FCE LTER Journal Articles
Articles from 2020
A common-mesocosm experiment recreates sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) phenotypes from Everglades marl prairies and peat marshes, Jennifer H. Richards and Paulo C. Olivas
Articles from 2019
Demonstrating the value of cross-ecosystem syntheses and comparisons in animal movement and acoustic telemetry research, R. E. Boucek and D. Morely
Contrasting river migrations of Common Snook between two Florida rivers using acoustic telemetry, R. E. Boucek, A. A. Trotter, D. A. Blewett, J. L. Santos, P. W. Stevens, J. A. Massie, and J. S. Rehage
Comparing the Biogeochemistry of Storm Surge Sediments and Pre-storm Soils in Coastal Wetlands: Hurricane Irma and the Florida Everglades, Joshua L. Breithaupt, Nia Hurst, Havalend E. Steinmuller, Evan Duga, Joseph M. Smoak, and John Kominoski
Water Flourishing in the Anthropocene, Jessica Cattelino, Georgina Drew, and Ruth Morgan
Coupling telemetry and stable isotope techniques to unravel movement: Snook habitat use across variable nutrient environments, C. W. Eggenberger, R. O. Santos, T. A. Frankovich, W. R. James, C. J. Madden, J. A. Nelson, and J. S. Rehage
Shifting Ground: Landscape-Scale Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes under Climate Change in the Florida Everglades, Hilary Flower, Mark Rains, H. Carl Fitz, William Orem, Susan Newman, Todd Z. Osborne, K. Ramesh Reddy, and Jayantha Obeysekera
Seasonality of fish recruitment in a pulsed floodplain ecosystem: Estimation and hydrological controls, John V. Gatto and Joel C. Trexler
A comparative analysis of the organic and inorganic carbon content of Halimeda and Penicillus (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales) in a coastal subtropical lagoon, Danielle Catherine Hatt and Ligia Collado-Vides
Why Do We Need to Document and Conserve Foundation Species in Freshwater Wetlands?, Luca Marazzi, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Maarten B. Eppinga, Jay P. Sah, Lu Zhai, Edward Castaneda-Moya, and Christine Angelini
Going Downriver: Patterns and Cues in Hurricane-Driven Movements of Common Snook in a Subtropical Coastal River, Jordan A. Massie, Bradley A. Strickland, Rolando O. Santos, Javiera Hernandez, Natasha Viadero, Ross E. Boucek, Hugh Willoughby, Michael R. Heithaus, and Jennifer S. Rehage
Analyzing and comparing complex environmental time series using a cumulative sums approach, Peter Regier, Henry O. Briceño, and Joseph N. Boyer
Long-term demography and stem productivity of Everglades mangrove forests (Florida, USA): Resistance to hurricane disturbance., Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Tess M. Danielson, Edward Castaneda-Moya, Brian D. Marx, Rafael Travieso, Xiaochen Zhao, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Luis M. Farfan
Freshwater-to-marine transitions may explain the evolution of herbivory in the subgenus Mollienesia (genus Poecilia, mollies and guppies), Jessica L. Sanchez, Heather D. Bracken-Grissom, and Joel C. Troxler
Linking bonefish (Albula vulpes) populations to nearshore estuarine habitats using an otolith microchemistry approach, R. O. Santos, Racheal Schinbeckler, Natasha Viadero, M. F. Larkin, J. J. Rennert, J. M. Shenker, and Jennifer S. Rehage
Saltwater intrusion and soil carbon loss: Testing effects of salinity and phosphorus loading on microbial functions in experimental freshwater wetlands, Shelby Servais, John Kominoski, Sean P. Charles, Viviana Mazzei, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, and Benjamin J. Wilson
Effects of Nutrient-Limitation on Disturbance Recovery in Experimental Mangrove Wetlands, Shelby Servais, John Kominoski, Stephen E. Davis, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Julio Pachon, and Tiffany Troxler-Gann
Movements of Juvenile Bull Sharks in Response to a Major Hurricane Within a Tropical Estuarine Nursery Area, Bradley A. Strickland, Jordan A. Massie, Natasha Viadero, Rolando Santos, Kirk R. Gastrich, Valeria Paz, Patrick O'Donnell, Andrea M. Kroetz, David T. Ho, Jennifer S. Rehage, and Michael R. Heithaus
Net heterotrophy and carbonate dissolution in two subtropical seagrass meadows, Bryce R. Van Dam, Christian Lopes, Christopher L. Osburn, and James W. Fourqurean
Phosphorus alleviation of salinity stress: effects of saltwater intrusion on an Everglades freshwater peat marsh, Sara S. Wilson, Bradley T. Furman, Margaret O. Hall, and James W. Fourqurean
Compelling collective action: Does a shared pollution cap incentivize farmer cooperation to restore water quality?, Landon Yoder
Articles from 2018
A marine heat wave drives massive losses from the world's largest seagrass carbon stocks., A. Arias-Ortiz, O. Serrano, P.S. Lavery, U. Mueller, G. A. Kendrick, M. Rozaimi, A. Esteban, James W. Fourqurean, N. Marba, M. A. Mateo, K. Murray, M. Rule, and C. M. Duarte
Spatial variability of organic carbon, CaCO3 and nutrient burial rates spanning a mangrove productivity gradient in the coastal Everglades, Joshua L. Breithaupt, Joseph M. Smoak, Christian J. Sanders, and Tiffany Troxler-Gann
Object-based correction of LiDAR DEMs using RTK-GPS data and machine learning modeling in the coastal Everglades, Hannah M. Cooper, Caiyun Zhang, Stephen E. Davis, and Tiffany Troxler-Gann
Episodic disturbances drive nutrient dynamics along freshwater‐to‐estuary gradients in a subtropical wetland, Stephen E. Davis, Ross Boucek, Edward Castaneda-Moya, Shimelis Dessu, Evelyn E. Gaiser, John Kominoski, Jay P. Sah, Donatto Surratt, and Tiffany Troxler-Gann
Effects of sea-level rise and freshwater management on long-term water levels and water quality in the Florida Coastal Everglades., Shimelis B. Dessu, René M. Price, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, and John Kominoski
Fractionation of Dissolved Organic Matter by Co-Precipitation with Iron: Effects of Composition, Yingxun Du, Cesar E. Ramirez, and Rudolf Jaffe
Natural climate solutions for the United States, Joseph E. Fargione, Steven Bassett, Timothy Boucher, Scott D. Bridgham, Richard Bridgham, Susan C. Cook-Patton, Peter W. Ellis, Alessandra Falcucci, and James W. Fourqurean
Keeping up with the Silver King: Using cooperative acoustic telemetry networks to quantify the movements of Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) in the coastal waters of the southeastern United States, Lucas P. Griffin, Jacob W. Brownscombe, Aaron J. Adams, Ross E. Boucek, John T. Finn, Michael R. Heithaus, Jennifer S. Rehage, Steven J. Cooke, and Andy J. Danylchuk
Early diagenesis of triterpenoids derived from mangroves in a subtropical estuary, Ding He, Bernd R.T. Simoneit, Joshua B. Cloutier, and Rudolf Jaffe
Environmental factors controlling the distributions of Botryococcus braunii (A, B and L) biomarkers in a subtropical freshwater wetland, Ding He, Bernd R.T. Simoneit, and Rudolf Jaffe
Advancing Theories of Ecosystem Development through Long-Term Ecological Research, John Kominoski, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Sara G. Baer
Understanding the decline of catch-and-release fishery with angler knowledge: a key informant approach applied to South Florida bonefish, Emily K.N. Kroloff, Joel T. Heinen, Kathryn Nicole Braddock, Jennifer S. Rehage, and R. O. Santos
Facilitating Integration in Interdisciplinary Research: Lessons from a South Florida Water, Sustainability, and Climate Project, Alicia L. Lanier, Jillian R. Drabik, Tanya Heikkila, Jessica Bolson, Michael C. Sukop, David W. Watkins, Jennifer S. Rehage, Ali Mirchi, Victor Engel, and David Letson
A multi-city comparison of front and backyard differences in plant species diversity and nitrogen cycling in residential landscapes, Dexter H. Locke, Meghan Avolio, Tara L.E. Trammell, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Morgan Grover, John Rogan, Deborah G. Martin, Neil Bettez, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Peter M. Groffman, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Kelli L. Larson, Jennifer L. Morse, Christopher Neill, Laura A. Ogden, Jarlath P.M. O'Neill-Dunne, Diane Pataki, William D. Pearse, Colin Polsky, and Megan M. Wheeler
Social Norms, Yard Care, and the Difference between Front and Back Yard Management: Examining the Landscape Mullets Concept on Urban Residential Lands, Dexter H. Locke, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, J. Morgan Grover, Deborah G. Martin, Eli Goldman, John Rogan, and Peter Groffman
Long-term changes in spatially structured benthic diatom assemblages in a major subtropical wetland under restoration, L. Marazzi and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Balancing Wetland Restoration Benefits to People and Nature, Luca Marazzi, C. Max Finlayson, Peter A. Gell, Paul Julian, John Kominoski, and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Diatoms as tools for inferring ecotone boundaries in a coastal freshwater wetland threatened by saltwater intrusion, Viviana Mazzei and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Functional and Compositional Responses of Periphyton Mats to Simulated Saltwater Intrusion in the Southern Everglades, Viviana Mazzei, Evelyn E. Gaiser, John Kominoski, Benjamin Wilson, Shelby Servais, Laura Bauman, Stephen E. Davis, Steve Kelly, Fred H. Sklar, David T. Rudnick, Joseph Stachelek, and Tiffany Troxler-Gann
Mangrove forests in a rapidly changing world: Global change impacts and conservation opportunities along the Gulf of Mexico coast, Michael J. Osland, Laura C. Feher, Jorge Lopez-Portillo, Richard H. Day, Daniel O. Suman, Jose Manuel Guzman Menendez, and Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Drivers of plant species richness and phylogenetic composition in urban yards at the continental scale, Josep Padullés Cubino, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Sarah E. Hobbie, Diane E. Pataki, Meghan L. Avolio, Lindsay E. Darling, Kelli L. Larson, Sharon J. Hall, Peter M. Groffman, Tara L.E. Trammell, Meredith K. Steele, J. Morgan Grove, and Christopher Neill
Homogenization of plant diversity, composition, and structure in North American urban yards, William D. Pearse, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Sarah E. Hobbie, Meghan L. Avolio, Neil Bettez, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Lindsay E. Darling, Peter M. Groffman, J. Morgan Grove, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Jennifer Learned, Christopher Neill, Kristen C. Nelson, Diane E. Pataki, Benjamin L. Ruddell, Meredith K. Steele, and Tara L.E. Trammell
Lithologic controls on hydrologic and geochemical processes in constructed Everglades tree islands, Andres E. Prieto Estrada, René M. Price, Leanord J. Scinto, Florentin J. Maurrasse, Thomas W. Dreschel, Fred H. Sklar, and Eric A. Cline
Developing a Carbon Isotope Chronology for a Coastal Subtropical Tree Species with Variable Subannual Tree-Ring Growth, Carrie E. Rebenack, Paolo Cherubini, and William T. Anderson
Sheet Flow Effects on Sediment Transport in a Degraded Ridge‐and‐Slough Wetland: Insights Using Molecular Markers, Peter Regier, Ding He, Colin J. Saunders, Blanca Jara, Chris Hansen, Sue Newman, Erik Tate-Boldt, Carlos Coronado-Molina, and Rudolf Jaffe
How has the quality of bonefishing changed over the past 40 years? Using local ecological knowledge to quantitatively inform population declines in the South Florida flats fishery, Jennifer S. Rehage, R. O. Santos, E. K. N. Kroloff, J. T. Heinen, Q. Lai, B. D. Black, R. E. Boucek, and A. J. Adams
How has the quality of bonefishing changed over the past 40 years? Using local ecological knowledge to quantitatively inform population declines in the South Florida flats fishery, Jennifer S. Rehage, R. O. Santos, E. K.N. Kroloff, J.T. Heinen, Q. Lai, R. E. Boucek, and A. J. Adams
Hydrological Controls on the Seasonal Variability of Dissolved and Particulate Black Carbon in the Altamaha River, GA, J. Alan Roebuck Jr., Patricia M. Medeiros, Maria L. Letourneau, and Rudolf Jaffe
Global controls on carbon storage in mangrove soils, Andre S. Rovai, Robert R. Twilley, Edward Castaneda-Moya, Pablo Riul, Miguel Cifuentes-Jara, Marilyn Manrow-Villalobos, Paulo A. Horta, Jose C. Simonassi, Alessandra L. Fonseca, and Paulo R. Pagliosa
Spatio-temporal pattern of plant communities along a hydrologic gradient in Everglades tree islands, Jay P. Sah, Pablo L. Ruiz, and Michael S. Ross
When is an herbivore not an herbivore? Detritivory facilitates herbivory in a freshwater system, Jessica L. Sanchez and Joel C. Trexler
Combining data sources to elucidate spatial patterns in recreational catch and effort: fisheries-dependent data and local ecological knowledge applied to the South Florida bonefish fishery, R. O. Santos, Jennifer S. Rehage, E. K.N. Kroloff, J. E. Heinen, and A. J. Adams
Mangrove canopy height globally related to precipitation, temperature and cyclone frequency, Marc Simard, Lola Fatoyinbo, Charlotte Smetanka, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Nathan Thomas, Edward Casteneda-Moya, and Tom Van der Stocken
Short-Term Effects of Drying-Rewetting and Long-Term Effects of Nutrient Loading on Periphyton N:P Stoichiometry, Andres D. Sola, Luca Marazzi, Monica M. Flores, John Kominoski, and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Illustrating the value of cross-site comparisons: Habitat use by a large, euryhaline fish differs along a latitudinal gradient, Philip W. Stevens, Ross E. Boucek, Alexis A. Trotter, Jared L. Ritch, Eric R. Johnson, Colin P. Shea, David A. Blewett, and Jennifer S. Rehage
Dissolved black carbon in aquatic ecosystems, Sasha Wagner, Rudolf Jaffe, and Aron Stubbins
Declines in Plant Productivity Drive Carbon Loss from Brackish Coastal Wetland Mesocosms Exposed to Saltwater Intrusion, Benjamin J. Wilson, Shelby Servais, Sean P. Charles, Stephen E. Davis, John Kominoski, Jennifer H. Richards, and Tiffany Troxler-Gann
Salinity pulses interact with seasonal dry‐down to increase ecosystem carbon loss in marshes of the Florida Everglades, Benjamin J. Wilson, Shelby Servais, Viviana Mazzei, John Kominoski, Minjie Hu, Stephen E. Davis, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Fred Sklar, Laura Bauman, Stephen Kelly, Christopher Madden, Jennifer H. Richards, David Rudnick, Joseph Stachelek, and Tiffany Troxler-Gann
Changes in Modern Pollen Assemblages and Soil Geochemistry along Coastal Environmental Gradients in the Everglades of South Florida, Qiang Yao and Kam-biu Liu
Tracing social capital: How stakeholder group interactions shape agricultural water quality restoration in the Florida Everglades, Landon Yoder and Rinku Roy Chowdhury
Articles from 2017
Predicting wading bird and aquatic faunal responses to ecosystem restoration scenarios, James M. Beerens, Joel C. Trexler, and Christopher P. Catano
The Synthesis of Everglades Restoration and Ecosystem Services (SERES): a case study for interactive knowledge exchange to guide Everglades restoration, Rena R. Borkhataria, Paul R. Wetzel, Hiram Henriquez, and Stephen E. Davis
Can animal habitat use patterns influence their vulnerability to extreme climate events? An estuarine sportfish case study, Ross E. Boucke, Michael R. Heithaus, R. O. Santos, Philip Stevens, and Jennifer S. Rehage
Partitioning the relative contributions of organic matter and mineral sediment to accretion rates in carbonate platform mangrove soils, Joshua L. Breithaupt, Joseph M. Smoak, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Edward Castañeda-Moya, Ryan P. Moyer, Marc Simard, and Christian J. Sanders
Does Nutrient Availability Regulate Seagrass Response to Elevated CO2?, Justin E. Campbell and James W. Fourqurean
Assessment of Everglades mangrove forest resilience: Implications for above-ground net primary productivity and carbon dynamics, Tess M. Danielson, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Edward Casteneda-Moya, Henry O. Briceño, Rafael Travieso, Brian D. Marx, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Luis M. Farfan
What is socio-ecological research delivering? A literature survey across 25 international LTSER platforms., Jan Dick, D.E. Orenstein, J.M. Holzer, C. Wohner, A.L. Achard, C. Andrews, N. Avriel-Avni, P. Beja, N. Blond, J. Cabello, C. Chen, R. Diaz-Delgado, G.V. Giannakis, S. Gingrich, Z. Izakovicova, K. Krauze, N. Lamouroux, S. Leca, V. Melecis, K. Miklos, M. Mimikou, G. Niedrist, C. Piscart, C. Postolache, A. Psomas, M. Santos-Reis, U. Tappeiner, K. Vanderbilt, and G. Van Ryckegem
BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene, Maria Dornelas, Laura H. Antao, Faye Moyes, Amanda E. Bates, William A. Gould, L. Donald, and Edward Castaneda-Moya
Estimating mangrove aboveground biomass from airborne LiDAR data: a case study from the Zambezi River delta, Temilola Fatoyinbo, Emanuelle A. Feliciano, David Lagomasino, Seung Kuk Lee, and Carl Trettin
Visioning the Future: Scenarios Modeling of the Florida Coastal Everglades, Hilary Flower, Mark Rains, and Carl Fritz
Examining gradients in ecosystem novelty: fish assemblage structure in an invaded Everglades canal system, David A. Gandy and Jennifer S. Rehage
Inverse relationship between salinity and 2H/1H fractionation in leaf wax n-alkanes from Florida mangroves, Ding He, S. Nemiah Ladd, Julian P. Sachs, and Rudolf Jaffe
Dissolved carbon biogeochemistry and export in mangrove-dominated rivers of the Florida Everglades, David T. Ho, Sara Ferrón, Victor C. Engel, William T. Anderson, Peter K. Swart, René M. Price, and Letcia Barbero
CO2 released by carbonate sediment production in some coastal areas may offset the benefits of seagrass “Blue Carbon” storage, Jason L. Howard, Joel C. Creed, Mariana V.P. Aguiar, and James W. Fourqurean
Spatial variation in the accumulation of POPs and mercury in bottlenose dolphins of the Lower Florida Keys and the coastal Everglades (South Florida), Dick Jan, Daniel E. Orenstein, Jennifer M. Holzer, Christopher Wohner, Anne-Laure Achard, Christopher Andrews, Noa Avirel-Avni, Pedro Beja, Nadege Blond, Javier Cabello, Chilling Chen, Ricardo Diaz-Delgado, Georgios V. Giannakis, Simone Gingrich, Zita Izakovicova, Kinga Krauze, Nicolas Lamouroux, Stefan Leca, Viesturs Melecis, Kertesz Miklos, Maria Mimikou, Georg Niedrist, Christophe Piscart, Carmen Postolache, Alexander Psomas, Margarida Santos-Reis, Ulrike Tappeiner, Kristin Vanderbilt, and Gunther Van Ryckegem
Dissolved black carbon in the global cryosphere: Concentrations and chemical signatures, Alia L. Khan, Sasha Wagner, Rudolf Jaffe, Peng Xian, Mark Williams, Richard Armstrong, and Diane McKnight
Phosphorus scarcity and desiccation stress increase the occurrence of dominant taxa in wetland benthic primary producer communities, L. Marazzi, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Franco A.C. Tobias
Ecological niche partitioning within a large predator guild in a nutrient-limited estuary, Philip Matich, Jerald S. Ault, Ross E. Boucek, David R. Bryan, Kirk R. Gastrich, Christine L. Harvey, Michael R. Heithaus, Jeremy J. Kiszka, Valeria A. Paz, Jennifer S. Rehage, and Adam E. Rosenblatt
Scale and spatial consistency of specialization in an endemic and abundant freshwater diatom from the Caribbean Basin, Viviana Mazzei and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Water quality implications of hydrologic restoration alternatives in the Florida Everglades, United States, Melodie Naja, Dan Childers, and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Calcareous green algae standing stock in a tropical sedimentary coast, Ileana Ortegón-Aznar, Andrea Chuc-Contreras, and Ligia Collado-Vides
Molecular composition and bioavailability of dissolved organic nitrogen in a lake flow-influenced river in south Florida, USA, Oliva Pisani, Joseph N. Boyer, David C. Podgorski, Cassondra R. Thomas, Teresa Coley, and Rudolf Jaffe´
Compositional aspects of herbaceous litter decomposition in the freshwater marshes of the Florida Everglades, Oliva Pisani, Min Gao, Nagamitsu Maie, Daniel L. Childers, and Rudolf Jaffe
Rapid and Intense Phosphate Desorption Kinetics When Saltwater Intrudes into Carbonate Rock, Mark Rains, David Lewis, and Jia-Zhing Zhang
Photodissolution of charcoal and fire-impacted soil as a potential source of dissolved black carbon in aquatic environments, J. Alan Roebuck Jr., David C. Podgorski, Sasha Wagner, and Rudolf Jaffe
Quantitative assessment of a data-limited recreational bonefish fishery using a time-series of fishing guides reports, R. O. Santos, Jennifer S. Rehage, Aaron J. Adams, Brooke D. Black, Jason Osborne, and Emily K.N. Kroloff
Spatial and temporal variation in abundance, group size and behaviour of bottlenose dolphins in the Florida coastal Everglades, Robin E. Sarabia, Michael R. Heithaus, and Jeremy J. Kiszka
The International Long Term Ecological Research Network: a platform for collaboration, Kristin Vanderbilt and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Halophytes can salinize soil when competing with glycophytes, intensifying effects of sea level rise in coastal communities, Kristie S. Wendelberger and Jennifer H. Richards
Science synthesis for management as a way to advance ecosystem restoration: evaluation of restoration scenarios for the Florida Everglades, Paul R. Wetzel, Stephen E. Davis III, Thomas van Lent, Steven M. Davis, and Hirma Henriquez
Continental-scale homogenization of residential lawn plant communities, Megan M. Wheeler, Christopher Neill, Peter M. Groffman, Meghan Avolio, Neil Bettez, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Lindsay Darling, J. Morgan Grove, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Kelli L. Larson, Jennifer L. Morse, Kristen C. Nelson, Laura A. Ogden, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Diane E. Pataki, Colin Polsky, Meredith Steele, and Tara L.E. Trammell
Dynamics of marsh-mangrove ecotone since the mid-Holocene: A palynological study of mangrove encroachment and sea level rise in the Shark River Estuary, Florida, Qiang Yao and Kam-biu Liu
Articles from 2016
Carbon storage in seagrass soils: long-term nutrient history exceeds the effects of near-term nutrient enrichment, A. R. Armitage and James W. Fourqurean
Mechanisms That Generate Resource Pulses in a Fluctuating Wetland, Bryan A. Boston, Dale E. Gawlik, and Joel C. Trexler
A review of subtropical community resistance and resilience to extreme cold spells, Ross E. Boucek, Evelyn E. Gaiser, H. Liu, and Jennifer S. Rehage
A once in 10 year drought alters the magnitude and quality of a floodplain prey subsidy to coastal river fishes, Ross E. Boucek, Mariajesus Soula, Felipe Tamayo, and Jennifer S. Rehage
A once in ten year drought alters the magnitude and quality of a floodplain trophic subsidy to coastal river fishes, Ross E. Boucek, Mariajesus Soula, Felipe Tamayo, and Jennifer S. Rehage
Effects of Salinity and Inundation on Microbial Community Structure and Function in a Mangrove Peat Soil, Lisa G. Chambers, Rafael Guevara, Joseph N. Boyer, Tiffany Troxler-Gann, and Stephen E. Davis
Quantitative assessment of photo- and bio-reactivity of chromophoric and fluorescent dissolved organic matter from biomass and soil leachates and from surface waters in a subtropical wetland, Meilian Chen and Rudolf Jaffé