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Document Type

DNP Project


The unprecedented health care effects, and consequences of COVID-19 have been felt disproportionately within distinctive races and older adults, especially African Americans. An individual’s race, comorbidities, age, and other determinants of health impact level of inclusion in society also influencing an individual’s susceptibility to developing COVID-19. Over 42 million people in the United States have tested positive for the COVID-19. Reluctance in the COVID-19 vaccination within the Black community can delay the closure of the race mortality gap seen with COVID-19.

Increasing COVID-19 vaccination awareness in Blacks ages 55 and older population at a South Florid a medical center using a voice-recorded culturally sensitive program was the primary focus of the quality improvement program. The presentation illustrates the challenges associated with COVID-19, vaccine information, and local vaccine sites. Upon completion, participants completed a program questionnaire. The questionnaire administered using Qualtrics consisted of 10 questions used to evaluate COVID-19 vaccination acceptance rates, COVID-19 severity risk, along with effectiveness and benefits of the QI program.

A total of 33 subjects participated in the study, results were combined for analysis and significance of the wellness program. Results suggest 67 % (n=22) of participants were assigned a COVID-19 severity risk for strong, 30% (n=10) medium risk and 3% (n=1). Approximately, 97% (n=32) of participants found the program to be beneficial, while 3% (n=1) reported no benefit. Of the 33 participants included in the study 33% (n=11) of participants were unvaccinated and 67% (n= 22) reported being vaccinated. Of the 11 participants that were unvaccinated, 91% (n=10) participants were willing to get vaccinated post intervention and 7% (n=1) of participants reported no interest in vaccination at all. Approximately 67% (n=22) of participants reported having little to no knowledge regarding the COVID-19 vaccine pre intervention, this decreased to 6% (n=11) post intervention. Findings suggest 33% (n=11) of participants reported having moderate to extreme knowledge regarding the vaccine pre intervention this increased to 94% post intervention, suggesting a 61% increase in patient awareness regarding COVID-19 vaccines. Conclusively, using a confidence interval of 95% and a set p-value of 0.05, we were able to calculate a z-score to determine the QI program implemented yielded statistically significant results.

In conclusion, the voice-based QI program is a cost-effective and efficient program for improve vaccination rates in African Americans. The information provided improved COVID-19 vaccination acceptance in African Americans ages 55 and up while promoting health literacy and primary preventative services. In the future, the framework of the program can be implemented for other wellness programs and catered to other languages.
