A change of paradigm: Leading towards a COT

Speaker's Country of Origin



OBCC 220

Start Date

18-5-2018 11:45 AM

End Date

18-5-2018 12:45 PM

Presentation Type / Tipo de propuesta

Poster Session / Sesiones de pósters

Description / Descripción

A change of paradigm involves a deep modification in a model or in the way we perceive events around us. In our educational context, creating a Culture of Thinking meant stepping outside our comfort zone and diving into new and unknown challenges.

Leading teachers into this new world implied going through different stages and confronting varied obstacles, all of which, led us to strengthen our vision that today our students are better equipped for an uncertain world.

This presentation will address those stages we went through together with an analysis of the obstacles we faced and strategies we used to overcome them.

Audience / Audiencia

Teachers: All grade levels / Todos los niveles de grado


Event Location

May 18th, 11:45 AM May 18th, 12:45 PM

A change of paradigm: Leading towards a COT

OBCC 220

A change of paradigm involves a deep modification in a model or in the way we perceive events around us. In our educational context, creating a Culture of Thinking meant stepping outside our comfort zone and diving into new and unknown challenges.

Leading teachers into this new world implied going through different stages and confronting varied obstacles, all of which, led us to strengthen our vision that today our students are better equipped for an uncertain world.

This presentation will address those stages we went through together with an analysis of the obstacles we faced and strategies we used to overcome them.