The Logging Barons of Catacamas, Honduras

Author Information

Hector Silva Avalos

Date of Publication

1-1-2020 12:00 AM

Security Theme

Environmental Security


Illegal Logging, Latin America, timber traficking, Catacamas, Honduras, corruption, protection mechanisms, illegal wood


Catacamas is the largest municipality in Central America, home to thousands of square kilometers of pristine forest. Political elites in this remote part of Honduras have maintained a profitable relationship with timber traffickers for decades. Their power, cemented by allowing corporations to pillage Catacamas’ natural wealth and their government connections, has allowed them to murder those who speak out against them, grow rich off the deforestation of cedar, mahogany and pine trees, and even possibly assist drug traffickers.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

The Logging Barons of Catacamas, Honduras

Catacamas is the largest municipality in Central America, home to thousands of square kilometers of pristine forest. Political elites in this remote part of Honduras have maintained a profitable relationship with timber traffickers for decades. Their power, cemented by allowing corporations to pillage Catacamas’ natural wealth and their government connections, has allowed them to murder those who speak out against them, grow rich off the deforestation of cedar, mahogany and pine trees, and even possibly assist drug traffickers.