
Faculty Publications from 2020


Towards a global understanding of the drivers of marine and terrestrial biodiversity, Tyler O. Gagné, Gabriel Reygondeau, Clinton N. Jenkins, Joseph O. Sexton, Steven J. Bograd, Elliott L. Hazen, and Kyle S. Van Houtan


Integrating Cultural Humility Within the Health Belief Model: Application to A Diet and Exercise Intervention for Hispanics Low-Income Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes, Trudy Gaillard, Joan A. Vaccaro, Stephanie Caceres, and Fatma Huffman


COVID-19 and acute kidney injury; a case report, Hassan Ghobadi, Mohammad Ebeahimi Kalan, Jafar Mohammad-Shahi, Ziyad Ben Taleb, Abbas Ebrahimi Kalan, and Mehdi Fazkzadeh


Current Response and Management Decisions of the European Union to the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Review, Krzysztof Goniewicz, Amir Khorram-Manesh, Attila J. Hertelendy, Mariusz Goniewicz, Katarzyna Naylor, and Frederick M. Burkle


Geodetic Source Modeling of the 2019 Mw 6.3 Durrës, Albania, Earthquake: Partial Rupture of a Blind Reverse Fault, M. Govorčin, S. Wdowinski, B. Matoš, and G. J. Funning


Apps As Learning Tools: A Systematic Review, Shayl F. Griffith, Mary B. Hagan, Perrine Heymann, Brynna H. Heflin, and Daniel M. Bagner


Barbadian teachers’ identification of social-emotional, behavioral, and learning challenges in young children, Shayl F. Griffith, Donna Maria B. Maynard, and Daniel M. Bagner


Leveraging Parent–Child Interaction Therapy and Telehealth Capacities to Address the Unique Needs of Young Children During the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis, Robin H. Gurwitch, Hanan Salem, Melanie M. Nelson, and Johnathan S. Comer


Why Every US Hospital Needs a Disaster Medicine Physician Now, Alexander Hart, Attila Hertelendy, and Gregory R. Ciottone


Predicting BMI in young children with developmental delay and externalizing problems: Links with caregiver depressive symptoms and acculturation, Brynna H. Heflin, Jonathan S. Comer, and Daniel M. Bagner


Impact of Parenting Intervention on Observed Aggressive Behaviors in At-Risk Infants, Brynna H. Heflin, Perrine Heymann, Stefany Coxe, and Daniel M. Bagner


The clinical feature of silent infections of novel coronavirus infection (COVID‐19) in Wenzhou, Guiging He, Wenjie Sun, Peipei Fang, Jianping Huang, Michelle Gamber, Jing Cai, and Jing Wu


COVID‐19 in Tuberculosis patients: a report of three cases, Guiging He, Jing Wu, Jichan Shi, Michelle Gamber, Xiangao Jiang, Wenjie Sun, and Jing Cai


Adapting antenatal care in a rural LMIC during COVID-19: A low literacy checklist to mitigate risk for community health workers, Sasha Hernandez, Jessica B. Oliveira, Concepcion Mendoza Sosof, Eleanor Lawrence, and Taraneh Shirazian


Provider-patient communication and hospital ratings: perceived gaps and forward thinking about the effects of COVID-19, Attila J. Hertelendy, Alan T. Belasen, Jane Oppenlander, and Ariel R. Belasen


Crisis standards of care in a pandemic: navigating the ethical, clinical, psychological and policy-making maelstrom, Attila J. Hertelendy, Gregory R. Ciottone, Cheryl L. Mitchell, and Jennifer Gutberg


Infant-directed language following a brief behavioral parenting intervention: The importance of language quality, Perrine Heymann, Brynna H. Heflin, Melissa Baralt, and Daniel M. Bagner


Black-White Risk Differentials in COVID-19 (SARS-COV2) Transmission, Mortality and Case Fatality in the United States: Translational Epidemiologic Perspective and Challenges, Laurens Holmes Jr., Michael Enwere, Janille Williams, Benjamin Ogundele, Prachi Chavan, Tatiana Piccoli, Chinacherem Chinka, Camillia Comeaux, Lavisha Palaez, Osatohamwen Okundaye, Leslie Stalnaker, Fanta Kalle, Keeti Deepika, Glen Philipcien, Maura Poleon, Gbadebo Ogungbade, Hkima Elmi, Valescia John, and Kirk W. Dabney


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fulminant Myopericarditis and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in a Middle-Aged Male Patient, Hussain Hussain, Aya Fadel, Haidar Alwaeli, and Victor Guardiola


Gender differences and temporal trends over two decades in acromegaly: a single center study in 112 patients, Adriana G. Ioachimescu, Talin Handa, Neevi Goswami, Adlai L. Pappy, Emir Veledar, and Nelson M. Oyesiku


Studying Spatial and Temporal Visitation Patterns of Points of Interest Using SafeGraph Data in Florida, Levente Juhasz and Hartwig H. Hochmair


Sea Level Rise Impact Assessment Tool – A Web-Based Application for Community Resilience in Coral Gables, Florida, Levente Juhasz, Hartwig H. Hochmair, Sheyla Aguilar de Santana, and Zhaohui J. Fu


Cartographic Vandalism in the Era of Location-Based Games—The Case of OpenStreetMap and Pokémon GO, Levente Juhasz, Tessio Novack, Hartwig H. Hochmair, and Sen Qiao


Descriptive characteristics of hospitalized adult smokers and never-smokers with COVID-19, Mohammad Ebrahimi Kalan, Hassan Ghobadi, Ziyad Ben Taleb, Kenneth D. Ward, Davoud Adham, Somaieh Matin, Mehdi Fazlzadeh, and Sajjad Narimani


Does the Prosperity of a Country Play a Role in COVID-19 Outcomes?, Amir Khorram-Manesh, Eric Carlstrom, Attila J. Hertelendy, Krysztof Goniewicz, Carter B. Casady, and Frederick M. Burkle


Opportunities and Challenges of Geospatial Analysis for Promoting Urban Livability in the Era of Big Data and Machine Learning, Anna Kovacs-Györi, Alin Ristea, Clemens Havas, Michael Mehaffy, Hartwig H. Hochmair, Bernd Resch, Levente Juhasz, Arthur Lehner, Laxmi Ramasubramanian, and Thomas Blaschke


Online National Health Agency Mask Guidance for the Public in Light of COVID-19: Content Analysis, Linnea Laestadius, Yang Wang, Ziyad Ben Taleb, Mohammad Ebrahimi Kalan, Young Cho, and Jennifer Manganello


Regional-scale hydrological monitoring of wetlands with Sentinel-1 InSAR observations: Case study of the South Florida Everglades, Heming Liao, Shimon Wdowinski, and Shanshan Li

Earthquake Interactions in Central Taiwan: Probing Coulomb Stress Effects Due to ML≥ 5.5 Earthquakes From 1900 to 2017, Shanshan Li, Shimon Wdowinski, Ya Ju Hsu, and J. Bruce H. Shyu


Cellular stress responses and dysfunctional Mitochondrial–cellular senescence, and therapeutics in chronic respiratory diseases, Marko Manaveski, Thivanka Muthumalage, Dinesh Devadoss, Isaac K. Sundar, Qixin Wang, Kameshwar P. Singh, Hoshang Unwalla, Hitendra S. Chand, and Irfan Rahman


Predictors of adherence to physical activity guidelines in patients with diabetes mellitus in the US in 2017: An exploratory analysis, Greisy Martinez-Harvell, Florencia Goluboff, Pura Rodriguez, Grettel Castro, and Noël C. Barengo


The novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is a one health issue, Aileen Maria Marty and Malcolm K. Jones


COVID-19 and globalization, Santiago Mas-Coma, Malcolm K. Jones, and Aileen M. Marty


Plasmin Cascade Mediates Thrombotic Events in SARS-CoV-2 Infection via Complement and Platelet-Activating Systems, Kalai Mathee


Incremental prognostic value of a novel metabolite-based biomarker score in congestive heart failure patients, Peter McGranaghan, Hans Dirk Düngen, Anshul Saxena, Muni Rubens, Joseph Salami, Jasmin Radenkovic, Doris Bach, Svetlana Apostolovic, Goran Loncar, Marija Zdravkovic, Elvis Tahirovic, Jovan Veskovic, Stefan Störk, Emir Veledar, Burkert Pieske, Frank Edelmann, and Tobias Daniel Trippel


Proceedings of the Academic Track at the State of the Map 2020, Marco Minghini, Serena Coetzee, Levente Juhasz, A. Yair Grinberger, Peter Mooney, and Godwin Yeboah


Mapping COVID-19: How web-based maps contribute to the infodemic, Peter Mooney and Levente Juhasz


Nano-enabled biosensing systems for intelligent healthcare: towards COVID-19 management, M. A. Mujawar, H. Gohel, S. K. Bhardwaj, S. Srinivasan, N. Hickman, and A. Kaushik


NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a data set on carnivore distribution in the Neotropics, M. Nagy-Reis, F.G. Lemos, F. Martello, M. Alves-Eigenheer, R.A. da Silva, J. Silveira dos Santos, C.F. Priante, R. Bernardo, P. Rogeri, J.C. Assis, L.P. Gaspar, V.R. Tonetti, Clinton Jenkins, and et al.


A diverse global fungal library for drug discovery, Guodong Niu, Thirunavukkarasu Annamalai, Xiaohong Wang, Sheng Li, Stephen Munga, Guomin Niu, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh, and Jun Li


Predictive modelling of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Nigeria, Roseline O. Ogundokun, Adewale F. Lukman, B M Golam Kibria, Joseph B. Awotunde, and Benedita B. Aladeitan


Greta's Wrath; or quedate en casa, Agamben: COVID-19 and the (Non-)State of Exception, Ulruch Oslender


Returning to School: Separation Problems and Anxiety in the Age of Pandemics, Martha Pelaez and Gary Novak


Does the human placenta express the canonical cell entry mediators for SARSCoV-2?, Roger Pique-Regi, Roberto Romero, Adi L. Tarca, Francesca Luca, Yi Xu, Adnan Alazizi, Yaozha Leng, Chaur-Dong Hsu, and Nardhy Gomex-Lopez


Potential RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inhibitors as prospective therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2, Rudramani Pokhrel, Prem Chapagain, and Jessica Siltberg-Liberles


What Nurses Should Know About COVID-19, Yolanda Powell-Young and Joyce Newman Giger


Brazilian Child Protection Professionals’ Resilient Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sidnei R. Priolo Filho, Deborah Goldfarb, Murilo R. Zibetti, and Carlos Aznar-Blefari


Perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic impact on cardio-oncology: results from the COVID-19 International Collaborative Network survey, Luis E. Raez


Lack of Efficacy of the Neutropenic Diet in Decreasing Infections among Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, Muni Rubens, Sandeep Appunni, Anshul Saxena, Peter McGranaghan, Emir Veledar, Ana Viamonte-Ros, Nancy Shehadeh, Adeel Kaiser, and Rupesh Kotecha


The distribution of biodiversity richness in the tropics, Peter H. Raven, Roy E. Gereau, Peter B. Phillipson, Cyrille Chatelain, Clinton N. Jenkins, and Carmen Ulloa Ulloa


A common-mesocosm experiment recreates sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) phenotypes from Everglades marl prairies and peat marshes, Jennifer H. Richards and Paulo C. Olivas


Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk Factors, 1990-2019: Update From the GBD 2019 Study, Gregory A. Roth, George A. Mensah, Catherine O. Johnson, Giovanni Addolorato, Enrico Ammirati, Larry M. Baddour, Noel C. Barengo, Andrea Z. Beaton, Emelia J. Benjamin, Catherine P. Benziger, Aimé Bonny, Michael Brauer, Marianne Brodmann, Thomas J. Cahill, Jonathan Carapetis, Alberico L. Catapano, Sumeet S. Chugh, Leslie T. Cooper, Josef Coresh, Michael Criqui, Nicole DeCleene, and Kim A. Eagle


A Clinical Tool to Identify Candidates for Stress-First Myocardial Perfusion Imaging, Soroush Rouhani, Ali Al Shahrani, Alomgir Hossain, Yeung Yam, R. Glenn Wells, Robert A. deKemp, Rob S. Beanlands, Terrence D. Ruddy, Marcelo F. Di Carli, Michael E. Merhige, Brent A. Williams, Emir Veledar, Daniel S. Berman, Sharmila Dorbala, and Benjamin J.W. Chow


A risk model for prediction of 30-day readmission rates after surgical treatment for colon cancer, Muni Rubens, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, Anshul Saxena, Chintan Bhatt, Sankalp Das, Emir Veledar, Peter McGranaghan, Ana Viamonte-Ros, Yazmin Odia, Michael Chuong, Rupesh Kotecha, and Minesh P. Mehta

Recent Health Care Expenditure Trends among Adult Cancer Survivors in United States, 2009-2016, Muni Rubens, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, Anshul Saxena, Sankalp Das, Chintan Bhatt, Emir Veledar, Peter McGranaghan, Subrina Sundil, Nancy Shehadeh, Ana Viamonte-Ros, Yuliya Linhares, Yazmin Odia, Michael Chuong, Rupesh Kotecha, and Minesh P. Mehta

Inpatient Palliative Care Use among Critically III Brain Metastasis Patients in the United States, Muni Rubens, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, Anshul Saxena, Peter McGranaghan, Chintan Bhatt, Sankalp Das, Nancy Shehadeh, Emir Veledar, Ana Viamonte-Ros, Yazmin Odia, Minesh P. Mehta, and Rupesh Kotecha

Increasing Sepsis Rates in the United States: Results From National Inpatient Sample, 2005 to 2014, Muni Rubens, Anshul Saxena, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, Sankalp Das, Rohan Khera, Jonathan Hong, Donna Armaignac, Emir Veledar, Khurram Nasir, and Louis Gidel


The Effect of a County Prehospital FAST-ED Initiative on Endovascular Treatment Times, Helen Rynor, Jake Levine, Joseph Souchak, Ned Shashoua, Maygret Ramirez, Ivis C. Gonzalez, Virginia Ramos, Anshul Saxena, Emir Veledar, Amy K. Starosciak, and Felipe De Los Rios De Los Rios La Rosa


DNA and RNA Cleavage Complexes and Repair Pathway for TOP3B RNA- and DNA-Protein Crosslinks, Sourav Saha, Yilun Sun, Shar-Yin Naomi Huang, Simone Andrea Baechler, Lorinc Sandor Pongor, Keli Agama, Ukhyun Jo, Hongliang Zhang, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh, and Yves Pommier


Are Disinfectants for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Safe?, Fatin Samara, Rina Badran, and Sarah Dalibalta


Inferring directional relationships in microbial communities using signed Bayesian networks, Musfiquer Sazal, Kalai Mathee, Daniel Ruiz-Perez, Trevor Cickovski, and Giri Narasimhan


Causal Inference in Microbiomes Using Intervention Calculus, Musfiqur Rahman Sazal, Vitalii Stebliankin, Kalai Mathee, and Giri Narasimhan

Awake delta and theta-rhythmic hippocampal network modes during intermittent locomotor behaviors in the rat., Nathan W. Schultheiss, Maximilian Schlecht, Maanasa Jayachandran, Deborah R. Brooks, Jennifer L. McGlothan, Tomás R. Guilarte, and Timothy A. Allen


Mitigating the Twin Threats of Climate-Driven Atlantic Hurricanes and COVID-19 Transmission, James M. Schultz


Care of newborns born to mothers with COVID-19 infection; a review of existing evidence, Shirin Shahbazi Sighaldeh and Mohammad Ebrahimi Kalan


Computational Participation and the Learner‐Technology Pairing in K‐12 STEM Education, Ramya Sivaraj, Joshua Ellis, Jeanna Wieselmann, and Gillian Roehrig


Factors related to poor adherence in Latvian asthma patients, Dins Smits, Girts Brigis, Jana Pavare, Inga Urtane, Sandis Kovalovs, and Noel C. Barengo


Detecting differential ground displacements of civil structures in fast-subsiding metropolises with interferometric SAR and band-pass filtering, Darío Solano-Rojas, Shimon Wdowinski, Enrique Cabral-Cano, and Batuhan Osmanoğlu


African-Americans Have a Higher Propensity for Death from COVID-19: Rationale and Causation, Ora L. Strickland, Yolanda Powell-Young, Clara Reyes-Miranda, Omar Alzaghari, and Joyce Newman Giger


Hemiarthroplasty vs Total Hip Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fractures: 2010-2017 Trends in Complication Rates, Juan C. Suarez, William Arguelles, Anshul Saxena, Priscilla Rivera, Don Parris, and Emir Veledar


Covalent Complex of DNA and Bacterial Topoisomerase: Implications in Antibacterial Drug Development, Purushottam B. Tiwari, Prem P. Chapagain, Ahmed Seddek, Thirunavukkarasu Annamalai, Aykut Üren, and Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh


Barriers to Participating in Diabetes Care Behaviors in Hard to Reach Older Hispanics, Joan A. Vaccaro, Trudy Gaillard, Stephanie Caceres, Monica Hollifield, and Fatma Huffman


Sentiment Analysis of Conservation Studies Captures Successes of Species Reintroductions, Kyle S. Van Houtan, Tyler Gagne, Clinton N. Jenkins, and Lucas Joppa


Inhibition of base excision repair by natamycin suppresses prostate cancer cell proliferation, Judy L. Vasquez, Yanhao Lai, Thirunavukkarasu Annamalai, Zhongliang Jiang, Manqi Zhang, Ruipeng Lei, Zunzhen Zhang, Yuan Liu, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh, and Irina U. Agoulnik


Perspectives on Research and Health Practice in Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics during and Post COVID-19, Edgar Vieira, Lynne Richard, and Rubens A. da Silva

Calretinin and calbindin architecture of the midline thalamus associated with prefrontal–hippocampal circuitry, Tatiana D. Viena, Gabriela E. Rasch, Daniela Silva, and Timothy A. Allen


COVID‐19 and Unequal Social Distancing across Demographic Groups, Hakan Yilmazkuday


NMR-Based Metabolic Profiles of Intact Zebrafish Embryos Exposed to Aflatoxin B1 Recapitulates Hepatotoxicity and Supports Possible Neurotoxicity, Zain Zuberi, Muhamed N.H. Eeza, Joerg Matysik, John P. Berry, and A. Alia

Faculty Publications from 2019


Satellite Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Sensor in Shallow Coastal Water Bodies: Validation and Improvement, Mohd Manzar Abbas, Assefa M. Melesse, Leanord J. Scinto, and J S. Rehage


Hemorrhagic Stroke in a Young Adult with Undiagnosed Asymptomatic Dandy–Walker Malformation, Haleem Abdul, Joseph Burns, Andrea Estevez, Carlos Nasr El-Nimer, Brinsley Ekinde, and Sherard Lacaille


UV and Visible Light-Driven Production of Hydroxyl Radicals by Reduced Forms of N, F, and P Codoped Titanium Dioxide, A. M. Abdullah, Miguel A. Gracia-Pinella, Suresh C. Pillai, and Kevin E. O'Shea


UV and Visible Light-Driven Production of Hydroxyl Radicals by Reduced Forms of N, F, and P Codoped Titanium Dioxide, A. M. Abdullah, Miguel A. Gracia-Pinilla, Suresh C. Pillai, and Kevin E. O'Shea


Teleconnection of Regional Drought to ENSO, PDO, and AMO: Southern Florida and the Everglades, Anteneh Z. Abiy, Assefa M. Melesse, and Wozzenu Abtew


Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Children with Developmental Delay: The Role of Sleep Problems, Juliana Acosta, Dainelys Garcia, and Daniel M. Bagner


Quantitative evaluation of skin shrinkage associated with non-invasive skin tightening: a simple method for reproducible linear measurement using microtattoos, Murad Alam, Marisa Pongprutthipan, Shivani Nanda, Natalie A. Kim, Jillian H. Swary, Wanjarus Roongpisuthipong, Arielle N. Kauvar, Alexandra Weil, Sanjana Iyengar, Brian R. Chen, Jelena Vasic, Amanda Maisel, Dennis P. West, Michael Nodzenksi, Emir Veledar, and Emily Poon


Single and Multiobjective Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Based on Hybrid Artificial Physics–Particle Swarm Optimization, Tawfiq M. Aljohani, Ahmed F. Ebrahim, and Osama A. Mohammed


Association between Race and Cancer-Related Mortality among Patients with Colorectal Cancer in the United States: A Retrospective Cohort Study, Sayaf H. Alshareef, Nasser A. Alsobaie, Salman A. Aldeheshi, Sultan T. Alturki, Juan C. Zevallos, and Noel C. Barengo


Understanding rivers and their social relations: A critical stepto advance environmental water management, Elizabeth P. Anderson, Sue Jackson, Rebecca E. Tharme, Michael Douglas, Joseph E. Flotemersch, Margreet Zwarteveen, Chicu Lokgariwar, Mariana Monotya, Alaka Wali, Gail T. Tipa, Timothy D. Jardine, Julian D. Olden, Lin Cheng, John Conallin, Barbara Cosens, Chris Dickens, Dustin Garrick, David Groenfeldt, Jane Kabogo, Dirk J. Roux, Albert Ruhi, and Angela H. Arthington


Energy development reveals blind spots for ecosystem conservation in the Amazon Basin, E.P. Anderson, T. Osborne, J.A. Maldonado-Ocampo, M. Mills-Novoa, L. Castello, M. Montoya, A.C. Encalada, and C.N. Jenkins


Lipoprotein sub-fractions by ion-mobility analysis and its association with subclinical coronary atherosclerosis in high-risk individuals, Ehimen C. Aneni, Chukwuemeka U. Osondu, Javier De La Cruz, Seth S. Martin, Michael J. Blaha, Adnan Younus, Theodore Feldman, Arthur S. Agatston, Emir Veledar, and Khurram Nasir


Integrating VGI and 2D hydraulic models into a data assimilation framework for real time flood forecasting and mapping, Anotnio Annis and Fernando Nardi


Lung cancer risk and the inhibitors of angiotensinconverting enzyme: A mini-review of recent evidence, Masoumeh Asgharpour, Mohammad Ebrahimi Kalan, Seyed Hadi Mirhashemi, and Amirhesam Alirezaei


Sexual harassment reported by undergraduate female physicists, Lauren M. Aycock, Zahra Hazari, Eric Brewe, Kathryn B.H. Clancy, Theodore Hodapp, and Renee Michelle Goertzen

Intersensory redundancy promotes infant detection of prosody in infant-directed speech, Lorraine E. Bahrick, Myriah E. McNew, Shannon M. Pruden, and Irina Castellanos


Early Lifestyle Interventions in People with Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Northern Colombia: The DEMOJUAN Project, Noel C. Barengo, Tania Acosta, Astrid Arrieta, Carlos Ricaurte, Dins Smits, Karen Florez, and Jaakko O. Tuomilehto


Smoking and cancer, cardiovascular and total mortality among older adults: The Finrisk Study, Noel C. Barengo, Riitta Antikainen, Kennet Harald, and Pekka Jousilahti


Zinc deficiency and advanced liver fibrosis among HIV and hepatitis C co-infected anti-retroviral naïve persons with alcohol use in Russia, Joshua A. Barocas, Kaku So-Armah, Debbie M. Cheng, Dmitry Lioznov, Marianna K. Baum, Kerrin Gallagher, Daniel Fuster, Natalia Gnatienko, Evgeny Krupitsky, Matthew S. Freiberg, and Jeffrey H. Samet


The Bottlenose Dolphin Epigenetic Aging Tool (BEAT): A Molecular Age Estimation Tool for Small Cetaceans, Andria P. Beal, Jeremy J. Kiszka, Randall S. Wells, and Jose M. Eirin-Lopez


The role of hedonics in the Human Affectome, Susanne Becker, Anne-Kathrin Brascher, Scott Bannister, Moustafa Bensafi, Destany Calma-Birling, Raymond C.K. Chan, Tuomas Eerola, Dan-Mikael Ellingsen, Camille Ferdenzi, Jamie L. Hanson, Mateus Joffily, Navdeep K. Lidhar, Leroy J. Lowe, Loren J. Martin, Erica D. Musser, Michael Noll-Hussong, Thomas M. Olino, Rosario Pintos Lobo, and Yi Wang


Association between giant cell glioblastoma and glioblastoma multiforme in the United States: A retrospective cohort study, Amro K. Bin Abdulrahman, Khalid A. Bin Abdulrahman, Yousef R. Bukhari, Abdulaziz M. Faqihi, and Juan Gabriel Ruiz