Full Schedule | Teaching Shakespeare in Diverse Communities

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Friday, October 14th
8:00 AM

Registration and light breakfast

Florida International University

8:00 AM

8:15 AM

Context and rationale for PD and First Folio Exhibit feedback

Florida International University

8:15 AM

9:15 AM

William Shakespeare’s Othello

Ayanna Thompson

9:15 AM

12:30 PM

William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

Carla Della Gatta

12:30 PM

2:45 PM

Final Thoughts

Florida International University

2:45 PM

Saturday, October 15th
9:00 AM


Vernon Dickson, Florida International University

9:00 AM

9:03 AM

Why Shakespeare studies needs diversity studies

Ayanna Thompson, George Washington University

9:03 AM

9:30 AM

What do we want from Shakespeare, and who are we, anyway?

Michael Harrawood, Florida Atlantic University

9:30 AM

9:45 AM

Why the Cyborg was Never (Post)modern: New Approaches to Venus and Adonis

Tiffany Fajardo, University of Miami

9:45 AM

10:00 AM

Shakespeare in our Classrooms: Practices, Approaches, Realities [Panel Discussion]

Tiffany Fajardo, University of Miami
Jessica Rosenberg, University of Miami
Jamie Sutton, Florida International University

10:00 AM

10:15 AM

The Changing Face of Shakespeare

Ruben Espinosa, University of Texas at El Paso

10:15 AM

10:31 AM

Shakespearean Englishes for Today’s Classroom

Carla Della Gatta, University of Southern California

10:31 AM

10:45 AM

Hamlet and The Brave One: Exploring Shared Global Themes and Values

Sarah Nielsen, Miami Dade College; Broward College; Florida Atlantic University

10:45 AM

11:30 AM

Approaching Shakespeare through Film [Panel Discussion]

Carla Della Gatta, University of Southern California
Vernon Dickson, Florida International University
Sarah Nielsen, Miami Dade College; Broward College; Florida Atlantic University
Andy Strycharski, Florida International University

11:30 AM

12:00 PM

Wrap Up

Vernon Dickson, Florida International University

12:00 PM