Author Information

A. Corrado
C. Zumpano

Date of Publication

2021 12:00 AM

Security Theme



Migration, Migration, covid-19, refugee, socio economic, pandemic, financial


The themes of migration and mobility have become particularly relevant with respect to the analysis of the transformation of rural areas and agriculture in the European context, in the light of demographic and socio-economic dynamics, which have drawn new maps of development, inequalities and disintegration, also with relevant political repercussions (e.g. in terms of the growth of right-wing populist movements), but also of moments of crisis that have imprinted new rhythms to the trends in place and have produced new scenarios. The economic and financial crisis of 2007-2008, the socalled “refugee crisis” of 2015 and the Covid-19 pandemic from 2020 have in fact produced important consequences not only on employment, but also on residential dynamics and mobility, both nationally and in Europe


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Citation: Corrado, A., & Zumpano, C. (2021). Migration, agriculture and rurality: dynamics, experiences and policies in Europe. Italian Review of Agricultural Economics, 76(1), 3-6.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Migration, agriculture and rurality: dynamics, experiences and policiesin Europe

The themes of migration and mobility have become particularly relevant with respect to the analysis of the transformation of rural areas and agriculture in the European context, in the light of demographic and socio-economic dynamics, which have drawn new maps of development, inequalities and disintegration, also with relevant political repercussions (e.g. in terms of the growth of right-wing populist movements), but also of moments of crisis that have imprinted new rhythms to the trends in place and have produced new scenarios. The economic and financial crisis of 2007-2008, the socalled “refugee crisis” of 2015 and the Covid-19 pandemic from 2020 have in fact produced important consequences not only on employment, but also on residential dynamics and mobility, both nationally and in Europe


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