Argentina - Diagnosis of flow monitoring and mobility monitoring in Mendoza, Misiones and Jujuy

Alternate Title

Diagnóstico de monitoreo de flujos y seguimiento a la movilidad

Date of Publication

2021 12:00 AM

Security Theme



Migration, Argentina, Mendoza, Misiones, Jujuy, Venezuelan Migrants, Migration Flow, Sociodemographics, Health


Within the framework of the DTM, the IOM implemented in the Argentine Republic a survey in border areas in order to recognize needs in emergency contexts in localities or areas where the highest concentration or transit of migrants is typically recorded. For this survey, the border areas of La Quiaca (Jujuy) and Puerto Iguazú (Misiones) and the town of Gran Mendoza (Mendoza) were selected. The purpose of the survey is to establish a monitoring for the evaluation of the migratory flows of the Venezuelan population (especially irregular) and the presence of migrant and refugee population of Venezuelan nationality and of other nationalities in a stranded situation, in the aforementioned border towns of the Argentinian republic.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Argentina - Diagnosis of flow monitoring and mobility monitoring in Mendoza, Misiones and Jujuy

Within the framework of the DTM, the IOM implemented in the Argentine Republic a survey in border areas in order to recognize needs in emergency contexts in localities or areas where the highest concentration or transit of migrants is typically recorded. For this survey, the border areas of La Quiaca (Jujuy) and Puerto Iguazú (Misiones) and the town of Gran Mendoza (Mendoza) were selected. The purpose of the survey is to establish a monitoring for the evaluation of the migratory flows of the Venezuelan population (especially irregular) and the presence of migrant and refugee population of Venezuelan nationality and of other nationalities in a stranded situation, in the aforementioned border towns of the Argentinian republic.