Volume 45, Number 1 (2020)
Undergraduate Research as Pedagogy: Resisting Reproduction by Studying Novice Teachers
Andrew Huddleston, Hannah Lowry, Denae Shake, Jordyn Arendse, and Sara Broughton
Transformations in Teacher Candidates’ Development as Literacy Teachers in a Summer Literacy Camp: A Sociocultural Perspective
Janet Richards
Some Suggestions for Volunteers Facilitating Literature Circles
AnnMarie Alberton Gunn
Influencing Professional Practice through Academic Service Learning (AS-L):
Sharryn Larsen Walker and Anne Katz Ph.D.

Issue External Review Board
- Christy Bebeau
- Susan Bennett
- Sophia Han
- Jennifer Schneider
- Patriann Smith
- David Tai
About the Cover Art
Jerome Harste is a distinguished professor emeritus at Indiana University in Bloomington. After a remarkable career in literacy education, upon his retirement, he successfully embraced visual art that has allowed him to explore new ways to think about literacy. In the cover art for this issue painting he explores the multimodal tools, expressions and complexities of literacy both as possibility and burden. .