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Using New Literacies to Foster Student Motivation
Tala Michelle Karkar Esperat PhD and Taelor Miller Loftis


Building Reflexive Capacity for the Developing Specialized Literacy Professional through Praxis: Graduate Level Course-Based Assessments as Change Agents
Patricia M. Durham, Associate Professor; Jacqueline Ingram, Associate Clinical Professor; and Debra Price, Professor


The Case for Summer Learning: Effects of Literacy-Based Summer Program on Reading Achievement
Sanjuana C. Rodriguez, Jihye Kim, Megan Adams, Virginie Jackson, and Karla Ramirez


Read Aloud Across Grade Levels: A Closer Look
Samuel DeJulio, Miriam Martinez, Janis Harmon, Marcy Wilburn, and Megan Stavinoha


Interrogating Hierarchies: Academic Use of Social Media for Public Scholarship
Sheri Vasinda, Sarah J. Donovan, Jack Huang, Ashley Valencia-Pate, and Jolie Hicks

* Based on the average number of full-text downloads per day since the paper was posted.
» Updated as of 01/29/25.