Ecosystems in the Florida Everglades, Sparkle L. Malone, Christina L. Staudhammer, Henry W. Loescher, Paulo Olivas, Steven F. Oberbauer, Michael G. Ryan, Jessica Schedlbauer, and Gregory Starr


El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Enhances CO2 Exchange Rates in Freshwater Marsh Ecosystems in the Florida Everglades, Sparkle L. Malone, Christina L. Staudhammer, Steve F. Oberbauer, Paulo Olivas, Michael G. Ryan, Jessice L. Schedlbauer, Henry W. Loescher, and Gregory Starr


Multi-Tissue Stable Isotope Analysis and Acoustic Telemetry Reveal Seasonal Variability in the Trophic Interactions of Juvenile Bull Sharks in a Coastal Estuary, Philip Matich and Michael R. Heithaus

Distribution of Diatoms Along Environmental Gradients in the Charlotte Harbor, Florida (USA), Estuary and Its Watershed: Implications for Bioassessment of Salinity and Nutrient Concentrations, Emily R. Nodine and Evelyn E. Gaiser

Evidence of Recent Phosphorus Enrichment in Surface Soils of Taylor Slough and Northeast Everglades National Park, T. Z. Osborne, K. R. Reddy, L. R. Ellis, N. G. Aumen, D. D. Surratt, M. S. Zimmerman, and J. Sadle

Perceptions and Preferences of Commercial Fishers for Dedicated Access Privilege Framework in a Multispecies Fishery, Brett Pierce and Pallab Mozumder

Turning Passive Detection Systems into Field Experiments: An Application Using Wetland Fishes and Enclosures to Track Fine-Scale Movement and Habitat Choice, Jennifer S. Rehage, Ross E. Boucek, E. A. Cline, M. I. Cook, R. M. Kobza, and Amartya Saha

Fish Community Responses to the Combined Effects of Decreased Hydroperiod and Nonnative Fish Invasions in a Karst Wetland: Are Everglades Solution Holes Sinks for Native Fishes?, Jennifer S. Rehage, S. E. Liston, K. J. Dunker, and W. F. Loftus

Fish Community Responses to the Combined Effects of Decreased Hydroperiod and Nonnative Fish Invasions in a Karst Wetland: Are Everglades Solution Holes Sinks for Native Fishes?, Jennifer S. Rehage, S. E. Liston, K. J. Dunker, and W. F. Loftus

Fluorescence Characteristics of Size-Fractionated Dissolved Organic Matter: Implications for a Molecular Assembly Based Structure?, Cristina Romera-Castillo, Meilian Chen, Youhei Yamashita, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Fluorescence Characteristics of Size-Fractionated Dissolved Organic Matter: Implications for a Molecular Assembly Based Structure?, Cristina Romero-Castillo, Meilian Chen, Youhei Yamashita, and Rudolf Jaffe´

New Record of Everglades Mink in Everglades National Park from the Stomach of an American Alligator, Adam Rosenblatt, James C. Nifong, Michael R. Heithaus, Mark W. Parry, and Frank J. Mazzotti

Are Seeds Consumed by Crocodilians Viable? A Test of the Crocodilian Saurochory Hypothesis, Adam Rosenblatt, Scott Zona, Michael R. Heithaus, and Frank J. Mazzotti

Compositional Effects of Sea-Level Rise in a Patchy Landscape: The Dynamics of Tree Islands in the Southeastern Coastal Everglades, Michael S. Ross, Jay P. Sah, J. F. Meeder, Pablo L. Ruiz, and G. Telesnicki


Trajectories of Vegetation Response to Water Management in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida, Jay P. Sah, Michael S. Ross, S. Saha, P. Minchin, and J. Sadle


Towards a Cohesive, Holistic View of Top Predation: A Definition, Synthesis and Perspective, Fabrizio Sergio, Oswald J. Schmitz, Charles J. Krebbs, Robert D. Holt, Michael R. Heithaus, Aaron J. Wirsing, William J. Ripple, Euan Ritchie, David Ainley, Daniel Oro, Yadvendradev Jhala, Fernando Hiraldo, and Erkki Korpimäki

Metacommunity Structure Along Resource and Disturbance Gradients in Everglades Wetlands, Eric R. Sokol, J. Mathew Hoch, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Joel C. Trexler

Hydrologic Dynamics of a Subtropical Estuary Using Geochemical Tracers, Celestún, Yucatan, Mexico, Jeremy C. Stalker, René M. Price, Vicotr H. Rivera-Monroy, Jorge Herrera-Silverira, Jorge A. Benitez, and David Alonzo-Parra

The Effect of Nutrient-Rich Effluents from Shrimp Farming on Mangrove Soil Carbon Storage and Geochemistry Under Semi-Arid Climate Conditions in Northern Brazil, M. Suarez-Abelenda, T. O. Ferreira, M. Camps-Arbestain, V. H. Rivera-Monroy, F. Macias, G. N. Nobrega, and X. L. Otero

The Influence of Vegetation on the Hydrodynamics and Geomorphology of a Tree Island in Everglades National Park (Florida, United States), Pamela L. Sullivan, Vic Engel, Michael S. Ross, and René M. Price

Wetland Ecosystem Response to Hydrologic Restoration and Management: The Everglades and its Urban- Agricultural Boundary (FL, USA), Pamela L. Sullivan, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Donatto Surratt, David T. Rudnick, Stephen E. Davis, and Fred H. Sklar

The Role of Recharge and Evapotranspiration as Hydraulic Drivers of Ion Concentrations in Shallow Groundwater on Everglades Tree Islands, Florida (USA), Pamela L. Sullivan, René M. Price, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Michael S. Ross, Leanord J. Scinto, Thomas W. Dreschel, and Eric Cline

The Role of Recharge and Evapotranspiration as Hydraulic Drivers of Ion Concentrations in Shallow Groundwater on Everglades Tree Islands, Florida (USA), Pamela L. Sullivan, René M. Price, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Michael S. Ross, Leonard Scinto, and Thomas W. Dreschel

The Influence of Hydrologic Restoration on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a Karst Wetland, the Everglades (FL, USA), Pamela L. Sullivan, René M. Price, Jessica L. Schedlbauer, Amartya Saha, and Evelyn E. Gaiser


Applying Downscaled Global Climate Model Data to a Hydrodynamic Surface-Water and Groundwater Model, Eric Swain, Lydia Stefanova, and Thomas Smith

Photo-Reactivity of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter from Fresh to Marine Waters in the Florida Everglades, USA, Stephen A. Timko, Cristina Romera-Castillo, Rudolf Jaffe´, and William J. Cooper

Drivers of Decadal-Scale Change in Southern Everglades Wetland Macrophyte Communities of the Coastal Ecotone, Tiffany G. Troxler, Daniel L. Childers, and Christopher J. Madden

In Situ Response of Phytoplankton to Nutrient Additions in a Tropical Coastal Lagoon, (La Mancha, Veracruz, Mexico), Francisco Varona-Cordero, Francisco J. Gutierrez-Mendieta, and Victor H. Rivera-Monroy

Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Black Nitrogen via Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry, Sasha Wagner, Thorsten Dittman, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Composition of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Rivers Associated with Wetlands, Akira Watanabe, Kiyoshi Tsutsuki, Yudzuru Inoue, Nagamitsu Maie, Lulie Melling, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Cross-fertilizing Aquatic and Terrestrial Research to Understand Predator Risk Effects, Aaron J. Wirsing, Michael R. Heithaus, and Alejandro Frid

Assessing Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics and Source Strengths in a Subtropical Estuary: Application of Stable Carbon Isotopes and Optical Properties, Chao Ya, William T. Anderson, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Articles from 2013


Relative roles of dispersal dynamics and competition in determining the isotopic niche breadth of a wetland fish, Robin N. Abbey-Lee, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Joel C. Trexler

Paleoenvironmental change in wetlands of the Florida Everglades, southeast USA, William T. Anderson and Evelyn E. Gaiser

Stoichiometry, growth, and fecundity responses to nutrient enrichment by invertebrate grazers in sub-tropical turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) meadows, Lesley P. Baggett, Kenneth L. Heck Jr., Thomas A. Frankovich, Anna R. Armitage, and James W. Fourqurean


Modeling Light Use Efficiency in a Subtropical Mangrove Forest Equipped with CO2 Eddy Covariance °C, Jordan G. Barr


Summertime Influences of Tidal Energy Advection on the Surface Energy Balance in a Mangrove Forest, Jordan G. Barr, J. D. Fuentes, M. S. DeLonge, T. L. O'Halloran, and J. C. Zeiman

Spatial and Temporal Changes in Groundwater Salinity in South Florida, R. Ivan Blanco, G. Melodie Naja, Rosanna G. Rivero, and René M. Price

A Tale of Two Fishes: Using Recreational Angler Records to Examine the Link Between Fish Catches and Floodplain Connections in a Subtropical Coastal River, Ross E. Boucek and Jennifer S. Rehage

No Free Lunch: Displaced Marsh Consumers Regulate a Prey Subsidy to an Estuarine Consumer, Ross E. Boucek and Jennifer S. Rehage

Water Quality and Wet Season Diatom Assemblage Characteristics from the Tamiami Trail Pilot Swales Sites (Everglades National Park, Florida, USA), Andrew J. Bramburger, Jay W. Munyon, and Evelyn E. Gaiser

Biogeochemical Classification of South Florida’s Estuarine and Coastal Waters of Tropical Seagrasses, Henry O. Briceño, Joseph N. Boyer, Joffre Castro, and Peter Harlem

Effects of In Situ CO2 Enrichment on the Structural and Chemical Characteristics of the Seagrass Thalassia Testudinum, Justin E. Campbell and Henry O. Briceño


Mechanisms of Bicarbonate Use Influence the Photosynthetic Carbon Dioxide Sensitivity of Tropical Seagrasses, Justin E. Campbell and James W. Fourqurean

Leaf Gas Exchange and Nutrient Use Efficiency Help Explain the Distribution of Two Neotropical Mangroves under Contrasting Flooding and Salinity, Pablo Cardona-Olarte, Ken W. Krauss, and Robert R. Twilley

Allocation of Biomass and Net Primary Productivity of Mangrove Forests along Environmental Gradients in the Florida Coastal Everglades, USA, Edward Castañeda-Moya, Robert R. Twilley, and Victor H. Rivera-Monroy

Spatial and Temporal Variability of Dissolved Organic Matter Quantity and Composition in an Oilgotrophic Subtropical Coastal Wetland, Meilian Chen, Nagamitsu Maie, Kathleen Parish, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Dissolved Black Nitrogen (DBN) in Freshwater Environments, Yan Ding, Akira Watanabe, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Trait Contributions to Fish Community Assembly Emerge From Trophic Interactions in an Individual-Based Model, Henrique C. Giacomini, Donald L. DeAngelis, Joel C. Trexler, and Miguel Petrere Jr.


The Importance of Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium (DNRA) in the Nitrogen Cycle of Coastal Ecosystems, Anne E. Giblin, Craig R. Tobias, Bongkeun Song, Nathaniel Weston, Gary T. Banta, and Victor H. Rivera-Monroy

Diatom-based Models for Inferring Hydrology and Periphyton Abundance in a Subtropical Karstic Wetland: Implications for Ecosystem-Scale Bioassessment, Sylvia S. Lee, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Joel C. Trexler

Envekadea Metzeltinii Sp. Nov., A New Diatom (Bacillariophyta) Species from the Subtropical Karstic Wetlands of the Florida Everglades, U.S.A., Sylvia S. Lee, Franco A.C. Tobias, and Bart Van De Vijver


Photochemical and Microbial Alteration of Dissolved Organic Matter in Temperate Headwater Streams Associated with Different Land Use, Yuehan Lu, James E. Bauer, Elizabeth A. Canuel, Youhei Yamashita, R. M. Chambers, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Effects of Simulated Drought on the Carbon Balance of Everglades Short-Hydroperiod Marsh, Sparkle L. Malone, Gregory Starr, Christina L. Staudhammer, and Michael G. Ryan

Regional climate gradients in precipitation and temperature in response to climate teleconnections in the Greater Everglades ecosystem of South Florida, Christopher S. Moses, William T. Anderson, Colin Saunders, and Fred Sklar

Animals, Plants, People, and Things: A Review of Multispecies Ethnography, Laura Ogden, Billy Hall, and Kamiko Tanita


Global Assemblages, Resilience, and Earth Stewardship in the Anthropocene, Laura Ogden, Nik Heynen, Ulruch Oslender, Paige West, Karim-Aly Kassam, and Paul Robbins


A 2,500-year record of environmental change in Highlands Hammock State Park (Central Florida, U.S.A.) inferred from siliceous microfossils, Christof Pearce, Holger Cremer, Emmy Lammertsma, and Friederike Wagner-Cremer

Ecological Science and Transformation to the Sustainable City, S.T.A. Pickett, Christopher G. Boone, Brian P. McGrath, M. L. Cadenasso, Daniel L. Childers, Laura A. Ogden, Melissa McHale, and Morgan Grove

Biomarker Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Composition of Flocculent Material (Floc) in the Subtropical Wetland of the Florida Coastal Everglades, Oliva Pisani, J. William Louda, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Frugivory and Seed Dispersal by Crocodilians: An Overlooked Form of Saurochory?, S. G. Platt, R. M. Elsey, H. Liu, T. R. Rainwater, J. C. Nifong, Adam E. Rosenblatt, Michael R. Heithaus, and F. J. Mazzotti

Diatom-based paleolimnological reconstruction of regional climate and local land-use change from a protected sinkhole lake in southern Florida, USA, Amanda K. Quillen, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Eric C. Grimm

Ecological Novelty and the Emergence of Evolutionary Traps, Bruce A. Robertson, Jennifer S. Rehage, and Andrew Sih


The Next Generation of Scientists: Examining the Experiences of Graduate Students in Network-Level Social-Ecological Science, Michele Romolini, Sydne Record, Rebecca Garvoille, Yevgeniy Marusenko, and R. Stuart Geiger


The Roles of Large Top Predators in Coastal Ecosystems: New Insights from Long Term Ecological Research, Adam E. Rosenblatt, Michael R. Heithaus, Martha E. Mather, Philip Matich, James C. Nifong, William J. Ripple, and Brian R. Silliman

Intra-Population Variation in Activity Ranges, Diel Patterns, Movement Rates, and Habitat Use of American Alligators in a Subtropical Estuary, Adam E. Rosenblatt, Michael R. Heithaus, Frank J. Mazzotti, Michael Cherkiss, and Brian M. Jeffery


A Suite of Prey Traits Determine Predator and Nutrient Enrichment Effects in a Tri-Trophic Food Chain, Clifton B. Ruehl and Joel C. Trexler


Tree Island Response to Fire and Flooding in the Short-Hydroperiod Marl Prairie Grasslands of the Florida Everglades, Pablo L. Ruiz, Jay P. Sah, Michael S. Ross, and Adam S. Spitzig

Challenges in using siliceous subfossils as a tool for inferring past water level and hydroperiod in Everglades marshes, Christopher Sanchez, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Colin J. Saunders, Anna H. Wachnicka, Nicholas Oehm, and Christopher Craft

Sediment Accretion and Organic Carbon Burial Relative to Sea-Level Rise and Storm Events in Two Mangrove Forests in Everglades National Park, Joseph M. Smoak, Joshua L. Breithaupt, Thomas J. Smith III, and Christian J. Sanders

Sediment accretion and organic carbon burial relative to sea-level rise and storm events in two mangrove forests in Everglades National Park, Joseph M. Smoak, Joshua L. Breithaupt, Thomas J. Smith III, and Christian J. Sanders


Integrated Carbon Budget Models for the Everglades Terrestrial-Coastal-Oceanic Gradient: Current Status and Needs for Inter-Site Comparisons, Tiffany G. Troxler, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Jordan Barr, Joseph D. Fuentes, Rudolf Jaffe´, Daniel L. Childers, Ligia Collado-Vides, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Edward Castañeda-Moya, William T. Anderson, Randy Chambers, Meilian Chen, Carlos Coronado-Molina, Stephen E. Davis, Victor Engel, Carl Fitz, James W. Fourqurean, Thomas A. Frankovich, John Kominoski, Chris Madden, Sparkle L. Malone, Steve F. Oberbauer, Paulo Olivas, Jennifer H. Richards, Colin Saunders, Jessica Schedlbauer, Leonard J. Scinto, Fred Sklar, Tom Smith, Joseph M. Smoak, Gregory Starr, Robert R. Twilley, and Kevin R.T. Whelan

Response of diatom assemblages to 130 years of environmental change in Florida Bay (USA), Anna Wachnicka, Laurel S. Collins, and Evelyn E. Gaiser

Correspondence of historic salinity fluctuations in Florida Bay, USA, to atmospheric variability and anthropogenic changes, Anna Wachnicka, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Laurel S. Collins

Impact of Late Holocene climate variability and anthropogenic activities on Biscayne Bay (Florida, U.S.A.): Evidence from diatoms, Anna Wachnicka, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Lynn Wingard, Henry Briceño, and Peter Harlem

Impact of Late Holocene Climate Variability and Anthropogenic Activities on Biscayne Bay (Florida, U.S.A.): Evidence From Diatoms, Anna Honorata Wachnicka, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Lynn Wingard, Henry O. Briceño, and Peter Harlem

Historic primary producer communities linked to water quality and hydrologic changes in the northern Everglades, Matthew N. Waters, Joseph M. Smoak, and Colin J. Saunders


Remote-Sensing Monitoring of Tide Propagation Through Coastal Wetlands, Shimon Wdowinski, Sang-Hoon Hong, Amanda Mulcan, and Brian Brisco


Evaluating the Distribution of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter in a Complex Coastal Ecosystem Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Youhei Yamashita, Joseph N. Boyer, and Rudolf Jaffe´

Simulating Mechanisms for Dispersal, Production and Stranding of Small Forage Fish in Temporary Wetland Habitats, Simeon Yurek, Donald L. DeAngelis, Joel C. Trexler, Fred Jopp, and Douglas D. Donalson

Articles from 2012


Hurricane disturbance and recovery of energy balance, CO2 fluxes and canopy structure in a mangrove forest of the Florida Everglades, Jordan G. Barr, Vic Engel, Thomas J. Smith, and Jose D. Fuentes

Fatty acids and stable isotopes as indicators of early-life feeding and potential maternal resource dependency in the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas, Laura L. Belicka, Philip Matich, Rudolf Jaffe, and Michael R. Heithaus

A molecular and stable isotopic approach to investigate the importance of algal and detrital energy pathways in a freshwater marsh, Laura L. Belicka, Eric R. Sokol, J. Matthew Hoch, Rudolf Jaffe, and Joel C. Trexler

An assessment of natural and human disturbance effects on Mexican ecosystems: current trends and research gaps, Luis E. Calderon-Aguilera, Vıctor H. Rivera-Monroy, Luciana Porter-Bolland, Angelina Martinez-Yrizar, Lydia B. Ladah, Miguel Martinez-Ramos, Javier Alcocer, Ana Luisa Santiago-Perez, Hector A. Hernandez-Arana, Victor M. Reyes-Gomez, Diego R. Perez-Salicrup, Vicente Dıaz-Nun˜ez, Joaquin Sosa-Ramırez, Jorge Herrera-Silveira, and Alberto Burquez


Negative relationships between the nutrient and carbohydrate content of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum, Justin E. Campbell, Laura A. Yarbro, and James W. Fourqurean

Dissolved Black Carbon in Grassland Streams: Is There an Effect of Recent Fire History?, Yan Ding, Youhei Yamashita, Walter K. Dodds, and Rudolf Jaffe´


Surprises and Insights from Long-Term Aquatic Data Sets and Experiments, Walter K. Dodds, Christopher T. Robinson, E. E. Gaiser, Gretchen J.A. Hansen, Heather Powell, Joseph M. Smith, Nathaniel B. Morse, Sherri L. Johnson, Stanley V. Gregory, Tisza Bell, Timothy K. Kratz, and William H. McDowell

Seagrass ecosystems as a globally significant carbon stock, James W. Fourqurean, Carlos M. Duarte, Hilary Kennedy, Núria Marbà, Marianne Holmer, Miguel Angel Mateo, Eugenia T. Apostolaki, Gary A. Kendrick, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Karen J. McGlathery, and Oscar Serrano


Carbon and nutrient storage in subtropical seagrass meadows: examples from Florida Bay and Shark Bay, James W. Fourqurean, Gary Kendrick, Rudolph Chambers, Laurel Collins, and Mathew Vanderklift


Canals as Vectors for Fish Movement: Potential Southward Range Expansion of Lepisosteus osseus L. (Longnose Gar) in South Florida, David A. Gandy, Jennifer S. Rehage, Jay W. Munyon, Kelly B. Gestring, and John I. Galvez


Heterogeneity in Residential Yard Care: Evidence from Boston, Miami, and Phoenix, Edmund M. Harris, Colin Polsky, Kelli L. Larson, Rebecca Garvoille, Jaleila Brumand, and Laura Ogden

Science behind management of Shark Bay and Florida Bay, two P-limited subtropical systems with different climatology and human pressures, Gary A. Kendrick, James W. Fourqurean, Mathew A. Fraser, Michael R. Heithaus, Gary D. Jackson, Kim Freidman, and David Hallac

Seagrass sediments as a global carbon sink: Isotopic constraints, Hilary Kennedy, Jeff Beggins, Carlos M. Duarte, James W. Fourqurean, Marianne Holmer, Núria Marbà, and Jack J. Middleburg

Hydrological Conditions Control P Loading and Aquatic Metabolism in an Oligotrophic, Subtropical Estuary, Gregory R. Koch, Dan Childers, Peter A. Staehr, René M. Price, Stephen E. Davis, and Evelyn E. Gaiser

Benthic diatom assemblages as indicators of water quality in the Everglades and three tropical karstic wetlands, Josette M. La Hée and Evelyn E. Gaiser


Applying stable isotopes to examine food-web structure: an overview of analytical tools, Craig A. Layman, Marcio S. Araujo, Ross Boucek, Caroline M. Hammerschlag-Peyer, Elizabeth Harrison, Zachary R. Jud, Philip Matich, Adam E. Rosenblatt, Jeremy J. Vaudo, Lauren A. Yeager, David M. Post, and Stuart Bearhop

Nonnative African jewelfish are more fit but not bolder at the invasion front: a trait comparison across an Everglades range expansion, D. P. Lopez, A. A. Jungman, and J S. Rehage