Possum Trot

Interview with Robert Barnum, April 17, 2021

Interview with Robert Barnum, April 17, 2021


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In this video, Robert Barnum provides a comprehensive tour of his Possum Trot Farm, showcasing the diverse array of over 400 tropical fruit trees and plants. The tour highlights the farm's unique agroforestry approach, emphasizing close planting to enhance biodiversity and pollination. Barnum details his commitment to sustainable practices, including ceasing the use of pesticides and herbicides over two decades ago. The interview features a variety of exotic and rare plant species from regions like India, Australia, and Central America, many of which have medicinal properties. Robert explains his method of allowing natural seedling growth to foster new varieties and increase yields. Participants on the tour had the opportunity to taste samples from the farm, such as the uniquely flavored black pepper vine. The interview also covers the farm's blend of cultivated areas and natural forest regions, underscoring Barnum's dedication to preserving and enriching the ecological diversity of his land.

Publication Date



Florida International University


Miami, Florida


Robert Barnum, agroforestry, tropical fruit diversity, sustainable farming, medicinal plants


Earth Sciences | Natural Resources and Conservation | Other Earth Sciences | Soil Science | Sustainability


Length: 01:18:10

Interview with Robert Barnum, April 17, 2021



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