Date of Publication

2021 12:00 AM

Security Theme

Transnational Organized Crime


Transnational Organized Crime, firearms, State policy, legalization, arms trafficking, legal regime of weapons ownership


The purpose of the article is to provide general description of the draft laws, which define the main directions of the State policy in the area of arms trafficking in Ukraine. Methodology: dialectical method, method of analysis and synthesis, logical and semantic method, system method, method of classification and grouping, inductive method were used in the course of the research. Research results: The scope of the draft laws in the area of arms trafficking in Ukraine is analyzed, their shortcomings, gaps and contradictions are identified. Practical consequences: Based on the study, it is concluded that it is necessary to develop and legislative implementation of the general concept of arms trafficking in Ukraine, which should define the main directions of public policy in this area. Value / originality: The author's view on the expediency of distinguishing certain areas of State policy in the area of arms trafficking in Ukraine is substantiated.


Report Location

Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

The main directions of State policy in the area of arms trafficking in Ukraine

The purpose of the article is to provide general description of the draft laws, which define the main directions of the State policy in the area of arms trafficking in Ukraine. Methodology: dialectical method, method of analysis and synthesis, logical and semantic method, system method, method of classification and grouping, inductive method were used in the course of the research. Research results: The scope of the draft laws in the area of arms trafficking in Ukraine is analyzed, their shortcomings, gaps and contradictions are identified. Practical consequences: Based on the study, it is concluded that it is necessary to develop and legislative implementation of the general concept of arms trafficking in Ukraine, which should define the main directions of public policy in this area. Value / originality: The author's view on the expediency of distinguishing certain areas of State policy in the area of arms trafficking in Ukraine is substantiated.


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