Possum Trot

Interview with Robert Barnum, March 19, 2021

Interview with Robert Barnum, March 19, 2021


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This interview explores the early life and upbringing of Robert Barnum at Possum Trot Farm in South Florida. Born in North Carolina, Barnum moved to the farm as an infant when his father, after serving in the military, took over its management in 1960. The interview delves into Barnum's family history, including his parents' and grandparents' roles and professions. It highlights Barnum's formative years working on the farm, a key influence in his decision to pursue fruit crop studies at the University of Florida. Additionally, Barnum shares insights into his involvement in the boy scouts and various organizations that contributed to his professional development. Significant focus is given to his implementation of irrigation systems on the farm and collaborative efforts with researchers to enhance agricultural practices. Throughout, Barnum reflects on his unique approach to farming, a blend of traditional methods and innovative techniques, and his enthusiasm for sharing knowledge in both agriculture and woodworking.

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Florida International University


Miami, Florida


Robert Barnum, Possum Trot Farm, agriculture innovation, family history, educational outreach


Earth Sciences | Natural Resources and Conservation | Other Earth Sciences | Soil Science | Sustainability


Length: 00:59:48

Interview with Robert Barnum, March 19, 2021



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