2021 Haiti Sustainability Index and Dashboard Summary

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Haiti, Sustainability Index, Dashboard, HIV/AIDS, PEPFAR, investment decisions, color-coded scores


The 2021 Haiti Sustainability Index and Dashboard Summary assesses the sustainability of Haiti's national HIV/AIDS response based on 17 critical elements. Using color-coded scores, the dashboard categorizes sustainability levels, ranging from dark green (sustainable with no additional investment) to red (unsustainable requiring significant investment). Haiti, a low-income country with a GNI of $1,250 per capita and GDP of $1,176.8 per capita, faces significant challenges, with 60% of its 11.2 million people living on less than $1.90 per day. The country has the highest HIV burden in the Caribbean, with an estimated 150,000 people living with HIV and the highest tuberculosis incidence in the region. Haiti's national HIV prevalence is approximately 1.9%, with challenges such as multiple concurrent partnerships and social conditions contributing to HIV transmission. The country's population growth has outpaced health system infrastructure development, and political instability, economic fragility, and poverty hinder domestic resource allocation. Insufficient funding and dependence on donor resources characterize Haiti's health services, with less than 5% of total government spending allocated to health programs. Ongoing challenges include recovery from natural disasters, civil unrest, kidnappings, and violence, impacting access to health services.



2021 Haiti Sustainability Index and Dashboard Summary

The 2021 Haiti Sustainability Index and Dashboard Summary assesses the sustainability of Haiti's national HIV/AIDS response based on 17 critical elements. Using color-coded scores, the dashboard categorizes sustainability levels, ranging from dark green (sustainable with no additional investment) to red (unsustainable requiring significant investment). Haiti, a low-income country with a GNI of $1,250 per capita and GDP of $1,176.8 per capita, faces significant challenges, with 60% of its 11.2 million people living on less than $1.90 per day. The country has the highest HIV burden in the Caribbean, with an estimated 150,000 people living with HIV and the highest tuberculosis incidence in the region. Haiti's national HIV prevalence is approximately 1.9%, with challenges such as multiple concurrent partnerships and social conditions contributing to HIV transmission. The country's population growth has outpaced health system infrastructure development, and political instability, economic fragility, and poverty hinder domestic resource allocation. Insufficient funding and dependence on donor resources characterize Haiti's health services, with less than 5% of total government spending allocated to health programs. Ongoing challenges include recovery from natural disasters, civil unrest, kidnappings, and violence, impacting access to health services.