The Expanding Leverage of the People’s Republic of China in Latin America Implications for US National Security and Global Order

Author Information

Major General Evan Pettus

Date of Publication

1-1-2023 12:00 AM

Security Theme

Critical Infrastructure


Critical minerals, economic ties, critical infrastructure investments, economic entanglements, global strategy", Critical Infrastructure


This article examines the growing influence operations conducted by the Chinese Communist Party–led government in Latin America, presenting strategic risks to US national security and global order. The author highlights the surprising breadth and scale of China’s influence, encompassing economic entanglements, critical infrastructure investments, coercive diplomacy, and information control. By leveraging economic ties, controlling critical minerals, and establishing ports and space facilities, China gains significant leverage over the region, undermining democratic governance and posing risks to US interests. The article emphasizes the need for a comprehensive global strategy to address this challenge, including offering competitive alternatives to Latin American nations and supporting their institutional capacity. Failure to do so could undermine US and allied ability to compete in the Indo-Pacific and uphold the rules-based international order.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

The Expanding Leverage of the People’s Republic of China in Latin America Implications for US National Security and Global Order

This article examines the growing influence operations conducted by the Chinese Communist Party–led government in Latin America, presenting strategic risks to US national security and global order. The author highlights the surprising breadth and scale of China’s influence, encompassing economic entanglements, critical infrastructure investments, coercive diplomacy, and information control. By leveraging economic ties, controlling critical minerals, and establishing ports and space facilities, China gains significant leverage over the region, undermining democratic governance and posing risks to US interests. The article emphasizes the need for a comprehensive global strategy to address this challenge, including offering competitive alternatives to Latin American nations and supporting their institutional capacity. Failure to do so could undermine US and allied ability to compete in the Indo-Pacific and uphold the rules-based international order.