Pulling the Region into its Orbit? China's Economic Statecraft in Latin America

Date of Publication

2019 12:00 AM

Security Theme

Economic Stability


Economic Stability, srhreports, economicstability, economic stability, Latin America, China, Brazil, Mexico, economic statecraft, economic engagement, trade, investment


"Latin America is a critical region for analyzing China’s economic statecraft. Following the Monroe doctrine, Latin America has long been seen as part of the sphere of U.S. influence. For the purpose of studying the effectiveness of China’s economic statecraft I will focus on two countries that stand on opposite extremes: Brazil and Mexico. Both countries happened to be important target states (strategic partners) of China’s economic statecraft in the region, albeit for different political and strategic goals. In this paper I will compare the different domestic political and economic conditions, interests and institutions in these two countries to explain why China has made greater progress in projecting its economic power through trade and investment to pursue its political goals with Brazil, but has not succeeded in Mexico."


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Pulling the Region into its Orbit? China's Economic Statecraft in Latin America

"Latin America is a critical region for analyzing China’s economic statecraft. Following the Monroe doctrine, Latin America has long been seen as part of the sphere of U.S. influence. For the purpose of studying the effectiveness of China’s economic statecraft I will focus on two countries that stand on opposite extremes: Brazil and Mexico. Both countries happened to be important target states (strategic partners) of China’s economic statecraft in the region, albeit for different political and strategic goals. In this paper I will compare the different domestic political and economic conditions, interests and institutions in these two countries to explain why China has made greater progress in projecting its economic power through trade and investment to pursue its political goals with Brazil, but has not succeeded in Mexico."