Department of Physics | College of Arts, Sciences & Education | Florida International University


Faculty Publications from 2014


Modification of jet shapes in PbPb collisions at √ sNN = 2.76 TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Searches for light- and heavy-flavour three-jet resonances in pp collisions at √ s = 8 TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for baryon number violation in top-quark decays, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Constraints on the Higgs boson width from off-shell production and decay to Z-boson pairs, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; and Pete E. Markowitz


Measurement of the ttproduction cross section in pp collisions at√s=8 TeV in dilepton final states containing one τ lepton, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for excited quarks in the γ+jet final state in proton–proton collisions at √s=8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for new resonances decaying via WZ to leptons in proton–proton collisions at √s=8 TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for pair production of third-generation scalar leptoquarks and top squarks in proton–proton collisions at √s=8TeV, CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Inclusive search for a vector-like T quark with charge 23 in pp collisions at p s = 8 TeV, CMS Collaboration, Vanessa Gaultney, Samantha Hewamanage, Stephan Linn, Pete E. Markowitz, German Martinez, and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at View the MathML sources=8 TeV in events with a single lepton, large jet multiplicity, and multiple b jets, CMS Collabortaion, CERN, Switzerland; V. Gaultney; Samantha Hewamanage; Stephan Linn; Pete E. Markowitz; German Martinez; and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Synthesis and structure of undoped and indium-doped thermoelectric lead telluride nanoparticles, Kamel Kadel, Latha Kumari, Xuewen Wang, Wenzhi Li, Jian Yu Huang, and Paula Polyak Provencio


Distributing CMS Data between the Florida T2 and T3 Centers using Lustre and Xrootd-fs, Gary Kaganas, Jorge Luis Rodriguez, Mengxing Chen, P. Avery, D. Bourilkov, Y. Fu, and J. Palencia


Delayed Pion Spectroscopy of Hypernuclei, Amur Margaryan, Patrick Achenbach, Robert Ajvazyan, John Annand, Franco Garibaldi, Nersik Grigoryan, Yuu Fuji, Osamu Hashimoto, Lubomir Majling, Satoshi N. Nakamura, Josef Pochodzalla, Joerg Reinhold, Liguang Tang, Kyo Tsukuda, Henrik Vardanyan, and Simon Zhamkochyan


Search for H-dibaryon at J-PARC with a Large Acceptance TPC, H. Sako, J. K. Ahn, K. Y. Baek, B. Bassalleck, H. Fujioka, Lei Guo, S. Hasegawa, K. Hicks, R. Honda, S. H. Hwang, Y. Ichikawa, M. Ieri, K. Imai, S. H. Kim, R. Kiuchi, H. S. Lee, K. Nakazawa, M. Naruki, A. Ni, M. Niiyama, K. Ozawa, J. Y. Park, S. Y. Ryu, S. Sato, K. Shirotori, H. Sugimura, M. Sumihara, K. Tanida, H. Takahashi, and T. Takahashi


Protons in High Density Neutron Matter, Misak M. Sargsian


Inclusive and Exclusive Scatterings from Tensor Polarized Deuteron, Misak M. Sargsian and M. I. Strikman


Light controlling light in a coupled cavity-atom system, Bichen Zhou, Zheng Tan, and Yifu Zhu

Faculty Publications from 2013


From Vision to Change: Educational Initiatives and Research at the Intersection of Physics and Biology, Eric Brewe, Nancy Pelaez, and Todd J. Cooke


Extending positive CLASS results across multiple instructors and multiple classes of Modeling Instruction, Eric Brewe, Adrienne Traxler, Jorge de la Garza, and Laird Kramer


Talking and learning physics: Predicting future grades from network measures and Force Concept Inventory pretest scores, Jesper Bruun and Eric Brewe


Segregation of the human medial prefrontal cortex in social cognition, Danilo Bzdok, Robert Langner, Leonhard Schilbach, Denis A. Engemann, Angela Laird, Peter T. Fox, and Simon Eickhoff


Determination of the top-quark pole mass and strong coupling constant from the t t-bar production cross section in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV, CMS Collaboration, Vanessa Gaultney, Samantha Hewamanage, Stephan Linn, Pete E. Markowitz, German Martinez, and Jorge Luis Rodriguez


Toward University Modeling Instruction—Biology: Adapting Curricular Frameworks from Physics to Biology, Seth Manthey and Eric Brewe


Dysregulated left inferior parietal activity in schizophrenia and depression: functional connectivity and characterization, Veronika I. Müller, Edna C. Cieslik, Angela Laird, Peter T. Fox, and Simon B. Eickhoff


ICA model order selection of task co-activation networks, Kimberly L. Ray, D. Reese McKay, Peter M. Fox, Michael C. Riedel, Angela M. Uecker, Christian F. Beckman, Stephen M. Smith, Peter T. Fox, and Angela Laird


Adult age-dependent differences in resting-state connectivity within and between visual-attention and sensorimotor networks, Christian Roski, Svenja Caspers, Robert Langner, Angela Laird, Peter Fox, Karl Zilles, Katrin Amunts, and Simon Eichhoff


Automated annotation of functional imaging experiments via multi-label classification, Matthew D. Turner, Chayan Chakrabarti, Thomas B. Jones, Jiawei F. Xu, Peter T. Fox, George F. Luger, Angela Laird, and Jessica A. Turner


Coherent manipulation of quantum states in a coupled cavity-atom system, Yanhua Wang, Jinyin Wan, Bichen Zhou, Jiepeng Zhang, and Yifu Zhu

Faculty Publications from 2012


Preface: Physics of Cancer, Robert H. Austin and Bernard S. Gerstman


Thalamic medial dorsal nucleus atrophy in medial temporal lobe epilepsy: A VBM meta-analysis, Daniel S. Barron, P. Mickle Fox, Angela Laird, Jennifer L. Robinson, and Peter T. Fox


Impact of equity models and statistical measures on interpretations of educational reform, Idaykis Rodriguez, Eric Brewe, Vashti Sawtelle, and Laird Kramer


Electrical Transport Properties of Multilayered Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films, Yanli Zhao and Wenzhi Li

Faculty Publications from 2011


Energy as a substancelike quantity that flows: Theoretical considerations and pedagogical consequences, Eric Brewe


Specificity, transfer, and the development of expertise, David T. Brookes, Brian H. Ross, and Jose P. Mestre


UBVRI Photometric Analysis of the Solar-Type Eclipsing Binary TYC 3034-299-1, Ronald G. Samec, Adam Jaso, Jesse White, Danny R. Faulkner, Nicholas Blum, and Walter Van Hamme


Identifying events that impact self-efficacy in physics learning, Vashti Sawtell, Eric Brewe, Renee Michelle Goertzen, and Laird Kramer

Faculty Publications from 2010


Toward equity through participation in Modeling Instruction in introductory university physics, Eric Brewe


Respecting tutorial instructors’ beliefs and experiences: A case study of a physics teaching assistant, Renee Michelle Goertzen, Rachel E. Scherr, and Andrew Elby


Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2Se3 Nanostructures, K. Kadel, Latha Kumari, WZ Li, Jiang Yu Huang, and Paula P. Provencio


Solvothermal Synthesis, Structure and Optical Property of Nanosized CoSb3 Skutterudite, Latha Kumari, Wenzhi Li, JiangYu Huang, and Paula P. Provencio


Conjugated Quantum Dots Inhibit the Amyloid β (1–42) Fibrillation Process, Garima Thakur, Miodrag Micic, Yuehai Yang, Wenzhi Li, Dania Movia, Silvia Giordani, Hongzhou Zhou, and Roger M. Levlanc

Faculty Publications from 2009


Effect of Surfactants on the Structure and Morphology of Magnesium Borate Hydroxide Nanowhiskers Synthesized by Hydrothermal Route, Latha Kumari, WZ Li, Shrinivas Kulkarni, KH Wu, Wei Chen, Chunlei Wang, Charles H. Vannoy, and Roger M. Leblanc

Faculty Publications from 2007


Macular pigment response to a supplement containing meso-zeaxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin, Richard A. Bone, John T. Landrum, Yisi Cao, Alan N. Howard, and Francesca Alvarez-Calderon

Faculty Publications from 2004


Unique electron polarimeter analyzing power comparison and precision spin-based energy measurement, J. Grames, C.K. Sinclair, J. Mitchell, E. Chudakov, H. Fenker, A. Freyberger, D.W. Higinbotham, M. Poelker, M. Steigerwald, M. Tiefenback, C. Cavata, S. Escoffier, F. Marie, T. Pussieux, P. Vernin, S. Danagoulian, V. Dharmawardane, R. Fatemi, K. Joo, M. Zeier, V. Gorbenko, R. Nasseripour, Brian Raue, R. Suleiman, and B. Zihlmann