Images from 2005
Carlos Coronado-Molina sampling dead wood in dwarf mangroves, Taylor Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Damaged mangrove forest canopy (Hurricane Wilma), Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Edward Castaneda holding a sediment layer showing sediment deposition by Hurricane Wilma at TS/Ph-8, Taylor Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Fringe mangrove forest showing defoliation by Hurricane Wilma, Shark River Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Houseboats pushed out of the water by Hurricane Wilma, Flamingo, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Houseboats pushed out of the water by Hurricane Wilma, Flamingo, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Jay Sah crossing tidal creek to measure tree damage by Hurricane Wilma, Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Jay Sah measuring tree density in a mangrove forest impacted by Hurricane Wilma, Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Jay Sah measuring tree density in a mangrove forest impacted by Hurricane Wilma, Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Jay Sah measuring tree height in a mangrove forest impacted by Hurricane Wilma, Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Left to right: Edward Castaneda and Kim de Mutsert reinstalling water level recorder damaged by Hurricane Wilma, Shark River Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Left to right: Greg Koch, Kim de Mutsert, Sharon Ewe, Edward Castaneda taking a break during sampling, Shark River Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Left to right: Jay Sah and Nilesh Timilsina measuring diameter at breast height in mangrove forests damaged by Hurricane Wilma, Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Left to right: Mike Ross and Nilesh Timilsina measuring mangrove tree height after Hurricane Wilma, Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Left to right: Nicole Poret and Carlos Coronado-Molina deploying bags to determine decomposition rates of mangrove fine roots, Taylor Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Left to right: Robert Twilley and Nicole Poret. Washing mangrove fine roots to set up a decomposition experiment, Taylor Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Mangrove forest canopy damaged by Hurricane Wilma, Shark River Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Mangrove forest canopy damaged by Hurricane Wilma, Shark River Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Mangrove forest damaged by Hurricane Wilma, mouth of Shark River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Mangrove forest damaged by Hurricane Wilma, mouth of Shark River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Mangrove tree canopy damaged by Hurricane Wilma, Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Mike Ross inspecting mangrove tree canopy damage after Hurricane Wilma, Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Mike Ross measuring height of a tree damaged by Hurricane Wilma in Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Nicole Poret (FCE graduate student from FSU) at SRS-5, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Nicole Poret retrieving decomposition bags to measure mangrove fine root decomposition rates, Shark River Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Nicole Poret weighing mangrove fine roots to set up a decomposition experiment, Shark River Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Nilesh Timilsina measuring tree height in a mangrove forest impacted by Hurricane Wilma, Harney River, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Sediment deposition (mangrove soils) from Hurricane Wilma, Shark River Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Sharon Ewe sampling porewater for isotopic studies, Taylor Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Tagged tree damaged by Hurricane Wilma, Shark River Slough, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Tree Islands in Everglades Landscapes: Current Status, Historical Changes, and Hydrologic Impacts on Population Dynamics and Moisture Relations, First Annual Report, Michael Ross, Steve Oberbauer, Pablo Ruiz, Nilesh Timilsina, Daniel Gomez, Jay Sah, Susanna Stofella, and Leonel Sternberg
Monstrum in femine figura : the patriarchal devaluation of the Irish goddess, the Mor-rioghan, Kelley Flannery Rowan
Framework for Enterprise Systems Engineering, Oscar Alejandro Saenz
Integration of Satellite and Financial Data to Model Future Economic Impact of Citrus Crops (Final Project Report), Rahul J. Shrivastava
Developing Ecological Criteria for Prescribed Fire in South Florida Pine Rockland Ecosystems, James R. Snyder, Michael S. Ross, Suzanne Koptur, and Jay Sah
The Study of Sonar for Imaging of the Solid-Liquid Interface Inside Large Tanks, Nitin Sood
Collective Equipoise, Disappointment and the Therapeutic Misconception: On the Consequences of Selection for Clinical Research, Peter Thompson and Margaret M. Byrne
Spinoff Entry in High-tech Industries: Motives and Consequences, Peter Thompson and Steven Klepper
Marisol 1, unknown
Marisol 2, unknown
SRS-1c autosampler, Shark River Slough, Wetland Ecosystems Lab
SRS-1c sawgrass, Shark River Slough, Wetland Ecosystems Lab
SRS-1c, Shark River Slough, Wetland Ecosystems Lab
SRS-1c, Shark River Slough, Wetland Ecosystems Lab
SRS-1c, Shark River Slough, Wetland Ecosystems Lab
SRS-1c, Shark River Slough, Wetland Ecosystems Lab
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
A study of gas holdup properties of selected non-Newtonian simulants, Milena Abarca
Teachers' knowledge, awareness, and pedagogy of global education in secondary schools, Abubakar Sadiq Abdullahi
The effect of a reform on a school organizational culture after receiving a failing Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test rating, Mona Abou-Assali
Design and analysis of micro-channel heat-exchanger embedded in Low Temperature Co-fire Ceramic (LTCC), Hari Kishore Adluru
A framework for policy based coordinated adaptation in mobile systems, Saurabh Agrawal
Portable architecture, Maria Mayela Alfaro
Feasts of power : how food reveals Eve's influential role in John Milton's epic poem, "Paradise Lost", Jeanne M. Ali
The therapeutic effects of Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III assessment feedback, Andrea Allen and Andrea Allen Keener
Kit-of-parts architecture : an exploration into the standardization and simplification of an urban residential building unit, John Anderson Allmand
The impact of looping of fourth grade students on their reading achievement, Mary Jo Almeida-Shore
The acculturation of middle income Hispanic households, Cecilia Maria Alvarez
A comparison of the Kodaly method and the traditional method to determine pitch accuracy in grade 6 choral sight-singing, Merissa Amkraut
Norms and Greek foreign policy : 1981-2000., Arghyris Arghyrou
Program notes and translations for a graduate voice recital, Sara Arias Ruiz
Retail centers for community : addressing both pedestrian and car traffic, Luis Asturias
Risk and resilience factors associated with delinquent behavior among African American adolescent males, Lynette Atteloney
A software tool that generates symbolic model verifier (SMV) input language from a predicate transition net, Amany Z. Awadallah
Rainfall variability in the upper Napo River Basin, Ecuadorian Amazon, Marcelo Vicente Ayabaca
The impact of migration and intergenerational changes on the Cuban family in the United States, Darna Aybar Guardia
Parallel relationships, architecture and water : the urban spa, Tobi Aycock
The effects of hydroperiod on the life-history parameters of Lucania goodei (fundulidae) in the Florida Everglades, J. Shawna Baker
An examination of Bernard Connor's The History of Poland (1698) and its depiction of the political, religious, and cultural history of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, John Paul Bardunias
A graduate piano accompanying recital, Sara M. Barton
Analysis and design of tall concrete buildings : an investigation regarding the use of cracked versus un-cracked moment of inertia, Anas Bataineh
The phonological analysis of bilingual Creole/English children living in South Florida, Carolyn F. Beaubrun
Student perceptions of the school physical fitness testing program : the Fitnessgram, Jacqueline Becker-Busha
Navigating the past, envisioning the future : Octavia Butler's heroines, Dixie-Ann Belle
Acculturation and Hispanic identity/ethnicity as a predictor of change on the brief situational confidence questionnaire, Simy Benchimol
Vertical attenuation of light predicts the sequence to dawn song in a tropical forest avifuana, Karl Stephen Berg
The design, implementation and production process of creating a viable series of Latin shows in Hollywood, Florida, Cynthia Gredel Berrios
Mobile architecture : offering new perceptions of the city, Valeria G. Bettoli
Palm Cottage Garden Historic Preservation, Vrushali J. Bharadwaj
Internet Protocol (IP) design and implementation for efficient mobility to devices in wireless networks, Arpit Bhatnagar
Once a Catholic : a novel in stories and poems, Mona Birch
Occupational therapists' attitudes toward family-centered care, Elise M. Bloch
The isolation, characterization, and application of WRKY genes as useful molecular markers in tropical trees, James William Borrone
FY2004 Annual Report of the Water Quality Monitoring Project for the Water Quality Protection Program of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Joseph N. Boyer
Little Venice Water Quality Monitoring Quarterly Report #11, Joseph N. Boyer
South Florida Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Network FY2004 Cumulative Report to the South Florida Water Management District (Contract No. C-15397), Joseph N. Boyer
South Florida Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Network Quarterly Report (C-15397), Joseph N. Boyer
South Florida Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Network Quarterly Report (C-15397), Joseph N. Boyer
South Florida Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Network Quarterly Report (C-15397), Joseph N. Boyer
South Florida Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Network Quarterly Report (C-15397), Joseph N. Boyer
Little Venice Water Quality Monitoring Project: Phase I Results, Joseph N. Boyer, Ronald Jones, and Danielle Mir-Gonzalez
Benthic Community Monitoring for the Little Venice Sewage Collection and Treatment Project in Marathon, Florida, Joseph N. Boyer, Danielle Mir-Gonzalez, and Ronald Jones
A descriptive study of the ratio of approval to disapproval demonstrated by music teachers and classroom teachers in first, second, and third grades, Manuel Emilio Brenes
A recital of selected repertoire for the soprano voice, Emily Brennan
Predictors of client retention in alternative to prison substance abuse programs, Jolae Brocato
Effects of instruction on first, second and third grade children's ability to decenter when assessed on discrimination between contrasting musical characteristics, Daniel A. Brodhead
Jump! How high?, Tracey Ann Broussard
Improving performance of a permeable reactive barrier in the degradation of trichloroethylene using ultrasound, Jonathan A. Bulley
Retention and special education referral practices before and after the implementation of high-stakes testing, Sue L. Buslinger-Clifford
El discurso vindicatorio de Juan Goytisolo y Zoé Valdéz : deconstrucción y recodificación del lenguaje hegemónico, Barbara Cabana