Education - ETDs | College of Arts, Sciences & Education | Florida International University


Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Measuring Teacher Dispositions Toward Teaching Sustainable Systems: A Mixed Methods Approach for Instrument Development and Psychometric Testing, Jennifer Morales


Mathematics Teaching Experiences of Elementary Preservice Teachers with High and Low Mathematics Anxiety during Student Teaching: A Multiple Case Study, Leslie Nisbet


Exploring Relationships Between Thinking Style and Sex, Age, Academic Major, Occupation, and Levels of Arts Engagement Among Professionals Working in Museums, Mark D. Osterman


Geographical Literacy, Attitudes, and Experiences of Freshman Students: A Qualitative Study at Florida International University, Daniela F. Ottati


A Basic Interpretive Study of the Experiences of University Students Who Have Dropped or Failed an Online Course, Natalie Paul


Foreign Language Education in Colombia: A Qualitative Study of Escuela Nueva, Daniel A. Ramirez Lamus

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


The Relationship between Metacognition, Self-Actualization, and Well-Being among University Students: Reviving Self-Actualization as the Purpose of Education, Yalda Amir Kiaei


Curriculum development in a heritage language community-based school: A Qualitative inquiry regarding a Brazilian-Portuguese program in South Florida, Ivian Destro Boruchowski


The Response to an ESL Population Boom in the Beaufort County, South Carolina School System: A Case Study, Amanda G. de Varona


Establishing a Baseline Measurement of Intercultural Competence of Ukrainian Faculty: Setting the Stage for Domestic and Global Intercultural Understanding, Iryna Dzhuryak


The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status, Course Delivery Method, and Student Success at a State College: A Single Institution Analysis, Rolando Garcia


A Visual Critical Ethnography Of Youth Development In A Rio de Janeiro Favela, Bryn E. Hafemeister Ed.D.


Vocabulary Learning through Use of the Picture-Word Inductive Model for Young English Learners in China: A Mixed Methods Examination Using Cognitive Load Theory, Xuan Jiang


Demographics, Persistence, and Academic Performance: A Logistic Regression Analysis of who Chooses to Enter the Mathematics and Science Teaching Pipeline, Esther Joseph


The Efficacy of an Interactive Computer System for Teaching Developmental Mathematics to College Students, Jeffrey Miranda


Investigation of Escape and Negative Student Behaviors Related to Florida State High Stakes Test Preparation in Miami-Dade County Public High Schools, having been approved in respect to style and intellectual content, is referred to you for judgment, Ilia Molina


The Decolonization of Northwest Community College, Beverly Moore-Garcia


Advanced Placement and American Education: A Foucauldian Analysis of the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board, Jon C. Rehm


The Relationships between Elementary School Principals' Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Style and School Culture, Mirta R. Segredo


The Relationship between Selected Standardized Test Scores and Performance in Advanced Placement Math and Science Exams: Analyzing the Differential Effectiveness of Scores for Course Identification and Placement, Josue N. Urbina


The Effect of Authentic Literacy Experiences as Book Buddies with Hispanic Fourth Graders on Preservice Teachers’ Literacy Content Knowledge and Reading Maturity, Vivian L. Veiga


The Effects on Students' Self-Efficacy Beliefs Regarding Their Comprehension of American Literature When Aesthetic Reading and Reader Response Strategy are Implemented, Charlotte A. Zeitsiff

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


Gaining Insight into Teaching: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Lived Experience of the Teachers of the Year, Robin F. Amparo


The Effect of Reciprocal Mapping on High-Risk Sixth-Grade Students' Social Studies Achievement, Tina Cash


A Q-Methodology Approach to Investigating the Relationship Between Level of Reflection and Typologies Among Prospective Teachers in the Physics Learning Assistant Program at Florida International University, Geraldine L. Cochran


Effects of Sex, Third Grade Reading Achievement and Motivation as Predictors of Fourth Grade Reading Achievement of Hispanic Students: A Path Analysis, Vivian M. del Rio


The Relationship between Scaffolding Metacognitive Strategies identified through Dialogue Journals and Second Graders’ Reading Comprehension, Science Achievement, and Metacognition using Expository Text, Iliana Franco-Castillo


A Relationship Between the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test 2.0 Mathematics Scores and Racial and Ethnic Concentrations when Considering Socio-Economic Status, ESOL Student Population, Marilys Galindo


The Use of Visualization, Onset-and-Rime, Story Read-Alouds, and Discussion to Improve Diverse First Graders' Vocabulary and Comprehension, Virginia Lynn Shoup Holderness


The Relationship between the Use of Academic Text Talk and the Comprehension of Scientific Academic Language for Diverse Second Graders, Peggy Lee Mandel


The Impact of a Classroom Performance System on Learning Gains in a Biology Course for Science Majors, Nilo E. Marin


Teachers’ Experiences in and Perceptions of their12th-Grade British Literature Classrooms, Keisha Simone McIntyre-McCullough


The Relationship between Faculty Perceptions and Implementation of Elements of Transactional Distance Theory and Online Web-Based Course Completion Rates, Victor Nwankwo


The Relationship of Culturally Responsive Instruction and the Reading Comprehension and Attitude of Struggling Urban Adolescent Readers, Rona M. Olukolu


The Effects of Trained Teachers’ Integration of Dialogic Reading Discourse on Hispanic English Language Learners’ Literacy Skills in Kindergarten, Isela S. Rodriguez

Theses/Dissertations from 2012


A Comparison of the Effects of Classroom and Multi-User Virtual Environments on the Perceived Speaking Anxiety of Adult Post-Secondary English Language Learners, Abdulaziz Abal


A Longitudinal Exploration of the Relationship Between Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension Achievement Among a Sample of Diverse Young Learners, Teri L. Acquavita


The Development of Rubrics to Measure Undergraduate Students' Global Awareness and Global Perspective: A Validity Study, Stephanie Paul Doscher


Examining Argumentative Coherence in Essays by Undergraduate Students of English as a Foreign Language in Mainland China and Their English Speaking Peers in the United States, Lianhong Gao


The Use of Computer Graphic Organizers For Narrative Writing By Elementary School Students With Specific Learning Disabilities, Mary K. Gonzalez-Ledo


Examining the Validity of the GRE General Test Scores and Undergraduate GPA for Predicting Success in Graduate School at a Large Racially and Ethnically Diverse Public University in Southeast Florida, Myung Sook Hyun


The Effect of Young Adult Literature on Adolescents' Rape Myth Acceptance, Victor Malo-Juvera


Microteaching Lesson Study: Mentor Interaction Structure and its Relation to Elementary Preservice Mathematics Teacher Knowledge Development, Roxanne Molina


An Investigation of the Relationships between Selected Characteristics and Leadership Outcomes of Athletic Training Education Program Directors, Michelle L. Odai


Early Career Special Education Teachers’ Perceptions of School Site Induction Support, Yvette Perez


The Relationship Between Educational Placement, Instructional Practices, and Achievement Gains of Black Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Secondary Urban School Settings, Deidre Marshall Phillips


Developing a Process to Create and Validate an Instrument Assessing Student Attainment of Competencies at an Intercultural University in Mexico, Martha Fernanda Pineda


Spirituality and Transformational Leadership in Education, Omar Riaz


Goma Curriculum, A Character Education Paradigm: Composing a Text for Shaping Classroom Character Culture, Alicia D. Ritchey


Students' Perspective of the Role of Facebook in their Studies, Frank A. Rojas


A Comparison Study of the English III/American Literature Success of African American High School Students and That of Students Whose Home Language is Haitian Creole, Sharon A. Samuels


History Education and the Construction of National Identity in Iran, Maryam Soltan Zadeh


Perceptions of Character Education in a Seventh-Day Adventist School, Marva E. Tyrell


An Examination of the Effects of a Summer Book-Reading Program on the Language and Early Literacy Outcomes of Toddlers from High Risk Environments, Mary Anne Ullery

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


A Study of the Relationship Between Educational Placment and the Achievement of Urban Low Socioeconomic Hispanic Middle School Students With and Without Specific Learning Disabilities, Lisa A. Barrocas


Middle School Teachers' Intentions to Refer Eating Disorder Students for Professional Counseling, Diann P. Carr


The Effects of the Ethic of Care in an All-Boys School from 1903-1974, Donald A. Cramp Jr.


Understanding the Relationship between the Talented Twenty Program and College Aspirations for High Ranking Students at a High Priority School, Jeannette Cruz


Comparison of Repeated and Two Non-Repeated Readings Conditions on Reading Abilities of Students with Emotional and/or Behavioral Disabilities, Raul Escarpio


Development of an Instrument to Measure High School Students’ Global Awareness and Attitudes: Looking Through the Lens of Social Sciences, Renita Ferreira


The Relationship Between Staff Perceptions of Principal Leadership and School Performance, Andrea Floyd


Development of a New Student Evaluation Instrument of Instructor Effectiveness in Online Courses, Fernando J. Ganivet

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Swimming Against the Tide: A Study of a Youth Enrichment Program Seeking to Empower Inner-City Black Youth, Jayne A. Klein


The Use of Curriculum Modifications and Instructional Accommodations to Provide Access for Middle School Students with Autism to the General Curriculum, Whitney Moores-Abdool


The Civic Achievement Gap: A Study on the Civic Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Hispanic Students in Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Sergio Nieves


GRE as a Predictor of Graduate Student Success at a Hispanic Serving Institution of Higher Education, Katherine Perez


Administrators' Perspectives of Culture at a Multicampus Community College, Richard D. Prentiss


The Relationship between the Secondary Mathematics Curriculum, College Persistence, and Success at an Urban Community College, Avis R. Proctor


Collective Bargaining And Faculty Unionization: An Administrative Perspective, Colleen M. Quinn


Character Education in a Muslim School: A Case Study of a Comprehensive Muslim School's Curricula, Patricia Z. Salahuddin


The Relationship Between a Retention Program and the Persistence and Graduation Rates of First-Generation Low-Income Students at an Urban, Public University, Dorret E. Sawyers


Predicting the In-Term Persistence of Community College English-as-a-Second-Language Students, Carolyn A. Tonge


The Role of Emotional Intelligence in College Students' Success, Joyce G. Walsh-Portillo


A Q Factor Analysis of College Undergraduate Students' Study Behaviors, Yang Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


Immigrant High School Students's In-depth Understanding of the Value of Heritage Language and Bilingualism, Edwin D. Arrieta


The Effects of Peer Teaching of Infant Massage on General Self-Efficacy and Mother Infant Attachment Among Mothers in a Residential Rehabilitation Facility for Drug Addiction and Substance Abuse, Vivian M. Bango-Sanchez


Secondary School Inclusion Rates: The Relationship Between the Training and Beliefs of School Site Principals and the Implementation of Inclusion, Jacques Bentolila


An Empirical Study of Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model in the Hospitality Industry, Ya-Hui Elegance Chang


The Effects of Self-monitoring on Homework Completion and Accuracy Rates of Students with Disabilities in an Inclusive General Education Classroom, Carol Ann Falkenberg


Class Placement and Academic and Behavioral Variables as Predictors of Graduation for Students with Disabilities, Liana Gonzalez


An Analysis of Haitian Parents' Perceptions of Their Children With Disabilities, Josee Gregoire


Assessing the Effectiveness of the Internationalization Process in Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Florida International University, Flavia Eleonora Iuspa


The Effects of American Sign Language on General Self- Efficacy and Anxiety Among Mothers in a Residential Rehabilitation Facility for Drug Addiction and Substance Abuse, Bonnie J. Kissel


The Impact of Eliminating Extraneous Sound and Light on Students' Achievement: An Empirical Study, Rajarajeswari Venkata Surya Mangipudy


The Effects of Classroom Environmental Quality on the Early Literacy Outcomes of a Regionally Heterogeneous Population of Latino Children, Maria M. Marin


The Relationship Between Prekindergarten Social and Emotional Development and Academic Success among Hispanic Children from Low-Income Families, Christina More Muelle


Developing A Leadership Identity: A Case Study Exploring a Select Group of Hispanic Women at a Hispanic Serving Institution, Suzanne M. Onorato


Engagement Experiences of Hispanic Generation 1.5 English Language Learners at a Massachusetts Community College, Jacqueline Peña


How Employees with Different National Identities Experience a Geocentric Organizational Culture of a Global Corporation: A Phenomenological Study, Maria S. Plakhotnik


The Role of Community College Faculty in Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Development, Anouchka Rachelson


International Education and the Post-9/11 Syndrome: A Study of International Educators in Selected Miami-area Colleges, Oluyinka Tella

Theses/Dissertations from 2009


Phonics Instruction using Pseudowords for Success in Phonetic Decoding, Jessica M. Cardenas


Factors Surgical Team Members Perceive Influence Choices of Wearing or not Wearing Personal Protective Equipment During Operative/Invasive Procedures, Richard G. Cuming


An Investigation of the Effects of Mothers' Participation in Adult Literacy Classes on Interactive Literacy Activities (ILAs) at Home, Antonietta Michelle DiGirolamo


The Mathematics Anxiety of Bilingual Community College Students, Laura Hillerbrand Iossi


Effects of Repeated Readings on Reading Abilities of English Language Learners with Specific Learning Disabilities, Katrina G. Landa


Does Hope Matter? The Influence of Dispositional Hope on Persistence in a Developmental Writing Course, Stephen S. Madison


The Impact of a Family Home-learning Program on levels of Parental/Caregiver Efficacy, Tomasine A. Morrison


The Effects of the Use of Technology In Mathematics Instruction on Student Achievement, Ron Y. Myers