Keeping a Close Watch: Trend Micro Specialized Cybersecurity Report for Latin America and the Caribbean

Author Information

Trend Micro Research

Date of Publication

2022 12:00 AM

Security Theme



Ransomware, targeted attacks, remote work setups, COVID-19, cloud, IoT, threats, Latin America, Caribbean, OAS/CICTE, cybersecurity


The objective of the threat landscape regional analysis is to understand how entities from the region view ransomware, targeted attacks, scams, remote work setups, and the adoption of relatively new technologies as cybersecurity concerns, thereby adding valuable insights and a comprehensive perspective of common and differing threats across the region. (The details of the methodology and the full disclaimer on the data gathering process can be found in the Appendix section of this report.)


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Keeping a Close Watch: Trend Micro Specialized Cybersecurity Report for Latin America and the Caribbean

The objective of the threat landscape regional analysis is to understand how entities from the region view ransomware, targeted attacks, scams, remote work setups, and the adoption of relatively new technologies as cybersecurity concerns, thereby adding valuable insights and a comprehensive perspective of common and differing threats across the region. (The details of the methodology and the full disclaimer on the data gathering process can be found in the Appendix section of this report.)