Education - ETDs | College of Arts, Sciences & Education | Florida International University


Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Principals and Emotional Labor, Marsha Hoover Rogers

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Narratives of Global Learning for Global Citizenship: A Postmodern Story of Pre- and In-Service Teachers' Global Learning Experiences, Sherrie Rhodes Beeson PhD


Teachers’ Beliefs towards Learners’ Heritage Languages inside Schools in a Multilingual Setting, Ivian Boruchowski PhD


In Search of Conscientização: Students’ Experiences in a Composition Course where Social Justice Education is Incorporated, Ana Cowo


The Influence Of Teacher Literacy Practices, Student Competence In Peer Relationships, Reading Interest, And Self-regulation On Reading Achievement In Elementary Students, Al B. Lawrence


Examining Self-regulatory Behaviors and Attention Difficulties in Early Childhood Literacy Achievement, Obi Bryan Lawrence

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


How Ethnic Minority Single Mothers Characterize the Influences that Led Them to Leave the Teaching Profession, Janelle Bravo-San Pedro


The Relationship between Gifted Selection Criteria and Student Performance on Fifth-Grade Science Achievement, Teresa Vega Cereijo


Narrative Inquiry: A Focus on Haitian Immigrant English Learners in the Mainstream Classrooms, Emma Caris Francois


Male Teachers' Exit Decisions: A Qualitative Interview Study Examining the Experiences of Male Teachers Who Left Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS), Tierney E. Hunter


A Culturally Sustaining Book Club: The Examination of African American students' Motivation and Literacy Achievement, Brittney C. Jones


An Exploratory Examination of the Financial Knowledge, Attitudes, Capabilities, and Socialization of Black College Students and their Lived Experience of Personal Financial Management, Joycelyn C. Morris


A Novel Approach to Measuring Teacher Engagement with Resources: Using Social Network Analysis to Understand Teacher Satisfaction and Retention, Jennifer M. Murray


Lift Every Voice: A Narrative Study of the Lived Experiences of Black Female Educators in Public Schools, Rachelle A. Surrancy


Retention of Beginning/Novice Teachers Who Sign Out-of-field Waivers, Heather Dawn Tyler

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Potential Associations of Racial Similarity and Certification Pathways on Teacher Retention, Mary Michelle Atherley


French Muslim Youth’s Perception of their Cultural Identity in a Post-Charlie Hebdo Reality in the 19th Arrondissement., Gaelle Flora Bernard


Student Reflections on Study Abroad: A Collective Case Study Exploring the Experiences of Pre-Service Teachers During an International Student Teaching Program, Holly D. Hutton


Perceptions of Support and Teacher Retention in Secondary Schools, Amaris Leal


The Novice Assistant Principal: Support Needs in the Transition to the Administrative Role, Alyssa Nicole Maestas


The Pedagogy of the Youth Teachers of the Cuban Literacy Campaign, Yuleisy Mena


The Relationship between Teachers’ Measures of Resilience and Self-efficacy with their Intent to Remain in the Teaching Profession., Krisdhal E. Ugarte-Torre

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


The Effects of Continuous Video Prompting on Teaching Daily Living Skills to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Enas Altaf


Examining the Effects of Familial Occupations and Early STEM Experiences on Female Students' STEM Identity and Career Intentions, Susie M. Cohen


Measuring the Relationship Between Educational Administrators' and Teacher Leaders' Leadership Styles and School Culture, Kristina K. Garcia


Teachers in Action: A Phenomenographical Study on Mathematics Teacher Agency, Indira Gil


Representations of a Good Citizen: A Genealogy of Power and Critical Investigation of Pictographs, 1937-1942, Joselyn Naranjo


Understanding L2 Learners' Writing Needs and Attitudes in EAP Writing Contexts, Renata Pavanelli Pereira


Teachers’ Use of Standardized Assessments to Monitor Learning and Its Impact on Student Reading Achievement, Eilyn Sanabria


The Initial Development and Validation of the Youth Gun Violence and Voice Survey: The Classroom Experience, Diana E. Santangelo


Investigating Educational Disparities in Belize: A Quantitative Study on the Impact of Student-Level Sociocultural Factors on Academic Achievement Among High School Seniors Across Belize, Aisha Usher

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


Examining the Cultural Intelligence and Perceptions of Educational Decision-Makers: Factors that Relate to Decision-Making for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students who may have Disabilities, Annela Costa


How are Social Studies Teachers Using Technology in the Classroom?, Stephanie Delgado


Virtual Patient Simulation: Training Pre-Health Professionals in Suicide Risk Prevention, Francisco Javier Fajardo


A Visually-Enhanced Approach to Multivariate Calculus Facilitated by a Computer Algebra System, Belarmino Gonzalez


The Role of Number Writing in Early Math Readiness, Giselle Hernandez


The Effect of Young Adult Literature on Adolescents' Acceptance of Relational Aggression, ilisa j. lieberman


The Relationship Between Aerobic Fitness, Gross and Fine Motor Skills, and Academic Achievement Among First Grade Students in Urban Schools and the Role the Relative Age Effect may have on These Variables, Alberto Pelaez


The HPST Framework: A Case Study on an Organizational Tool Used to Understand Historical Narrative in a Social Studies Classroom, jose m. pombo


Twitter Activity Of Urban And Rural Colleges: A Sentiment Analysis Using The Dialogic Loop, Eugene H. Pons


The The Relationships Between the Leadership Styles of Principals Assigned to Title I Middle Schools, Staff Longevity, School Climate, and Overall School Achievement, Anna L. Rodriguez


Music Literacy: A Multicase Study of Five Choral Directors' Use and Understanding of Choral Music Literacy in the Choral Classroom, Alicia M. Romero Sardiñas


A Comparison Study of the Executive Functioning Abilities and Reading Comprehension Skills of Students in Response to Intervention, Catherine Schultheis Salum


Information Literacy in Higher Education: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Library Instruction from the Academic Librarian, Faculty, and Student Perspectives, Barbara M. Sorondo


Dominant and Critical Mathematics: A Multi-Case Study Examining Mathematics Teachers’ Equitable Teaching Practices, Laura Zamudio

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Supervisory Practices in a Virtual Internship Program: A Multi-Case Study, Elizabeth Adadi


The Effects of Video Prompting on Teaching Daily Living Tasks to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mashal Salman Aljehany


A Mixed Method Study of Prospective Teachers' Epistemic Beliefs and Web Evaluation Strategies Concerning Hoax Websites, Jennifer Coccaro-Pons


Cooperative Learning in Seventh Graders’ Vocabulary Learning in China, yinhong duan


A Corpus-driven Approach toward Teaching Vocabulary and Reading to English Language Learners in U.S.-based K-12 Context through a Mobile App, Seyedjafar Ehsanzadehsorati


The Effect of Reciprocal Mapping on Third-Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement and Reading Attitude, Olga Elena Flamion


Evaluating the Effects of Utilizing a Mobile Device by Transitioning High School Students with Intellectual Disability to Locate Items from a Grocery List and Improve their Independence, Vanessa Gil


An Instructional Strategy with Simulations Used to Increase Statistical Literacy among Students in a Hispanic Serving Institution, Eric O. Hernandez


Special and General Education Teachers’ Assessment of Their Participation in a Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Program, Alexandre Lopes


Task-based Language Teaching versus Present, Practice, Produce: Efficacy in Language Learning and Assessment, Majeed Noroozi


The Relationship Between District Concert Band Music Performance Assessment Participation and Student Achievement in Miami-Dade County Public Middle Schools, Arthur J. N. Scavella


A Philosophical Inquiry into the Role of Universities in American Democratic Society, Justin W. Taylor


Examining the Cross-cultural Experience of Eight Chinese International EFL Students Studying STEM Disciplines in Doctoral Programs at a Large Public Research University, xiuyuan yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017


The Relationship between Information Literacy and Global Learning, Valda J. Adeyiga


Examining the Relationship between Fidelity of Implementation of Accommodations for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Mathematics and Student Achievement in High School Algebra I Inclusion Classes, Belinda Baptiste


Education for Democracy: Mixed Methods Case Studies of Teachers' Critical Thinking Dispositions and Their Teaching Styles, Maram Behairy


Teachers as Facilitators or Barriers of Parent Involvement: Experiences of African American Mothers of Children in Special Education Programs, Princess Briggs


The Effect of Covert Audio Coaching on the Attending Behavior of Elementary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Classroom Setting, Christina Crocco


A Path Analysis Exploration of Teacher’s Effect, Self-Efficacy, Demographic Factors, and Attitudes toward Mathematics among College Students Attending s Minority Serving Institution in Face-to-Face and Hybrid Mathematics Courses, Nelson De La Rosa


The Interactions of Relationships, Interest, and Self-Efficacy in Undergraduate Physics, Remy Dou


An Exploration of Black National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Sorority Membership as it Relates to Academic Achievement and Civic Engagement, Canela Eatman


Multidimensional Leadership: Masculine and Feminine Leadership Approaches in Public Education, Joseph P. Eberhard


How the Use of Subjectivist Instructional Strategies in Teaching Multiple Sections of an Eighth Grade Algebra Class in Guyana Relates to Algebra Achievement and Attitude Changes toward Mathematics, Jennifer Hoyte


Evaluating High School Biology Modeling Instruction in South Florida: A Comparative Case Study, Feng Li


Do Mentoring Programs Make a Difference? A Qualitative Case Study on the Journey of Latino Students in a STEM Track, Juan M. Morata


Becoming Bilingual: Examining Teachers' Perceptions and Practices for Achieving Bilingualism and Biliteracy in English and Spanish in a Two-Way Dual Language Bilingual Education Program, Carolyn O'Gorman-Fazzolari


Examining the Relationships between Gender Role Congruity, Identity, and the Choice to Persist for Women in Undergraduate Physics Majors, Bronwen Bares Pelaez


Project-Based Learning: Investigating Self-Directed Learning Readiness Skills And Content Knowledge Retention In An Urban Jamaican High School Eighth Grade Integrated Science Cohort, Carolyn A. L. Reid-Brown


The Effect of Employing Cultural Criticism in the Teaching of British Literature for Chinese Undergraduate English Majors, Yu Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


An Investigation of the Link Between Nonverbal Aptitude and Academic Achievement, john e. althoff


Predictors of English Reading Comprehension and Performance in College-level Composition among Generation 1.5 Students, Ildiko Barsony


Beyond Special and General Education as Identity Markers: The Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Preservice Teachers’ Understanding of The Effects of Intersecting Sociocultural Identities, Mildred Boveda


Students with Physical Disabilities - Reflections on their Experiences with Work Preparation Programs, Services and Accommodations in a Higher Education Institution, Claudia Castillo


Authentic Servant-Leadership Exemplified by Early Childhood Educator David Lawrence Jr.: A Case Study, Blanca Correa-Cespedes


High School Content-Area Teachers’ Responses to an Exploratory, Investigative, and Experimental Professional Development Program for Content Area Literacy, Laura E. Ferreira Vesga


Using a Repeated Measures ANOVA Design to Analyze the Effect Writing in Mathematics Has on the Mathematics Achievement of Third Grade English Language Learners and English Speakers, Zoe A. Morales


Using Culturally Responsive Teaching with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Specific Learning Disabilities to Increase Performance in Algebra I, Lorena R. Munoz


Training Through Serious Games: The Relationship Between Travel Agent Engagement, Knowledge of Cruise Products and Cruise Sales, Lizette Cruzie Pabon


Peers as an Academic Resource: An Investigation of an Afterschool Program to Socialize At-risk Students with Disabilities into Greater Academic Engagement, Cynthia Pellegrini-Lafont


The Relationship of the Parental Involvement of Latino Immigrant Parents of Middle School Students and Student Academic Achievement, Cory R. Rodriguez


A Descriptive Case Study Examining the Perceptions of Haitian American Parents and the Perceptions of their Children’s Teachers on the Parents’ Involvement in a Structured Parent Intervention Program, Kristina M. Taylor


An Investigation of the Effect of Using Twitter by High School Mathematics Students Learning Linear Equations in Algebra 1, Manuel Vilchez

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Writers' Club: The Effect of Extra Writing on Fourth-Grade, Hispanic Students' Writing, and Their Attitude Towards Writing, Helen F A Barnes


Investigating the Effects of Cognitive Apprenticeship-Based Instructional Coaching on Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs, Teo O.H. Cooper


English Language Learners: A Correlational Study of the Relationship Between A Proficiency Level Assessment and End of Course Test Scores at one Georgia High School, Jacqueline Caroline Ellis


Comparison of Linear Functions in Middle Grades Textbooks from Singapore and the United States, Linda D. Fowler


Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions of Study Abroad and Their Level of Achievement of Global Learning Outcomes, Claudia Grigorescu


Exploring How Transformational Experiences of Faculty Participating in Global Learning Workshops Inform Practice, Eduardo Hernandez


Sex-Positive Curricula: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Physical Fitness, Self-Concept and Sexual Functioning, Lia Jiannine


L'Italiano a Miami: An Investigation of the Current Status of the Teaching and Learning of the Italian Language in Miami and of Students' Motivational Factors, Antonella La Tegola


Exploring Children's Perceptions of African American English, Tamika L. Lewis


Assessing Current Instructional Practices In General Biology One (Bio1010) And Arguing For A Model-Centered Curriculum, Seth Manthey


An Exploration of the Reasons and Purposes of Non-Japanese Undergraduate Students for Taking a Beginners’ Japanese Language Course, Asuka H. Mashav


Higher Education in and for Rural Bolivia: Key Stakeholders' Perceptions of the Educational Experiences of Students who have Attended Unidad Académica Campesina Carmen Pampa., Claudio R. Merisio


The Effect of Mobile Technology as an Active Student Response System on the Acquisition of U.S. History Content of Secondary Students with Specific Learning Disabilities, Ruba Monem