FCE LTER Journal Articles
Articles from 2016
A review of seagrass economic valuations: Gaps and progress in valuation approaches, Bryan M. Dewsbury, Mahadev Bhat, and James W. Fourqurean
Recreational Angler Perspectives of Nonnative Fishes, Christopher J. Edwards, Joel T. Heinen, and Jennifer S. Rehage
Saltwater intrusion as potential driver of phosphorus release from limestone bedrock in a coastal aquifer, Hilary Flower, Mark Rains, David Lewis, Jia-Zhong Zhang, and René M. Price
Compound specific δD and δ13C analyses as a tool for the assessment of hydrological change in a subtropical wetland, Ding He, William T. Anderson, and Rudolf Jaffe
Occurrence of unsaturated C25 highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs) in a freshwater wetland, Ding He, Bernd R. T. Simoneit, Yunping Xu, and Rudolf Jaffé
Molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter from subtropical wetlands: a comparative study through the analysis of optical properties, NMR and FTICR/MS, Norbert Hertkorn, Mourad Harir, Kaelin M. Cawley, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, and Rudolf Jaffe
Fertilization Changes Seagrass Community Structure but not Blue Carbon Storage: Results from a 30-Year Field Experiment, Jason L. Howard, Alex Perez, Christian Lopes, and James W. Fourqurean
The role of economic, policy, and ecological factors in estimating the value of carbon stocks in Everglades mangrove forests, South Florida, USA, Meenakshi Jerath, Mahadev Bhat, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Edward Castañeda-Moya, Marc Simard, and Robert R. Twilley
Iron and Pyritization in Wetland Soils of the Florida Coastal Everglades, Paul Julian, Randy Chambers, and Timothy Russell
Molecular properties of ultrafiltered dissolved organic matter and dissolved black carbon in headwater streams as determined by pyrolysis-GC–MS, Joeri Kaal, Sasha Wagner, and Rudolf Jaffe
Dissolved black carbon in Antarctic lakes: Chemical signatures of past and present sources, Alia L. Khan, Rudolf Jaffe, Yan Ding, and Diane M. McKnight
Sensitivity to low-temperature events: Implications for CO2 dynamics in subtropical coastal ecosystems, Sparkle L. Malone, Jordan Barr, Jose D. Fuentes, Steven F. Oberbauer, Christina L. Staudhammer, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Gregory Starr
Algal richness and life-history strategies are influenced by hydrology and phosphorus in two major subtropical wetlands, Luca Marazzi, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Vivienne J. Jones, Franco A.C. Tobias, and Anson W. Mackay
Contributions of organic and inorganic matter to sediment volume and accretion in tidal wetlands at steady state, James T. Morris, Donald C. Barber, John C. Callaway, Randy Chambers, Scott C. Hagen, Charles S. Hopkins, Beverly J. Johnson, Patrick Megonigal, Scott C. Neubauer, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, and Cathleen Wigand
InSAR-Based Mapping of Tidal Inundation Extent and Amplitude in Louisiana Coastal Wetlands, Talib Oliver-Cabrera and Shimon Wdowinski
Long-term environmental drivers of DOC fluxes: Linkages between management, hydrology and climate in a subtropical coastal estuary, Peter Regier, Henry O. Briceño, and Rudolf Jaffe
Knocking back invasions: variable resistance and resilience to multiple cold spells in native vs. nonnative fishes, Jennifer S. Rehage, Jesse R. Blanchard, Ross E. Boucek, J. J. Lorenz, and M. Robinson
Inferring implications of climate change in south Florida hardwood hammocks through analysis of metacommunity structure, Michael S. Ross, Jay P. Sah, Pablo L. Ruiz, Adam A. Spitzig, and Suresh Chandra Subedi
The adaptive evolution of herbivory in freshwater systems, Jessica L. Sanchez and Joel C. Trexler
Long-term (11 years) study of water balance, flushing times and water chemistry of a coastal wetland undergoing restoration, Everglades, Florida, USA, Estefania Sandoval, René M. Price, Dean Whitman, and Assefa M. Melesse
Shift in recreational fishing catches as a function of an extreme cold event, R. O. Santos, Jennifer S. Rehage, Ross E. Boucek, and J. Osborne
Nitrogen export from a boreal stream network following forest harvesting: seasonal nitrate removal and conservative export of organic forms, J. Schelker, R. Sponseller, E. Ring, S. Löfgren, and H. Laudon
Lawn enforcement: How municipal policies and neighborhood norms influence homeowner residential landscape management, John M. Sisser, Kristen C. Nelson, Kelli L. Larson, Laura A. Ogden, Colin Polsky, and Rinku Roy Chowdhury
The Role of Ocean Tides on Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange in a Mangrove-Dominated Estuary: Shark River Slough, Florida Coastal Everglades, USA, Christopher G. Smith, René M. Price, Peter W. Swarzenski, and Jeremy C. Stalker
Resilience of a tropical sport fish population to a severe cold event varies across five estuaries in southern Florida, P. W. Stevens, D. A. Blewett, Ross E. Boucek, Jennifer S. Rehage, B. L. Winner, J. M. Young, J. A. Whittington, and R. Paperno
Trees: a powerful geomorphic agent governing the landscape evolution of a subtropical wetland, Pamela L. Sullivan, René M. Price, Michael S. Ross, Susana L. Stoffella, Jay P. Sah, Leanord J. Scinto, Eric Cline, Thomas W. Dreschel, and Fred H. Sklar
A Prototype System for Multilingual Data Discovery of International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) Network Data, Kristin Vanderbilt, John H. Porter, Sheng-Shan Lu, Nic Bertrand, David Blankman, Xuebing Guo, Honglin He, Don Henshaw, Karpjoo Jeong, Eun-Shik Kim, Chau-Chin Lin, Margaret O'Brien, Takeshi Osawa, Eamonn O Tuama, Wen Su, and Haibo Yang
Prescribed burn creates pulsed effects on a wetland aquatic community, Louise S. Venne, Joel C. Trexler, and Peter C. Frederick
Tree islands: the bellwether of Everglades ecosystem function and restoration success, Paul R. Wetzel, Jay P. Sah, and Michael S. Ross
Persistence and diversity of directional landscape connectivity improves biomass pulsing in simulations of expanding and contracting wetlands, Simeon Yurek, Donald L. DeAngelis, Joel C. Trexler, Jessica A. Klassen, and Laurel G. Larsen
Remote sensing of seasonal changes and disturbances in mangrove forest: a case study from South Florida, Keqi Zhang, Bina Thapa, Michael S. Ross, and Daniel Gann
Global parameterization and validation of a two-leaf light use efficiency model for predicting gross primary production across FLUXNET sites, Yanlian Zhou, Xiaocui Wu, Weimin Ju, Jing M. Chen, Shaoqiang Wang, Huimin Wang, Wenping Yuan, T. Andrew Black, Rachhpal Jassal, Andreas Ibrom, Shijie Han, Junhua Yan, Hank Margolis, Olivier Roupsard, Yingnian Li, Fenghua Zhao, Gerard Kiely, Gregory Starr, Marian Pavelka, Leonardo Montagnani, Georg Wohlfahrt, Petra D'Odorico, David Cook, M. Altaf Arain, Damien Bonal, Jason Beringer, Peter D. Blanken, Benjamin Loubet, Monique Y. Leclerc, Giorgio Matteucci, Zoltan Nagy, Janusz Olejnik, Kyaw Tha Paw U, and Andrej Varlagin
Articles from 2015
Behavior-Based Aggregation of Land Categories for Temporal Change Analysis, Safaa Zakaria Aldwaik, Jeffrey A. Onsted, and Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr.
Predators help protect carbon stocks in blue carbon ecosystems, Trisha B. Atwood, Rod M. Connolly, Euan G. Ritchie, Catherine E. Lovelock, Michael R. Heithaus, Graeme C. Hays, James W. Fourqurean, and Peter I. Macreadie
Evaluation of RADARSAT-2 Acquisition Modes for Wetland Monitoring Applications, Brian Brisco, Kevin Murnaghan, Shimon Wdowinski, and Sang-Hoon Hong
Using Scenario Planning to Evaluate the Impacts of Climate Change on Wildlife Populations and Communities in the Florida Everglades, Christopher P. Catano, Stephanie S. Romañach, James M. Beerens, Leonard G. Pearlstine, Laura A. Brandt, Kristen M. Hart, Frank J. Mazzotti, and Joel C. Trexler
Control of phosphorus concentration through adsorption and desorption in shallow groundwater of subtropical carbonate estuary, Hilary Flower, Mark Rains, David Lewis, Jia-Zhong Zhang, and René M. Price
Convergence of microclimate in residential landscapes across diverse cities in the United States, Sharon J. Hall, J. Learned, B. Ruddell, K. L. Larson, J. Cavender-Bares, N. Bettez, P. M. Groffman, J. M. Grove, J. B. Heffernan, S. E. Hobie, J. L. Morse, C. Neill, K. C. Nelson, J. P.M. O'Neil-Dunne, Laura Ogden, D. E. Pataki, W. D. Pearse, C. Polsky, R. Roy Chowdhury, M. K. Steele, and T. L.E. Trammell
Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Based Profiling of Alkyl Coumarates and Ferulates in Two Species of Cattail (Typha domingensis P., and Typha latifolia L.), Ding He, Bernd R.T. Simoneit, Blanca Jara, and Rudolf Jaffe´
Occurrence and Distribution of Monomethylalkanes in the Freshwater Wetland Ecosystem of the Florida Everglades, Ding He, Bernd R.T. Simoneit, Blanca Jara, and Rudolf Jaffe´
Compositions and isotopic differences of iso- and anteiso-alkanes in black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) across a salinity gradient in a subtropical estuary, Ding He, Bernd R. T. Simoneit, Blanca Jara, and Rudolf Jaffé
Evaluation of Polarimetric SAR Decomposition for Classifying Wetland Vegetation Types, Sang-Hoon Hong, Hyun-Ok Kim, Shimon Wdowinski, and Emanuelle Feliciano
Connecting Groundwater and Surface Water Sources in Groundwater Dependent Coastal Wetlands and Estuaries: Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico, David Lagomasino, René M. Price, Jorge Herrera-Silvera, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Gonzalo Merediz-Alonso, and Yadira Gomez-Hernandez
Ecosystem services in managing residential landscapes: priorities, value dimensions, and cross-regional patterns, K. L. Larson, K. C. Nelson, S. R. Samples, S. J. Hall, N. Bettez, J. Cavender-Bares, P. M. Groffman, M. Grove, J. B. Heffernan, S. E. Hobie, J. Learnd, J.L. Morse, C. Neill, L. A. Ogden, J. O'Neil-Dunne, D. E. Pataki, C. Polsky, R. Roy Chowdhury, M. Steele, and T.L.E. Trammell
Modeling the Impact of Restoration Efforts on Phosphorus Loading and Transport through Everglades National Park, FL, USA, Stephanie A. Long, Georgio I. Tachiev, Robert Fennema, Amy Cook, Michael C. Sukop, and Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm
Modeling the impact of restoration efforts on phosphorus loading and transport through Everglades National Park, FL, USA, Stephanie Long, Georgio I. Tachiev, Robert Fennema, Amy Cook, Michael C. Sukop, and Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm
Fine Spatial Resolution Simulation of Two-Dimensional Modeling of Flow Pulses Discharge into Wetlands: Case Study of Loxahatchee Impoundment Landscape Assessment, the Everglades, Mehrnoosh Mahmoudi, Reinaldo Garcia, Eric Cline, René M. Price, Leanord J. Scinto, Shimon Wdowinski, and Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm
Ecosystem Resistance in the Face of Climate Change: a case study from the freshwater marshes of the Florida Everglades, Sparkle L. Malone, Cynthia Keough, Christina L. Staughammer, Michael G. Ryan, William J. Parton, Paulo Olivas, Steve F. Oberbauer, Jessica Schedlbauer, and Gregory Starr
Individual variation in ontogenetic niche shifts in habitat use and movement patterns of a large estuarine predator (Carcharhinus leucas), Philip Matich and Michael R. Heithaus
Short-term shifts of stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) values in juvenile sharks within nursery areas suggest rapid shifts in energy pathways, Philip Matich, Jeremy J. Kiszka, Michael R. Heithaus, Johann Mourier, and Serge Planes
Seasonal differences and response to a tropical storm reflected in diatom assemblage changes in a southwest Florida watershed, Emily R. Nodine and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Characterizing organic matter inputs to sediments of small, intermittent, prairie streams: a molecular marker and stable isotope approach, Olivia Pisani, Walter K. Dodds, and Rudolf Jaffe
On the Mismatch Between Salinity Tolerance and Preference for an Invasive Fish: A Case for Incorporating Behavioral Data into Niche Modeling, Jennifer S. Rehage, D. P. Lopez, and J. E. Serafy
Free radical scavenging (antioxidant activity) of natural dissolved organic matter, Cristina Romera-Castillo and Rudolf Jaffe
Factors affecting individual foraging specialization and temporal diet stability across the range of a large “generalist” apex predator, Adam E. Rosenblatt, James C. Nifong, Michael R. Heithaus, Frank J. Mazzotti, Michael S. Cherkiss, Brian M. Jeffery, Ruth M. Elsey, Rachel A. Decker, Brian R. Silliman, Louis J. Guillette Jr., Russell H. Lowers, and Justin C. Larson
Scaling mangrove aboveground biomass from site-level to continental-scale, A. S. Rovai, P. Riul, R. R. Twilley, E. Castañeda-Moya, V. H. Rivera-Monroy, A. A. Williams, M. Simard, M. Cifuentes-Jara, R. R. Lewis, S. Crooks, P. A. Horta, Y. Schaeffer-Novelli, G. Cintron, M. Pozo-Cajas, and P. R. Pagliosa
Reciprocal Transplant Reveals Trade-off of Resource Quality and Predation Risk in the Field, Clifton B. Ruehl and Joel C. Trexler
Environmental Assessment of Vegetation and Hydrological Conditions in Everglades Freshwater Marshes using Multiple Geochemical Proxies, Colin J. Saunders, Min Gao, and Rudolf Jaffe´
Utilization of PARAFAC-Modeled Excitation-Emission Matrix (EEM) Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Identify Biogeochemical Processing of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Northern Peatland, Malak M. Tfaily, Jane E. Corbett, Rachel S. Wilson, Paul H. Glaser, Kaelin M. Cawley, Rudolf Jaffe´, and William T. Cooper
Component-specific dynamics of riverine mangrove CO2 efflux in the Florida coastal Everglades, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, Jordan G. Barr, Jose D. Fuentes, Victor Engel, Gordon Anderson, Christopher Sanchez, David Lagomasino, René M. Price, and Stephen E. Davis
Effect of photodegradation on molecular size distribution and quality of dissolved black carbon, Sasha Wagner and Rudolf Jaffe
Associations Between the Molecular and Optical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Florida Everglades, a Model Coastal Wetland System, Sasha Wagner, Rudolf Jaffe´, Kaelin Cawley, Thorston Dittmar, and Aron Stubbins
Ecological scaling laws link individual body size variation to population abundance fluctuation., Meng Xu
Palynological reconstruction of environmental changes in coastal wetlands of the Florida Everglades since the mid-Holocene, Qiang Yao, Kam-biu Liu, William J. Platt, and Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Articles from 2014
Seasonal Evapotranspiration Patterns in Mangrove Forests, Jordan G. Barr, Marcia S. DeLonge, and Jose D. Fuentes
Understanding Coastal Carbon Cycling by Linking Top- Down and Bottom-Up Approaches, Jordan G. Barr, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, and Raymond G. Najjar
Climate Extremes Drive Changes in Functional Community Structure, Ross E. Boucek and Jennifer S. Rehage
Examining the Effectiveness of Consumer Diet Sampling as a Nonnative Detection Tool in a Subtropical Estuary, Ross E. Boucek and Jennifer S. Rehage
Temporal Variability of Carbon and Nutrient Burial, Sediment Accretion, and Mass Accumulation over the Past Century in a Carbonate Platform Mangrove Forest of the Florida Everglades., Joshua L. Breithaupt, Joseph M. Smoak, Thomas J. Smith III, and Christian J. Sanders
Relating Freshwater Flow with Estuarine Water Quality in the Southern Everglades Mangrove Ecotone, Henry O. Briceño, Gabriel Miller, and Stephen E. Davis III
Ocean Acidification Outweighs Nutrient Effects in Structuring Seagrass Epiphyte Communities, Justin E. Campbell and James W. Fourqurean
Evaluation of Forest Disturbance Legacy Effects on Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics in Streams at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, Kaelin M. Cawley, John Campbell, Melissa Zwilling, and Rudolf Jaffe´
Using Optical Properties to Quantify Fringe Mangrove Inputs to the Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Pool in a Subtropical Estuary, Kaelin M. Cawley, Youhei Yamashita, Nagamitsu Maie, and Rudolf Jaffe´
Biogeochemical Effects of Simulated Sea Level Rise on Carbon Loss in an Everglades Mangrove Peat Soil, Lisa G. Chambers, Stephen E. Davis, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, Joseph N. Boyer, Alan Downey-Wall, and Leanord J. Scinto
Biogeochemical Effects of Simulated Sea Level Rise on Carbon Loss in an Everglades Mangrove Peat Soil, Lisa G. Chambers, Stephen E. Davis, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, Joseph N. Boyer, Alan Downey-Wall, and Leonard J. Scinto
Effect of Water Management on Interannual Variation in Bulk Soil Properties from the Eastern Coastal Everglades, R. M. Chambers, R. L. Hatch, and T. M. Russell
Photo- and Bio-reactivity Patterns of Dissolved Organic Matter from Biomass and Soil Leachates and Surface Waters in a Subtropical Wetland, Meillian Chen and Rudolf Jaffe´
The Degree of Urbanization Across the Globe is not Reflected in the δ15N of Seagrass Leaves, Bart Christiaen, Rebecca J. Bernard, Behzad Mortazavi, Just Cebrian, and Alice C. Ortmann
Restoring the Heart of the Everglades: The Challenges and Benefts, Stephen E. Davis, G. Melodie Naja, and Aida Arik
Environmental Dynamics of Dissolved Black Carbon in Wetlands, Yan Ding, Kaelin M. Cawley, Catia Nunes da Cunha, and Rudolf Jaffe´
Dissolved Black Carbon in Boreal Forest and Glacial Rivers of Central Alaska: Assessment of Biomass Burning Versus Anthropogenic Sources, Yan Ding, Youhei Yamashita, Jeremy Jones, and Rudolf Jaffe´
Tropical Cyclone Impacts on Coastal Regions: the Case of the Yucatán and the Baja California Peninsulas, Mexico, Luis M. Farfan, Eurico J. D'Sa, Kam-biu Liu, and Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Assessing Mangrove Above-Ground Biomass and Structure using Terrestrial Laser Scanning: A Case Study in the Everglades National Park, Emanuelle A. Feliciano, Shimon Wdowinski, and Matthew D. Potts
Demodulation of time series highlights impacts of hydrologic drivers on the Everglades ecosystem, Romano Foti, Manuel del Jesus, Andrea Rinaldo, and Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm
Boundary Effects on Benthic Microbial Phosphorus Concentrations and Diatom Beta Diversity in a Hydrologically-modified, Nutrient-limited Wetland, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Pamela Sullivan, Franco A.C. Tobias, Andrew J. Bramburger, and Joel C. Trexler
Seasonal Fish Dispersal in Ephemeral Wetlands of the Florida Everglades, Charles W. Goss, William F. Loftus, and Joel C. Trexler
Evaluating Effects of Everglades Restoration on American Crocodile Populations in South Florida Using a Spatially-Explicit, Stage-Based Population Model, Timothy W. Green, Daniel H. Slone, Eric D. Swain, Michael S. Cherkiss, Melinda Lohman, Frank J. Mazzotti, and Kenneth G. Rice
Ecological Homogenization of Urban USA, Peter M. Groffman, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Neil D. Bettez, J Morgan Grove, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Kelli L. Larson, Jennifer L. Morse, Christopher Neill, Kristen Nelson, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Laura Ogden, Diane E. Pataki, Colin Polsky, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, and Meredith K. Steele
Timescales for Detecting a Significant Acceleration in Sea Level Rise, Ivan D. Haigh, Thomas Wahl, Eelco J. Rohling, René M. Price, Charitha B. Pattiaratchi, Francisco M. Calafat, and Sönke Dangendorf
Genetic Evidence for Multiple Sources of the Non-Native Fish Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Günther; Mayan Cichlids) in Southern Florida, Elizabeth Harrison, Joel C. Trexler, Timothy M. Collins, Ella Vazquez-Domínguez, Ulises Razo-Mendivil, Wilfredo A. Maramoros, and Christian Barrientos
Assessing Source Contributions to Particulate Organic Matter in a Subtropical Estuary: A biomarker approach, Ding He, Ralph N. Mead, Olivia Pisani, and Rudolf Jaffe´
Analysis and Simulation of Propagule Dispersal and Salinity Intrusion from Storm Surge on the Movement of a Marsh–Mangrove Ecotone in South Florida, Jiang Jiang, Donald L. DeAngelis, Gordon H. Anderson, and Thomas J. Smith III
Recent Fish Introductions Into Everglades National Park: An Unforeseen Consequence of Water Management?, Jeffrey L. Kline, William F. Loftus, Kevin Kotun, Joel C. Trexler, Jennifer S. Rehage, Jerome J. Lorenz, and Michelle Robinson
Examining Seasonally Pulsed Detrital Transport in the Coastal Everglades Using a Sediment Tracing Technique, Gregory R. Koch, Scot Hagerthey, Daniel L. Childers, and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Taylor Slough Hydrology, Kevin Kotun and Amy Renshaw
Estimating Major Ion and Nutrient Concentrations in Mangrove Estuaries in Everglades National Park Using Leaf and Satellite Reflectance, David Lagomasino, René M. Price, Dean Whitman, Petya K.E. Campbell, and Assefa M. Melesse
Spatial and temporal variability in spectral-based surface energy evapotranspiration measured from Landsat 5TM across two mangrove ecotones, David Lagomasino, René M. Price, Dean Whitman, Assefa M. Melesse, and Steven F. Oberbauer
Morphology and Typification of Mastogloia Smithii and M. Lacustris, with Descriptions of Two New Species from the Florida Everglades and the Caribbean Region, Sylvia S. Lee, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Bart Van De Vijver, Mark B. Edlund, and Sarah A. Spaulding
Benthic Exchange of C, N, and P Along the Estuarine Ecotone of Lower Taylor Slough, Florida (USA): Effect of Seasonal Flows and Phosphorus Availability, Kung Jen Liu, Hsuiu Ping Li, and Stephen E. Davis III
A Review of the Effects of Altered Hydrology and Salinity on Vertebrate Fauna and Their Habitats in Northeastern Florida Bay, Jerome J. Lorenz