Organized crime in Latin America: an introduction to the special issue
Date of Publication
2019 12:00 AM
Security Theme
Transnational Organized Crime
Transnational Organized Crime, srhreports, transnationalorganizedcrime, Organized crime, Latin America, Illegal markets, violence, cartels, politics, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, organized crime groups, illegal drugs, trafficking
This article provides an introduction to the articles submitted to the special issue of Trends in Organised Crime on ‘Organised Crime in Latin America’. The aim of the special issue is to draw together novel empirical research findings and theoretical accounts on various aspects of organised crime in the particular geographic context"
Organized crime in Latin America: an introduction to the special issue
This article provides an introduction to the articles submitted to the special issue of Trends in Organised Crime on ‘Organised Crime in Latin America’. The aim of the special issue is to draw together novel empirical research findings and theoretical accounts on various aspects of organised crime in the particular geographic context"
Originally published in Trends in Organized Crime.
description quoted from report