Weaving the Paul/Elder Model of Critical Thinking with Mindfulness to Blanket the World in Fair-Minded Thinkers

Speaker's Country of Origin



OBCC 117

Start Date

18-5-2018 4:45 PM

End Date

18-5-2018 5:45 PM

Presentation Type / Tipo de propuesta

Interactive Workshop / Talleres interactivos

Description / Descripción

What if we, as global citizens, blanketed the world with the Intellectual Virtues of Fairmindedness, Intellectual Empathy, Intellectual Perseverance, Intellectual Courage, Intellectual Integrity, and Confidence in Reason? During this workshop, we will provide you with the tools, the materials, and the directions to help you develop a daily practice of Mindfulness and also of Critical Thinking. We will be working with the Paul Elder Model of Critical Thinking and also the mindfulness techniques of open-monitoring and focused-attention. Join us in weaving a blanket of Intellectual Virtues that will warm the hearts and minds of humanity.

Audience / Audiencia

All Audiences


Event Location

May 18th, 4:45 PM May 18th, 5:45 PM

Weaving the Paul/Elder Model of Critical Thinking with Mindfulness to Blanket the World in Fair-Minded Thinkers

OBCC 117

What if we, as global citizens, blanketed the world with the Intellectual Virtues of Fairmindedness, Intellectual Empathy, Intellectual Perseverance, Intellectual Courage, Intellectual Integrity, and Confidence in Reason? During this workshop, we will provide you with the tools, the materials, and the directions to help you develop a daily practice of Mindfulness and also of Critical Thinking. We will be working with the Paul Elder Model of Critical Thinking and also the mindfulness techniques of open-monitoring and focused-attention. Join us in weaving a blanket of Intellectual Virtues that will warm the hearts and minds of humanity.