Paradigm of Post-quantum Cryptography and Crypto-agility: Strategy Approach of Quantum-safe Techniques

Author Information

Olaf Grote

Date of Publication

1-1-2023 12:00 AM

Security Theme



Post-quantum Cryptography, Crypto-agility, Quantum-safe, Quantum Algorithms, Quantum Computer Science, Cybersecurity


Current security protocols use cryptographic methods based on asymmetric and symmetric schemes. These are used for encrypted communication of information or for general data encryption. The security of these methods is based on well researched methods and known mathematical problems. These have been developed for common computing resources and with the certainty that they cannot be broken at a determinable runtime with finite resources. This excludes novel attack vectors such as those of a quantum computer using quantum algorithms. These cryptographic methods, especially the asymmetric schemes, are not prepared against quantum attacks and not considered quantum safe. Even the security of current quantum safe symmetric schemes is not based on proven security against quantum attacks. In order to effectively counter this threat, a new and effective strategy is necessary. One point of this strategy is the post-quantum cryptography to evaluate new quantum-safe cryptographic principles. The second point is to research security protocols which are quantum safe and resistible against quantum attacks. This paper describes the strategy of post-quantum cryptography and crypto-agility.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Paradigm of Post-quantum Cryptography and Crypto-agility: Strategy Approach of Quantum-safe Techniques

Current security protocols use cryptographic methods based on asymmetric and symmetric schemes. These are used for encrypted communication of information or for general data encryption. The security of these methods is based on well researched methods and known mathematical problems. These have been developed for common computing resources and with the certainty that they cannot be broken at a determinable runtime with finite resources. This excludes novel attack vectors such as those of a quantum computer using quantum algorithms. These cryptographic methods, especially the asymmetric schemes, are not prepared against quantum attacks and not considered quantum safe. Even the security of current quantum safe symmetric schemes is not based on proven security against quantum attacks. In order to effectively counter this threat, a new and effective strategy is necessary. One point of this strategy is the post-quantum cryptography to evaluate new quantum-safe cryptographic principles. The second point is to research security protocols which are quantum safe and resistible against quantum attacks. This paper describes the strategy of post-quantum cryptography and crypto-agility.