Date of Publication
2021 12:00 AM
Security Theme
Transnational Organized Crime
Transnational Organized Crime, Arms, Drug, Human Trafficking, National Security, Transnational Security, Organised Crime and Bangladesh
Crime has many faces, and transnational organized crime is one of them. Since business is a natural activity of human beings, they have found numerous ways to conduct it. With the pace of time state system got structured and more regularised in order to perform business smoothly. However, with the birth of ‘border’ and regularised business ideas, a new security threat emerged, which is transnational organized crime. With the increase of criminal organizations and the availability of modern technology, the degree of transnational threat has multiplied where only an organized and high level of an internationally authorized group can address the issue. There are plenty of other reasons like globalization, border tensions, war, etc. have opened the door for this problem to increase and directly affect public lives, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. This work mainly aims to study the security threats that arose by transnational crimes and their impact on Bangladesh, which is considered a corridor of trafficking and smuggling in South East Asia. Small arms trafficking, drug smuggling, and human trafficking have been a continuous security threat to the country. International support and cooperation through a mutual agreement have been found effective in diminishing the problem.
Transnational Organized Crime and Security Threats in the Context of Bangladesh
Crime has many faces, and transnational organized crime is one of them. Since business is a natural activity of human beings, they have found numerous ways to conduct it. With the pace of time state system got structured and more regularised in order to perform business smoothly. However, with the birth of ‘border’ and regularised business ideas, a new security threat emerged, which is transnational organized crime. With the increase of criminal organizations and the availability of modern technology, the degree of transnational threat has multiplied where only an organized and high level of an internationally authorized group can address the issue. There are plenty of other reasons like globalization, border tensions, war, etc. have opened the door for this problem to increase and directly affect public lives, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. This work mainly aims to study the security threats that arose by transnational crimes and their impact on Bangladesh, which is considered a corridor of trafficking and smuggling in South East Asia. Small arms trafficking, drug smuggling, and human trafficking have been a continuous security threat to the country. International support and cooperation through a mutual agreement have been found effective in diminishing the problem.
@ 2021 The Authors. Published by American Institute of Science. This Open Access article is under the CC BY license.