"Perceptions of Starbucks Brand Among Gen Z: Consumer Responses to Comm" by Katie Grillo

Perceptions of Starbucks Brand Among Gen Z: Consumer Responses to Communications about Unionization Efforts

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This paper explores whether recent negative press about the unionization efforts of Starbucks employees has damaged perception of the brand among Gen Z consumers. A 12-question survey was distributed online for approximately two weeks. A total of 171 responses were collected and examined; written responses were interpreted using Braun & Clark (2006)’s thematic analysis framework. The results of the survey suggest that the majority of Gen Z consumers continue to view Starbucks favorably and are not deeply familiar with the unionization efforts of employees. However, this finding is not unanimous across the sample; participants’ written responses added complexity as several reported the desire to support workers and their rights. Given the ongoing nature of unionization efforts and communications in both traditional and nontraditional spheres, a follow-up study is recommended.

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