The past, present and future of Haiti as a post-colonial, post-conflict and post-disaster destination

Author Information

Hugues Seraphin

Security Theme

Natural Disasters


Natural Disasters, Future, image, tourism, history, Haiti


This source presents the past, present, and future of Haiti as a post-colonial, post-conflict, and post-disaster destination. Haiti lost its tourism base after the earthquake that struck it in 2010. Tourism was highly relied upon to alleviate poverty and suffering that faced Haitians. The most affected people were the workers in the hotel and restaurant industries because the tourism industry was no longer receiving large numbers of tourists as before.



The past, present and future of Haiti as a post-colonial, post-conflict and post-disaster destination

This source presents the past, present, and future of Haiti as a post-colonial, post-conflict, and post-disaster destination. Haiti lost its tourism base after the earthquake that struck it in 2010. Tourism was highly relied upon to alleviate poverty and suffering that faced Haitians. The most affected people were the workers in the hotel and restaurant industries because the tourism industry was no longer receiving large numbers of tourists as before.