Freedom in the World 2021: Venezuela

Author Information

Freedom House

Date of Publication

1-1-2021 12:00 AM

Security Theme

State Stability and Infrastructure


Political Stability, Venezuela, institutions, democracy, opposition, political legitimacy, humanitarian crisis, Maduro, Hugo Chavez, Democratization


Venezuela’s democratic institutions have deteriorated since 1999, but conditions have grown sharply worse in recent years due to harsher crackdowns on the opposition and the ruling party relying on widely condemned elections to control all government branches. The authorities have closed off virtually all channels for political dissent, restricting civil liberties and prosecuting perceived opponents without regard for due process. The country’s severe humanitarian crisis has left millions struggling to meet basic needs, and driven mass emigration.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Freedom in the World 2021: Venezuela

Venezuela’s democratic institutions have deteriorated since 1999, but conditions have grown sharply worse in recent years due to harsher crackdowns on the opposition and the ruling party relying on widely condemned elections to control all government branches. The authorities have closed off virtually all channels for political dissent, restricting civil liberties and prosecuting perceived opponents without regard for due process. The country’s severe humanitarian crisis has left millions struggling to meet basic needs, and driven mass emigration.