Date of Publication

2019 12:00 AM

Security Theme

Critical Infrastructure


Critical Infrastructure, PPFs, Financing, Infrastructure, Infrafund, Brazil


This paper provides reflections and considerations as to how MDBs including the IDB can use the Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs) to help countries fill the infrastructure gap by improving the quality of projects, reducing and mitigating risks, and leveraging private financing. Similar Studies have been conducted for PPFs in Asia , Africa and Europe. However, there is no similar assessment for LAC . This paper is the first step towards utilising the resources offered by PPFs for infrastructure development projects in LAC, and applying these useful tools to another critical region.


Copyright© 201 9 I nter-American Developmen t Bank. This work is licensed und er a Cr eati ve Commons IGO 3.0 Attribut ion­ NonCom merci al- NoDerivatives (CC-IGO BY-N C-N D 3.0 IG O) license ( http://c reativ -nd/3.0/iqo / legalcode) and may be r eproduced with attribution to the IDB and for any non-commercial purp ose . No derivative work is all owed.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Filling the infrastructure investment gap: an overview of MDBs and the Inter-American Development Bank approach

This paper provides reflections and considerations as to how MDBs including the IDB can use the Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs) to help countries fill the infrastructure gap by improving the quality of projects, reducing and mitigating risks, and leveraging private financing. Similar Studies have been conducted for PPFs in Asia , Africa and Europe. However, there is no similar assessment for LAC . This paper is the first step towards utilising the resources offered by PPFs for infrastructure development projects in LAC, and applying these useful tools to another critical region.


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