Security Theme
Cybersecurity, Information Technology, Public Information, Chile
The introduction perfectly describes the context in which the OEWG has been established, and the global challenges that exist today in the field of information technology and communications (ICTs). We also highlight the reference to the work and reports of the Groups of Governmental Experts adopted in 2010, 2013, and 2015, since Chile believes that these reports and their recommendations represented an enormous advance with respect to the international law, standards, and confidence-building measures in the field of ICTs, committing States to address threats in cyberspace through such recommendations. In that sense, we believe it is important for the OEWG to recognize the work achieved by the expert groups.
[Chile] Expressed Views at the Open-Ended Working Group on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security
The introduction perfectly describes the context in which the OEWG has been established, and the global challenges that exist today in the field of information technology and communications (ICTs). We also highlight the reference to the work and reports of the Groups of Governmental Experts adopted in 2010, 2013, and 2015, since Chile believes that these reports and their recommendations represented an enormous advance with respect to the international law, standards, and confidence-building measures in the field of ICTs, committing States to address threats in cyberspace through such recommendations. In that sense, we believe it is important for the OEWG to recognize the work achieved by the expert groups.