"Improving Skin Cancer Knowledge and Prevention Among College Students:" by Rebecca Behnejad and Ivette Hidalgo

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Document Type

DNP Project


Skin cancer is among the most common diagnosed cancers worldwide, as incidence rates have continued to be on the surge (Compres et al., 2020). Incidents of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and malignant melanoma (MM) are still increasing. This trend can be counteracted by means of primary and secondary prevention because the main risk factor for skin cancer is ultraviolent (UV) exposure. Thus, early detection of skin cancer can be cured successfully. Despite suggestions of early screening, lack of knowledge and behaviors regarding skin cancer prevention and awareness are still prevalent among the college student population. Clinicians play a critical role in detecting signs of skin cancer and educating their patients. Therefore, it is imperative for the young adult population to understand concepts that can guide them to the identification of skin cancer warning signs. Following the completion of a literature review, thirteen studies were selected. The studies emphasized that skin cancers can be mainly prevented through the proper use of sun-safety measures, regular application of sunscreen, eye protection, and avoiding times of maximum incidence of UV radiation. The literature indicates that the young adult college students have a decreased understanding on skin cancer prevention strategies. Based on the findings of the literature review, a quality improvement (QI) project was conducted at the Florida International University Student Health Center to increase college students’ awareness and knowledge to identify and prevent skin cancer. An evidence-based educational intervention was designed and delivered in-person via PowerPoint Presentation. Pre-test and post-test surveys were analyzed using a paired samples t-test. Following the educational intervention, the overall post-test scores improved in both knowledge (pre mean score 7.1, post mean score 8.0) and behaviors (pre mean score 3.9, post mean score 5.0). This QI project supports the notion that educational programs can be an effective strategy to alert patients to the possibility of identifying and preventing skin cancer.
