FIU Digital Commons - Security Research Hub Reports: [EU] EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)

[EU] EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)

Author Information

European Commision

Security Theme

IUU Fishing


IUU Fishing, IUU fishing, Europe, sustainability, healthy foods, fleet capacity ceilings, small-scale fisheries, conserving fish stock


With the latest reform from 2013, the common fisheries policy is the first comprehensive legal framework, featuring attention to the environmental, economic and social dimensions of fisheries fish stock management at maximum sustainable yield by 2020 for all managed stocks gradual introduction of a landing obligation by 2019 continued application of the so-called multiannual plans (MAPs) to manage fisheries in different sea basins regionalisation to allow EU countries with a management interest to propose detailed measures, which the Commission can then adopt as delegated or implementing act and transpose them into EU law fleet capacity ceilings per EU country in combination with the obligation for EU countries to ensure a stable and enduring balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities over time. EU countries may need to develop action plans to reduce overcapacity (for which they can use scrapping money)



[EU] EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)

With the latest reform from 2013, the common fisheries policy is the first comprehensive legal framework, featuring attention to the environmental, economic and social dimensions of fisheries fish stock management at maximum sustainable yield by 2020 for all managed stocks gradual introduction of a landing obligation by 2019 continued application of the so-called multiannual plans (MAPs) to manage fisheries in different sea basins regionalisation to allow EU countries with a management interest to propose detailed measures, which the Commission can then adopt as delegated or implementing act and transpose them into EU law fleet capacity ceilings per EU country in combination with the obligation for EU countries to ensure a stable and enduring balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities over time. EU countries may need to develop action plans to reduce overcapacity (for which they can use scrapping money)