Faculty Publications from 2018
Life's Simple 7 and the risk of atrial fibrillation: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, Oluseye Ogunmoroti, Erin D. Michos, Konstantinos N. Aronis, Joseph A. Salami, Ron Blankstein, Salim S. Virani, Erica S. Spatz, Norrina B. Allen, Jamal S. Rana, Roger S. Blumenthal, Emir Veledar, Moyses Szklo, Michael J. Blaha, and Khurram Nasir
Association between self-rated health and ideal cardiovascular health: The Baptist Health South Florida Employee Study, Oluseye Ogunmoroti, Ovie A. Utuama, Joseph A. Salami, Javier Valero-Elizondo, Erica S. Spatz, Maribeth Rouseff, Don Parris, Sankalp Das, Henry Guzman, Arthur Agatston, Theodore Feldman, Emir Veledar, Wasim Maziak, and Khurram Nasir
Future Challenges and Mitigation Methods for High Photovoltaic Penetration: A Survey, Temitayo O. Olowu, Aditya Sundararajan, Masood Moghaddami, and Arif I. Sarwat
Mangrove forests in a rapidly changing world: Global change impacts and conservation opportunities along the Gulf of Mexico coast, Michael J. Osland, Laura C. Feher, Jorge Lopez-Portillo, Richard H. Day, Daniel O. Suman, Jose Manuel Guzman Menendez, and Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
The relationship of erectile dysfunction and subclinical cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Chukwuemeka U. Osondu, Bryan Vo, Ebenezer T. Oni, Michael J. Blaha, Emir Veledar, Theodore Feldman, Arthur S. Agatston, Khurram Nasir, and Ehimen C. Aneni
Drivers of plant species richness and phylogenetic composition in urban yards at the continental scale, Josep Padullés Cubino, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Sarah E. Hobbie, Diane E. Pataki, Meghan L. Avolio, Lindsay E. Darling, Kelli L. Larson, Sharon J. Hall, Peter M. Groffman, Tara L.E. Trammell, Meredith K. Steele, J. Morgan Grove, and Christopher Neill
Optimal swimming strategies and behavioral plasticity of oceanic whitetip sharks, Yannis Papastamatiou, Gil Iosilevskii, Vianey Leos-Barajas, Edd. J. Brooks, Lucy A. Howey, Demian D. Chapman, and Yuuki Y. Watanabe
Homogenization of plant diversity, composition, and structure in North American urban yards, William D. Pearse, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Sarah E. Hobbie, Meghan L. Avolio, Neil Bettez, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Lindsay E. Darling, Peter M. Groffman, J. Morgan Grove, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Jennifer Learned, Christopher Neill, Kristen C. Nelson, Diane E. Pataki, Benjamin L. Ruddell, Meredith K. Steele, and Tara L.E. Trammell
First Nations People: Addressing the Relationships between Under-Enrollment in Medical Education, STEM Education, and Health in the United States, Dharam Persaud and Joseph Burns
How to protect half of Earth to ensure it protects sufficient biodiversity, Stuart L. Pimm, Clinton N. Jenkins, and Binbin V. Li
The use of teacher leader roles in an online induction support system, Samuel Polizzi, Michelle Head, Donna Barrett-Williams, Joshua Ellis, Gillian Roehrig, and Gregory Rushton
Lithologic controls on hydrologic and geochemical processes in constructed Everglades tree islands, Andres E. Prieto Estrada, René M. Price, Leanord J. Scinto, Florentin J. Maurrasse, Thomas W. Dreschel, Fred H. Sklar, and Eric A. Cline
Parent Training and Skill Acquisition and Utilization Among Spanish- and English-Speaking Latino Families, Giovanni Ramos, Angela M. Blizzard, Nicole E. Barroso, and Daniel M. Bagner
Developing a Carbon Isotope Chronology for a Coastal Subtropical Tree Species with Variable Subannual Tree-Ring Growth, Carrie E. Rebenack, Paolo Cherubini, and William T. Anderson
Sheet Flow Effects on Sediment Transport in a Degraded Ridge‐and‐Slough Wetland: Insights Using Molecular Markers, Peter Regier, Ding He, Colin J. Saunders, Blanca Jara, Chris Hansen, Sue Newman, Erik Tate-Boldt, Carlos Coronado-Molina, and Rudolf Jaffe
How has the quality of bonefishing changed over the past 40 years? Using local ecological knowledge to quantitatively inform population declines in the South Florida flats fishery, Jennifer S. Rehage, R. O. Santos, E. K. N. Kroloff, J. T. Heinen, Q. Lai, B. D. Black, R. E. Boucek, and A. J. Adams
How has the quality of bonefishing changed over the past 40 years? Using local ecological knowledge to quantitatively inform population declines in the South Florida flats fishery, Jennifer S. Rehage, R. O. Santos, E. K.N. Kroloff, J.T. Heinen, Q. Lai, R. E. Boucek, and A. J. Adams
Characterizing Intervention Strategies Used in Community-Based Mental Health Care for Infants and Their Families, Gabriela M. Rodríguez, Dainelys Garcia, Angela Blizzard, Nicole E. Barroso, and Daniel M. Bagner
Hydrological Controls on the Seasonal Variability of Dissolved and Particulate Black Carbon in the Altamaha River, GA, J. Alan Roebuck Jr., Patricia M. Medeiros, Maria L. Letourneau, and Rudolf Jaffe
Global controls on carbon storage in mangrove soils, Andre S. Rovai, Robert R. Twilley, Edward Castaneda-Moya, Pablo Riul, Miguel Cifuentes-Jara, Marilyn Manrow-Villalobos, Paulo A. Horta, Jose C. Simonassi, Alessandra L. Fonseca, and Paulo R. Pagliosa
Trends in diabetes-related preventable hospitalizations in the U.S., 2005-2014, Muni Rubens, Anshul Saxena, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, Rohan Khera, Jonathan Hong, Emir Veledar, and Khurram Nasir
Spatio-temporal pattern of plant communities along a hydrologic gradient in Everglades tree islands, Jay P. Sah, Pablo L. Ruiz, and Michael S. Ross
When is an herbivore not an herbivore? Detritivory facilitates herbivory in a freshwater system, Jessica L. Sanchez and Joel C. Trexler
Discovery of novel bacterial topoisomerase I inhibitors by use of in silico docking and in vitro assays, Shayna Sandhaus, Prem P. Chapagain, and Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh
Combining data sources to elucidate spatial patterns in recreational catch and effort: fisheries-dependent data and local ecological knowledge applied to the South Florida bonefish fishery, R. O. Santos, Jennifer S. Rehage, E. K.N. Kroloff, J. E. Heinen, and A. J. Adams
10-Year Resource Utilization and Costs for Cardiovascular Care, Leslee J. Shaw, Abhinav Goyal, Christina Mehta, Joe Xie, Lawrence Phillips, Anita Kelkar, Joseph Knapper, Daniel S. Berman, Khurram Nasir, Emir Veledar, Michael J. Blaha, Roger Blumenthal, James K. Min, Reza Fazel, Peter W.F. Wilson, and Matthew J. Budoff
Mangrove canopy height globally related to precipitation, temperature and cyclone frequency, Marc Simard, Lola Fatoyinbo, Charlotte Smetanka, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Nathan Thomas, Edward Casteneda-Moya, and Tom Van der Stocken
Short-Term Effects of Drying-Rewetting and Long-Term Effects of Nutrient Loading on Periphyton N:P Stoichiometry, Andres D. Sola, Luca Marazzi, Monica M. Flores, John Kominoski, and Evelyn E. Gaiser
Illustrating the value of cross-site comparisons: Habitat use by a large, euryhaline fish differs along a latitudinal gradient, Philip W. Stevens, Ross E. Boucek, Alexis A. Trotter, Jared L. Ritch, Eric R. Johnson, Colin P. Shea, David A. Blewett, and Jennifer S. Rehage
A Survey of Protocol-Level Challenges and Solutions for Distributed Energy Resource Cyber-Physical Security, Aditya Sundararajan, Aniket Chavan, Danish Saleem, and Arif I. Sarwat
Survey on synchrophasor data quality and cybersecurity challenges, and evaluation of their interdependencies, Aditya Sundararajan, Tanwir Khan, Amir Moghadasi, and Arif I. Sarwat
Regional Anesthesia for Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Release, Debra S. Varela, Johanna Newman, and Jorge A. Valdes
Deforestation risks posed by oil palm expansion in the Peruvian Amazon, V. Vijay, C.D. Reid, M. Finer, C.N. Jenkins, and S.L. Pimm
A Step Beyond Maternal Depression and Child Behavior Problems: The Role of Mother–Child Aggression, Miguel T. Villodas, Daniel M. Bagner, and Richard Thompson
Dissolved black carbon in aquatic ecosystems, Sasha Wagner, Rudolf Jaffe, and Aron Stubbins
Is Being Single a Risk Factor for Previously Undetected Abnormal Glucose Tolerance?, Labeena Wajahat, Raisa Uddin, Andrew Lai, Luisa Pombo, and Noel C. Barengo
A donor-chromophore-catalyst assembly for solar CO2 reduction, Degao Wang, Ying Wang, Matthew D. Brady, Matthew V. Sheridan, Benjamin D. Sherman, Byron H. Farnum, Yanming Liu, Seth L. Marquard, Gerald J. Meyer, Christopher J. Dares, and Thomas J. Meyer
Hybrid integration of multilayer perceptrons and parametric models for reliability forecasting in the smart grid, Longfei Wei and Arif I. Sarwat
Declines in Plant Productivity Drive Carbon Loss from Brackish Coastal Wetland Mesocosms Exposed to Saltwater Intrusion, Benjamin J. Wilson, Shelby Servais, Sean P. Charles, Stephen E. Davis, John Kominoski, Jennifer H. Richards, and Tiffany Troxler-Gann
Salinity pulses interact with seasonal dry‐down to increase ecosystem carbon loss in marshes of the Florida Everglades, Benjamin J. Wilson, Shelby Servais, Viviana Mazzei, John Kominoski, Minjie Hu, Stephen E. Davis, Evelyn E. Gaiser, Fred Sklar, Laura Bauman, Stephen Kelly, Christopher Madden, Jennifer H. Richards, David Rudnick, Joseph Stachelek, and Tiffany Troxler-Gann
Changes in Modern Pollen Assemblages and Soil Geochemistry along Coastal Environmental Gradients in the Everglades of South Florida, Qiang Yao and Kam-biu Liu
Tracing social capital: How stakeholder group interactions shape agricultural water quality restoration in the Florida Everglades, Landon Yoder and Rinku Roy Chowdhury
Comparison of mothers and grandmothers physical and mental health and functioning within 6 months after child NICU/PICU death, JoAnne M. Youngblut and Dorothy Brooten
Parent Grief 1–13 Months After Death in Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units, JoAnne M. Youngblut, Dorothy Brooten, Joy Glaze, Teresita Promise, and Changwon Yoo
Editorial: Parent, Grandparent, and Sibling Responses to the Death of an Infant or Child in Intensive Care, JoAnne M. Youngblut and Juanjuan Li
A transdiagnostic dimensional approach towards a neuropsychological assessment for addiction: an international Delphi consensus study, Murat Yucel, Erin Oldenhof, Serge H. Ahmed, David Belin, Joel Billieux, Henrietta Bowden-Jones, Adrian Carter, Samuel R. Chamberlain, Luke Clark, Jason Connor, Mark Daglish, Geert Dom, Pinhas Dannon, Theodora Duka, Maria Jose Fernandez-Serrano, Matt Field, Ingmar Franken, Rita Z. Goldstein, Raul Gonzalez, Anna E. Goudriaan, Jon E. Grant, Matthew J. Gullo, Robert Hester, David C. Hodgins, Bernard Le Foll, Rico S.C. Lee, Anne Lingford-Hughes, Valentina Lorenzetti, Scott J. Moeller, Marcus R. Munafo, Brian Odlaug, Marc N. Potenza, Rebecca Segrave, Zsuzsika Sjoerds, Nadia Solowij, Wim van den Brink, Ruth J. van Holst, Valerie Voon, Reinout Weirs, Leonardo F. Fontenelle, and Antonio Verdejo-Garcia
Estimating Growth of Caribbean Spiny Lobster Using Mark–Recapture Data, Yuying Zhang and Nan Yao
Biochemical Basis of Topoisomerase I Relaxation Activity Reduction by Nonenzymatic Lysine Acetylation, Qingxuan Zhou, Mario E. Gomez Hernandez, Francisco Fernandez-Lima, and Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh
Submissions from 2017
Optical Switching Using Transition from Dipolar to Charge Transfer Plasmon Modes in Ge2Sb2Te5 Bridged Metallodielectric Dimers, Arash Ahmadivand, Burak Gerislioglu, Raju Sinha, Mustafa Karabiyik, and Nezih Pala
Predictors of Women's Postpartum Health Status in the First 3 Months After Childbirth, Sukhee Ahn and JoAnne M. Youngblut
A Concise Atlas of Thyroid Cancer Next-Generation Sequencing Panel ThyroSeq v.2, Jorge Alsina, Raul Alsina, and Seza Gulec
Estimates of Mortality Benefit From Ideal Cardiovascular Health Metrics: A Dose Response Meta‐Analysis, Ehimen C. Aneni, Alessio Crippa, Chukwuemeka U. Osondu, Javier Valero‐Elizondo, Adnan Younus, Khurram Nasir, and Emir Veledar
Economic Evaluation of PCSK9 Inhibitors in Reducing Cardiovascular Risk from Health System and Private Payer Perspectives, Alejandro Arrieta, Timothy Page, Emir Veledar, and Khurram Nasir
Association of Subjective and Objective Sleep Duration as well as Sleep Quality with Non-Invasive Markers of Sub-Clinical Cardiovascular Disease (CVD): A Systematic Review, Muhammad Aziz, Shozab S. Ali, Sankalp Das, Adnan Younus, Rehan Malik, Muhammad A. Latif, Choudhry Humayun, Dixitha Anugula, Ghulam Abbas, Joseph Salami, Javier Valero Elizondo, Emir Veledar, and Khurram Nasir
Effect of Thyroxin Treatment on Carotid Intima – Media Thickness (CIMT) Reduction in Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism (SCH): a Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials, Muhammad Aziz, Yugandhar Kandimalla, Archana Machavarapu, Anshul Saxena, Sankalp Das, Adnan Younus, Michelle Nguyen, Rehan Malik, Dixitha Anugula, Muhammad A. Latif, Choudhry Humayun, Idrees M. Khan, Ali Adus, Aisha Rasool, Emir Veledar, and Khurram Nasir
Distinct Mechanism Evolved for Mycobacterial RNA Polymerase and Topoisomerase I Protein-Protein Interaction, Srikanth Banda, Nan Cao, and Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh
Coronary heart disease incidence and mortality, and all-cause mortality among diabetic and non-diabetic people according to their smoking behavior in Finland, Noel C. Barengo, Yvonne Teuschl, Vladislav Moltchanov, Tiina Laatikainen, Pekka Jousilahti, and Jaakko Tuomilehto
Predicting wading bird and aquatic faunal responses to ecosystem restoration scenarios, James M. Beerens, Joel C. Trexler, and Christopher P. Catano
Wild, connected, and diverse: building a more resilient system of protected areas, R. Travis Belote, Matthew S. Dietz, Clinton N. Jenkins, Peter S. McKinley, G. Hugh Irwin, Timothy J. Fullman, Jason C. Leppi, and Gregory H. Aplet
Mapping Conservation Strategies under a Changing Climate, R. Travis Belote, Matthew S. Dietz, Peter S. McKinley, Anne A. Carlson, Carlos Carroll, Clinton N. Jenkins, Dean L. Urban, Timothy J. Fullman, Jason C. Leppi, and Gregory H. Aplet
Non-native molluscan colonizers on deliberately placed shipwrecks in the Florida Keys, with description of a new species of potentially invasive worm-snail (Gastropoda: Vermetidae), Rudiger Bieler, Camila Granados-Cifuentes, Timothy A. Rawlings, Petra Sierwald, and Timothy M. Collins
15N Values in Crassostrea virginica Shells Provides Early Direct Evidence for Nitrogen Loading to Chesapeake Bay, H. D. Black, C. F. T. Andrus, W. J. Lambert, T. C. Rick, and D. P. Gillikin
The Implication of Coronary Artery Calcium Testing for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Diabetes, Ron Blankstein, Ankur Gupta, Jamal S. Rana, and Khurram Nasir
The Synthesis of Everglades Restoration and Ecosystem Services (SERES): a case study for interactive knowledge exchange to guide Everglades restoration, Rena R. Borkhataria, Paul R. Wetzel, Hiram Henriquez, and Stephen E. Davis
Patient Health Record Systems Scope and Functionalities: Literature Review and Future Directions, Lina Bouayad, Anna Ialynytchev, and Balaji Padmanabhan
Can animal habitat use patterns influence their vulnerability to extreme climate events? An estuarine sportfish case study, Ross E. Boucke, Michael R. Heithaus, R. O. Santos, Philip Stevens, and Jennifer S. Rehage
Resetting predator baselines in coral reef ecosystems, Darcy Bradley, Eric Conklin, Yannis Papastamatiou, Douglas J. McCauley, Kydd Pollock, Amanda Pollock, Bruce E. Kendell, Steven D. Gaines, and Jennifer E. Caselle
Growth and life history variability of the grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) across its range, Darcy Bradley, Eric Conklin, Yannis P. Papastamatiou, Douglas J. McCauley, Kydd Pollock, Bruce E. Kendell, Steven D. Gaines, and Jennifer E. Caselle
No persistent behavioural effects of SCUBA diving on reef sharks, Darcy Bradley, Yannis Papastamatiou, and Jennifer Caselle
Partitioning the relative contributions of organic matter and mineral sediment to accretion rates in carbonate platform mangrove soils, Joshua L. Breithaupt, Joseph M. Smoak, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Edward Castañeda-Moya, Ryan P. Moyer, Marc Simard, and Christian J. Sanders
School Aged Children’s Experiences 7 and 13 Months Following a Sibling’s Death, Dorothy Brooten and JoAnne M. Youngblut
Finding a Path to Entrustment in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Progress Report From the AAMC Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency Entrustment Concept Group, David R. Brown, Jamie B. Warren, Abbas Hyderi, Ronald E. Drusin, Jeremy Moeller, Melvin Rosenfield, Philip R. Orlander, Sandra Yingling, Stephanie Call, Kyla Terhune, Janet Bull, Robert Englander, and Dianne P. Wagner
Vowel reduction in word-final position by early and late Spanish-English bilinguals, Emily Byers and Mehmet Yavas
Cocaine Use and Liver Disease are Associated with All-Cause Mortality in the Miami Adult Studies in HIV (MASH) Cohort, Adriana Campa, Sabrina Sales Martinez, Kenneth E. Sherman, Joe Pedro Greer, Yinghui Li, Stephanie Garcia, Tiffanie Stewart, Boubakari Ibrahimou, O. Dale Williams, and Marianna K. Baum
Does Nutrient Availability Regulate Seagrass Response to Elevated CO2?, Justin E. Campbell and James W. Fourqurean
Effect of charted mental illness on reperfusion therapy in hospitalized patients with an acute myocardial infarction in Florida, Thomas R. Campri, Sharon George, Diego Villacis, Melissa Ward-Peterson, Noel C. Barengo, and Juan C. Zevallos
A Fast, Efficient Domain Adaptation Technique for Cross-Domain Electroencephalography(EEG)-Based Emotion Recognition, Xin Chai, Qisong Wang, Yongping Zhao, Yongqiang Li, Dan Liu, Xin Liu, and Ou Bai
Identification of proximal sites for unwound DNA substrate in Escherichia coli topoisomerase I with oxidative crosslinking, Bokun Cheng, Qingxuan Zhou, Liwei Weng, John D. Leszyk, Marc M. Greenberg, and Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh
HIV Infects Bronchial Epithelium and Suppresses Components of the Mucociliary Clearance Apparatus, S. Chinnapaiyan, T. Parira, R. Dutta, M. Agudelo, A. Morris, M. Nair, and H. J. Unwalla
Development of Decision Support Formulas for the Prediction of Bladder Outlet Obstruction and Prostatic Surgery in Patients With Lower Urinary Tract Symptom/Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Part I, Development of the Formula and its Internal Validation, Min Soo Choo, Changwon Yoo, Sung Yong Cho, Seong Jin Jeong, Chang Wook Jeong, Ja Hyeon Ku, and Seung-June Oh
ATria: a novel centrality algorithm applied to biological networks, Trevor Cickovski, Eli Peake, Vanessa Aguiar-Pulido, and Giri Narasimhan
Seasonal Recruitment and Survival Strategies of Palisada Cervicornis Comb. Nov. (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) in Coral Reefs, Ligia Collado-Vides, Alain Duran, Elizabeth Armenis, Valéria Cassano, Deron Burkepile, Andrew A. Shantz, Laura Palma, Jhoana Díaz-Larrea, and Abel Sentíes
Disparity in Retention in Care and Viral Suppression for Black Caribbean-Born Immigrants Living with HIV in Florida, Elena Cyrus, Christyl Dawson, Kristopher P. Fennie, Diana M. Sheehan, Daniel E. Mauck, Mariana Sanchez, Lorene M. Maddox, and Mary Jo Trepka
Effect of standardized training on the reliability of the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool: a prospective study, Bruno R. da Costa, Brooke Beckett, Alison Diaz, Nina M. Resta, Bradley C. Johnston, Matthias Egger, Peter JÙni, and Susan Armijo-Olivo
Association of ventricular arrhythmia and in-hospital mortality in stroke patients in Florida: A nonconcurrent prospective study, Arielle A. Dahlin, Chase C. Parsons, Noel C. Barengo, Juan Gabriel Ruiz, Melissa Ward-Peterson, and Juan Carlos Zevallos
Assessment of Everglades mangrove forest resilience: Implications for above-ground net primary productivity and carbon dynamics, Tess M. Danielson, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Edward Casteneda-Moya, Henry O. Briceño, Rafael Travieso, Brian D. Marx, Evelyn E. Gaiser, and Luis M. Farfan
Use of small Atlantic Forest fragments by birds in Southeast Brazil, Karlla Vanessa de Camargo Barbosa, Christoph Knogge, Pedro Ferreira Develey, Clinton N. Jenkins, and Alexandre Uezu
What is socio-ecological research delivering? A literature survey across 25 international LTSER platforms., Jan Dick, D.E. Orenstein, J.M. Holzer, C. Wohner, A.L. Achard, C. Andrews, N. Avriel-Avni, P. Beja, N. Blond, J. Cabello, C. Chen, R. Diaz-Delgado, G.V. Giannakis, S. Gingrich, Z. Izakovicova, K. Krauze, N. Lamouroux, S. Leca, V. Melecis, K. Miklos, M. Mimikou, G. Niedrist, C. Piscart, C. Postolache, A. Psomas, M. Santos-Reis, U. Tappeiner, K. Vanderbilt, and G. Van Ryckegem
Genotyping horse epithelial cells from fecal matter by isolation of polymerase chain reaction products, Pero Dimsoski
BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene, Maria Dornelas, Laura H. Antao, Faye Moyes, Amanda E. Bates, William A. Gould, L. Donald, and Edward Castaneda-Moya
Fishing, pollution, climate change, and the long-term decline of coral reefs off Havana, Cuba, Alain Duran, A. A. Shantz, D. E. Burkepile, Ligia Collado-Vides, W. M. Ferrer, Laura Palma, A. Ramos, and S. P. Gozalez-Diaz
Electronic nicotine delivery systems and/or electronic non-nicotine delivery systems for tobacco smoking cessation or reduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Regina El Dib, Erica A. Suzumura, Elie A. Akl, Huda Gomaa, Arnav Agarwal, Yaping Chang, Manya Prasad, Vahid Ashoorion, Diane Heels-Ansdell, Wasim Maziak, and Gordon Guyatt
Patients support for health information exchange: a literature review and classification of key factors, Pouyan Esmaeil Zadeh and Murali Sambasivan
eHealth Familias Unidas: Pilot Study of an Internet Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Family Intervention to Reduce Drug Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Hispanic Adolescents, Yannine Estrada, Lourdes Molleda, Ashley Murray, Kathryn Drumhiller, Maria Tapia, Krystal Sardinas, Alexa Rosen, Hilda Pantin, Tatiana Perrino, Madeline Sutton, Miguel Angel Cano, Daphney Dorcius, Jessica Wendorf Muhamad, and Guillermo Prado
Estimating mangrove aboveground biomass from airborne LiDAR data: a case study from the Zambezi River delta, Temilola Fatoyinbo, Emanuelle A. Feliciano, David Lagomasino, Seung Kuk Lee, and Carl Trettin
Estimating mangrove canopy height and above-ground biomass in the Everglades National Park with airborne LiDAR and TanDEM-X data, Emanuelle A. Feliciano, Shimon Wdowinski, Matthew D. Potts, Seung Kuk Lee, and Temilola E. Fatoyinbo
Visioning the Future: Scenarios Modeling of the Florida Coastal Everglades, Hilary Flower, Mark Rains, and Carl Fritz
Light Attenuation in Estuarine Mangrove Lakes, Thomas A. Frankovich, David T. Rudnick, and James W. Fourqurean
Rehabilitation Research at the National Institutes of Health: Moving the Field Forward (Executive Summary), Walter R. Frontera, Jonathan F. Bean, Diane Damiano, Linda Ehrlich-Jones, Melanie Fried-Oken, Alan Jette, Ranu Jung, Rick L. Lieber, James F. Malec, Michael J. Mueller, Kenneth J. Ottenbacher, Keith E. Tansey, and Aiko Thompson
Examining gradients in ecosystem novelty: fish assemblage structure in an invaded Everglades canal system, David A. Gandy and Jennifer S. Rehage